Holden Caulfield (catcher In T
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The Corrruption Of Innocence
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... others. Holden goes in part of the book about jobs he likes and starts to describe job of a lawyer and says how they are sincere and try to save innocent lives, but then he goes on to think about how they are probably phonies and only doing it to be hot-shots and makes lots of money to impress society. (Salinger 172) The outcome of his thoughts was that everybody had conformed and followed each society’s ideas, which upset Holden because no one was free of corruption accept the children of society, like Ally. Holden sees it as a major issue in the book and serves as a major role .....
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Hamlet (william Shakespeare).
Number of words: 1742 - Number of pages: 7.... the Ghost's first appearance to Hamlet, Hamlet decides that when he finds it suitable or advantageous to him, he will put on a mask of madness. He confides to Horatio that when he finds the occasion appropriate, he will "put an antic disposition on" (I.v.173). This strategy gives Hamlet a chance to find proof of Claudius's guilt and to contemplate his revenge tactic. Although he has sworn to avenge his father's murder, he is not sure of the Ghost's origins: "The spirit that I have seen / May be the devil" (II.ii.596-7). He uses his apparent madness as a delaying tactic to buy time in whic .....
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Friendship Theme From Lord Of
Number of words: 1260 - Number of pages: 5.... other children. He quickly trusted, and latched onto Ralph, ignoring Ralph’s constant teasing . Ralph was insecure as all boys his age are, he didn’t really want to be caught liking the outcast so he teased him. “I don’t care what they call me, so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school…They used to call me Piggy” (Golding: pg.11) Piggy confided to Ralph, asking him to be secretive, thinking that Ralph was his friend. When really he couldn’t care less about Piggy’s fate. Ralph betrayed Piggy by announcing .....
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Beowulf 14
Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... up a trap for Grendel by boasting to the great king of how he was going to defeat the great Grendel with his bare hands. This miss leads Grendel into thinking that he will be easy to kill. Untold to Grendel Beowulf has taken half of his men with their weapons and hidden them. They attacked him in vain, his skin was too tough
to be pierced by a sword. Beowulf ended up ripping Grendel's shoulder and arm out of its socket, because he could not kill him with his sword. Grendel escaped back to his layer to slowly die of his mortal wound.
This proves that good will all ways overcome evi .....
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Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... parents said to her about each other and includes their voices in the essay. She also includes what she remembers exactly from her parents. "If it wasn't for you two, my mother told us, I could be off somewhere else" (653). The quote obviously shows that this is what she remembers her mom saying. The author puts voices in the essay by using memories of her past.
Steedman uses voices in her essay so that the reader can get a background and see perceptions or feelings. "She was a good weaver; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen"(647). This paragraph of a story was told about h .....
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Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... to
his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if
his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would
never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of
his death.
The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the
Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith
in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel,
but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father
politely asks the gypsy where the lavoratories are. Not only does th .....
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Lamuel Gulliver
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... and brings them together to the Lilliputian king. Then both of the countries negotiate and settle peace. Thus, Gulliver stops the friction between the two countries and establishes everlasting peace. This marks a characteristic of wisdom within Gulliver and the apple on his shield signifies this quality.
We must always take into account that this novel was written at a time when England was a world power that was dominant in remote parts of the world, such as India, the Caribbean, and America. Gulliver is a good representative of England, but one who loses faith in mankind as the story .....
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Number of words: 1658 - Number of pages: 7.... she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder. Throughout , Sethe's character consistently displays the duplistic nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe's reunion with Paul D. she describe .....
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The Patented Gate And The Mean
Number of words: 1479 - Number of pages: 6.... Holden, according to many reviews in the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, and the New York Times, accurately captures the informal speech of an average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent (Costello, 1990). Such speech includes both simple description and cursing. For example, Holden says, "They're nice and all", as well as "I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything." In the first instance, he uses the term "nice" which oversimplifies his parents' character, implying he does not wish to disrespect them, yet at the same time he does not pra .....
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