Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 2273 - Number of pages: 9.... gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and, in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them disappear. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental differences between them.
Jack was first described with having an air of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of the tallest boys on the island, Jack's physical height and .....
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Blind Mans Bluff
Number of words: 402 - Number of pages: 2.... spy on the ship and see what they were up to. These subs played a huge roll in the war. If a ship was transporting weapons or bomb making materials to the enemy, the sub could ratio to US forces and take over the ship. One very brave commander in the war was Norman G. Bessac. He commanded the USS Gudgeon, which was an old diesel engined submarine straight into enemy territory. The Gudgeon was caught and pounded by enemy subs. One of the very important subs in the war was the Cochino. It monitored the development of the atomic bomb that the soviets were making. Unfortunately the Coch .....
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Frederick Douglass
Number of words: 2095 - Number of pages: 8.... did not want change. Therefore, Douglass used his life story as a tool to promote abolition among literate northern whites. used family relationships, starting with his birth to tug at the heartstrings of his targeted audience. He never knew the true identity of his father, but it was "whispered" (2) that it was his master. Douglass mentioned this to show how the "slave holder in (many) cases, sustains to his slaves the double relation of master and father." (2) This was so commonplace that it was "by law established that the children of women shall in all cases fo .....
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If I Cant Have Her, No One Can
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... an undesired and unforeseen encounter between the girl and Barry, the old woman is informed that she must hand over the girl. Feeling helpless and having no control over the situation, she feels forced to make a major decision to prevent the young girl from, what she feels, would be a grave predicament.
Old Woman Magoun most likely feels responsible for Lily’s situation and her own daughter’s demise and has learned to fear men as a result of it. She fears the girl’s father because he represents the part of herself that she cannot control, Lily. She has no choice but t .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... direct correlation with her becoming and individual and in control of her own self. For example she states how Robert's encouragement while she is painting is very innocent in the beginning but eventually lead's to of her passions of her body and her falling in love with Robert. The fact that Edna falls for Robert goes against those societal roles which where followed by some many women of the 1800's. Robert plays a big role in Edna's self-development through artistry and love by being a huge source of imaginative power. Stone then goes on making references to the scene in which s .....
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Tragic Triumph
Number of words: 587 - Number of pages: 3.... soul-wrenching cry, “You will not use me!” (142). And so, with
these words, the first provision of a tragedy is furnished.
Miller spares us the full repercussions of Proctor’s decision by ending the play before the
hangings. Still, it is evident what the consequence of Proctor’s insistent grip on integrity will be:
death. I find it much more fitting that Miller excludes the most disparaging part of the play and
instead instills in our minds the positive side. Elizabeth plants the seed of this thought when she
proclaims of John, “He have his goodness n .....
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Lord Of The Flies Book Analysi
Number of words: 1805 - Number of pages: 7.... the pig! Bash him in!" (Chap. 7, pg. 114) This line shows that they have pretty much lost it by now. It describes their loss of hope for rescue, and that they have developed a superiority complex. The rush they get from ending a life has made them go insane and clouded their judgement. As the book goes on and they say this line more often, wackiness follows.
"Coming?" (Chap. 7, pg. 119) Although Ralph was a good leader and had good intentions, he was still somewhat passive because he always gave in to whatever Jack said. He would let Jack walk all over him which was a factor in the " .....
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A Summary Of Romeo And Juliet
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... out onto her balcony to tell the stars about her strong but forbidden love. At the same time, Romeo is lurking in the bushes below. He overhears Juliet confess her love for him to the heavens. No longer able to control his powerful feelings, Romeo reveals himself to her and admits that he feels the same. The very next day, with the help of Romeo's friend Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet are secretly married.
On the day of the wedding, two of Romeo's friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, are walking through the streets of Verona when they are confronted by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. Tybalt is ou .....
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Alice In Wonderland
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4.... from the beginning we do not know what to believe. Later in the story, Prendick is picked up by the Ipecacuanha. On this ship there are deformed and strange men riding with Montgomery. “He was, I could see, a misshappen man, short, broad and clumsy, with a crooked back, a hairy neck and a head sunk between his shoulders (pg. 10).” This is the first picture we get of the deformities from the island. During this time on the Ipecacuanha, Prendick is weak from exhaustion and in a state of confusion, which adds to our confusion.
It is later in the story, where reality really becomes d .....
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Sexuality In Wiseblood
Number of words: 1239 - Number of pages: 5.... different levels. Before watching the "show," he was filled with curiosity. So badly he wanted to view this "EXclusive" show. After glancing at the body, he first thought that it was a skinned animal. When he realized what it was, he at once left the tent, ashamed, and perhaps frightened of the object before his eyes.
Hazel’s reaction was not unnatural. The sight with which he was confronted would invoke both fear and embarassment within most ten-year-olds. Not only was the body nude, but it was inside a casket as well. The author parallels this vulgar display of sexuality with death itse .....
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