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Term Papers on English

The Power Of One: One Person Can Change The World
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2

.... power of one. I think someone that can reach out to just one person's life is just as important as someone who can change the lives of millions. One last thing I think is important to note is that, in recognizing the power of one person to make a difference, we must also note the contributions of others to help put that person where they are. A further explanation of this would be to go back to our other scenario. When, in the last inning, someone hits a game-winning grand slam homerun, that person is very important. However it is also important to give credit to those on base or to .....

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Lord Of The Flies 11
Number of words: 1205 - Number of pages: 5

.... problem by appointing Jack the leader of the hunters and keepers of the fire. He had hoped this would repair any damage that had been done to their short friendship. Ralph was doing his duty as the chief and tried to deal with their individual problems. However, this solution ended up doing more harm than good. The friction between Ralph and Jack flourished throughout the book. Jack soon became obsessed with savagery and killing pigs. The only thing he cared about was meat. And Jack does kill a pig; however killing that pig sacrificed the fire and the boys missed a rescue opportunity b .....

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Beowulf: The Mighty Protector Of Men
Number of words: 327 - Number of pages: 2

.... anger/ Doubled his strength, he threw to the floor”(510-511). Beowulf is extremely loyal to his people. “Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now when help was needed”(114-116) describes Beowulf’s reason for his journey to Hrothgar to save his people from Grendel. In another line, Beowulf is described as: “that noble protector of all seamen”(596). This proves he really cares about the likes of other people and what happens to them. Another example of his loyalty is when he is battling the dragon. After all his men deserte .....

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The Crucible 5
Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4

.... via initiating and adamantly continuing these "witch trials". Finally John Proctor, the rationalist, shows that when people like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor who are the saintliest of people are accused of being witches, something must be wrong. Mary Warren has a difficult decision to make. She has realized that her whole way of life has been based on injustice. However, how can she extricate herself from Abigail and her friends, not to mention her new feelings of confidence. Marydecides to speak out against Abigail and the others for their false accusations and said that sh .....

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Odysseus And His Adventures
Number of words: 815 - Number of pages: 3

.... humans would escape. But escape they did and promptly they left the island. After escaping Polyphemus, Odysseus and his men arrive at the island of Aeolus, another paradise-like island where everyone lives well and luxuriously. Aeolus was extremely kind to Odysseus and his men, entertaining them for a month, then giving them a gift to cherish: a bag in which he had captured all of the winds, guaranteeing that Odysseus and his men would have a quick, safe journey home. When Odysseus and his men were extremely close to Ithaca. Odysseus believed themselves out of danger and took a nap His men, .....

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The Death Penalty Just Or Inju
Number of words: 2121 - Number of pages: 8

.... others can or cannot live? We find someone guilty of murder and sentence him to death, does that not make murderers out of ourselves? Can justice justify our acts? Those who assist in the death penalty are they not partners in crime? Is the death penalty a "Cruel and Unusual" punishment or is it now a necessary tool in the war on crime? With the increase in crime and violence in our society, how does the death penalty affect a North American family. History of the Death Penalty: Use of the death penalty has declined throughout the industrial Western World since the 19th century. In 1972 .....

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Young Goodman Brown 5
Number of words: 1042 - Number of pages: 4

.... and the darkness symbolize evil and sinfulness. As Brown enters the woods he comments on the gloominess, loneliness, and mystery of the forest (pg. 75). The home, namely Faith and her ribbons, symbolizes the perceived safety and certainty of the Puritan community. Brown intends on "making more haste on his present evil purpose" (pg. 75) so he can return quickly to the village. The community is seen as a safe haven from the sin of the rest of the world. Not only does Faith represent security but also the innocence and the purity of strength in religion. Brown refers to her as "a bles .....

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The Problem Of Personal Identi
Number of words: 1737 - Number of pages: 7

.... The first main concept that Perry states is identity and similarity. He starts by stating the difference between identity and similarity, which most people use to describe the same things. However, when Parry uses the term identity, he means that there is just one thing involved. For example if you have twins, they are not identical twins because if the twins were identical, then only one person would exist. Similarity means two things are the same. So in this case, if you had twins you would say that they are the same. Some philosophers say that we are never identical from moment to .....

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Tennessee Williams' Characters: Escape
Number of words: 417 - Number of pages: 2

.... emotions, he projects to the audience a facade of control and masculinity. His biggest dreams flash before his eyes on a screen in a darkened room; yet, in that little apartment he faces only the dimness. Even during his reflections on the “fire escape” he is not really separating himself because that metal frame, however sturdy, is still anchored to the apartment wall. Amanda, the Wingfield matriarch, utilizes an almost hysterical mechanism of denial. She surrounds her reality with the images of days she saw herself as the southern belle. Whenever she urges her family forward, she inevi .....

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Authority Vs Individuality
Number of words: 1312 - Number of pages: 5

.... by Ray Bradbury, set in a futuristic society, about a fireman named Guy Montag whose job is to go and burn the books, which are forbidden, being the source of all discord and unhappiness. The two main themes in this novel are Social change and the banning of books to stop inequality and Individualism. One of the changes the Authority is responsible in this novel is Social change. Their main purpose is to not let the individual think alone. The Authority does this by giving individuals no time to think, as captain Beatty puts it: ‘Give them zippers instead of buttons’ (pg 63) Clarisee .....

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