The Bean Trees
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... (page 40). Mattie was exceptionally nice to Taylor and told her to come inside and have some coffee. After drinking a cup of coffee and giving Turtle some juice Mattie came up with the idea that Taylor could work for her. Taylor being the one who doesn't like tires in the first place accepted the generous offer, but went almost nuts with the huge tire wall that surrounded her. Taylor was a good worker and didn't have any real complaints about her position, but she still had a fear of exploding tires. This fear was noticeable to Mattie. Mattie being the rough-tough but nice pe .....
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Utopia, 1984 Comparison
Number of words: 2232 - Number of pages: 9.... love and loyalty, in the society of 1984. ¡§The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, a look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself¡¨ (Orwell, 65). This example shows the unfortunate replacement of loyalty with fear and suspicion of everyone in 1984. ¡§It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place, or near a telescreen¡¨ (65). Suspicion is a dominant feeling felt by almost all the members of the Outer Party in 1984. For example, when Winston met Julia for the first time, his immediate thoughts were; ¡§She must be with th .....
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Guilt, Duty, And Unrequited Love
Number of words: 2312 - Number of pages: 9.... The viewers watched them go through many conflicts, some of which involved the classic love triangle. Such conflicts as the love triangle keep the story moving. Common elements of triangles in today’s soaps consist of lust, greed, jealousy, any of which are interchangeable with the conflicts resulting from situations involving lovers coming back from the dead or paternity uncertainties. Yet love triangles, whether in the soap opera or in the novel, are not all uniformly constructed. James Joyce’s The Dead and Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure, both modernist novels, each cont .....
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Ethan Frome- Charachter Analys
Number of words: 300 - Number of pages: 2.... with. This says a lot about Ethan’s character. Not only is he very loyal, caring, and honest, but his morals and standards are something for everybody to admire.
After reading this story, one might get the impression that Ethan got what he deserved for trying to leave Zeena. However, on closer examination, we can see that although he wanted to leave Zeena, not in a physical way but by death, he still couldn’t. His loyalty to his wife forbade him. We can see this when Wharton writes, “ But suddenly his wife’s face, with twisted monstrous lineaments, thrust itsel .....
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Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3.... for an impoverished Eliza, but also presents her insecurity to us. In the scene with the taxi-man, she appears significantly defensive in her response concerning the cost of the cab ride. Eliza feels humiliated by the taxi-man’s sarcastic response to her. From the start of Higgins and Eliza’s relationship, Eliza is treated like a child. Higgins says to her, “If your naughty and idle you will sleep in the back kitchen among the black beetles, and be walloped by Mrs. Pearce with a broomstick.” (p. 36) Higgins treats her like this for months until the audience meets her again i .....
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Ethics Of St. Thomas
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... or belief, from knowledge and to assign distinct objects to each. Opinion, for Plato, was a form of apprehension that was shifting and unclear, similar to seeing things in a dream or only through their shadows; its objects were correspondingly unstable. Knowledge, by contrast, was wholly lucid; it carried its own guarantee against error, and the objects with which it was concerned were eternally what they were, and so were exempt from change and the deceptive power to appear to be what they were not. Plato called the objects of opinion phenomena, or appearances; he referred to the obje .....
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Atticus Finch In To Kill A Moc
Number of words: 456 - Number of pages: 2.... calm and cool about the situation. When this happened you could tell he was trying to hold back not fighting in front of Jem
Atticus Finch is also a very good Christian. One way is he is not a racist man. He has dedicated himself to defend Tom Robinson. Not even thinking twice about his race. This shows that he has very good morals.
In hard times Atticus Finch kept faith. This shows how he is a good Christian. When Atticus lost Tom's case, Atticus told Tom that they would come back on an appeal and they could possibly win. He never lost faith.
Atticus appears his legal occupation seems very i .....
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Sappho (the Greek Poet)
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... her work was deemed obscene by the Church, and most of it was burned. Most of them were lost, and Sappho was known only through quotations in other ancient writers until 1900, when considerable fragments of her work began to be found on papyrus in Egypt and so only a few hundred lines of her poetry remain. In her lifetime, she invented a 21-string lyre which she used to accompany herself when she sang her poems. She also founded a "thiasos", a society of women bound by religious and secular oaths. Her Sapphic stanza which consists of three long lines and one short one was greatly
e .....
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Number of words: 772 - Number of pages: 3.... baby by sending snakes into his crib. But little Hercules was one strong baby, and he strangled the snakes, one in each hand, before they could bite him. Hera decided to pay Zeus back by making the rest of Hercules life as miserable as she could.
When Hercules grew up and had become a great warrior, he married Megara. They had two children. Hercules and Megara were very happy, but life didn't turn out for them the way it does in the movie. Hera made Hercules go so crazy that put him into a great rage. murdered Megara and the children. When Hercules regained his senses and saw the horribl .....
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To Be, Or Not To Be
Number of words: 1514 - Number of pages: 6.... to Conrad’s short story, “The Secret Sharer”. Conrad directly used his knowledge of the occurrences aboard the Cutty Sark for that particular story.
“The Secret Sharer” is a psychological masterpiece that dramatizes the act of sympathetic identification with an outlaw. Also, it deals with the achievement of self-mastery when the secret self is exorcised (Graver 150). In it, the character Leggatt is the embodiment of the captain’s personality; yet, he is not any higher or lower than the captain. He’s only different. He is one side, to a double-si .....
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