King Lears Plot Synopsis
Number of words: 1361 - Number of pages: 5.... honesty, but is banished for contradicting Lear's proclamation. Lear is going to live with his eldest daughters, yet still keep the title "King." Secretly, Goneril and Regan conspire to not allow Lear to exert his title over anything.
Meanwhile, the Earl of Gloucester suffers a similar lapse in judgement. He is easily deceived by his bastard son, Edmund. Edmund draws up a phony letter that implicates the good son, Edgar, in a conspiracy to kill his father. Then, he "accidentally" allows Gloucester to see it. Edmund furthers his evil intentions by lying to Edgar, stating that Gloucester is .....
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Animal Farm 5
Number of words: 350 - Number of pages: 2.... and escaping.
Life after the humans leave is not the paradise the animals had dreamed about; Old majors ideals were forgotton and the pig Napolean and his pack of dogs assume leadership. Snowball, the other pig is forced to flee for his life and the other animals begin to suffer as they did before the revolution. Napplean and his pack of dogs alnog with the other pigs begin to associate with the humans they despised.
The other animals see them in the farmhouse playing cards with the humans and see a fight erupt between them. Soon it is apparant that the animals and the humans are alike, fa .....
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Inivisble Man
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... Howe means that Ellison tries to overwhelm the reader, when instead he should be either persuading or telling the story. The novel is written in first person singular and therefore Howe mentions that it is hard to distinguish between the hero and himself (the matured "I" telling the story and the "I" who is the victim). The middle section of the novel concerns the Harlem Stalinists (Communists), to Howe it appears untrue, due to the fact that Ellison wrote with bitterness and made the Stalinists seem stupid, vicious and cynical. He was not surprised either by the .....
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Number of words: 796 - Number of pages: 3.... play it seemed as though the thoughts of his mind came too quickly for the actions of his body to keep up with. This intellectual quality provided a roadblock for ’s taking a quick revenge on Claudius. Nearly all of ’s actions, with the exception of his outburst at Ophelia’s grave, were preplanned and precisely calculated. His inborn thought process prolonged his revenge, and while may have appeared listless with inaction, the wheels in his mind never stopped turning. questioned everything, including the validity of his own father’s ghost, and this questioning slowed down ’s abil .....
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Beowulf And Grendel: Craving For The Queen
Number of words: 1476 - Number of pages: 6.... and portrayed the same role in Hygelac's kingdom. There is
reference in both texts concerning this tradition, and it is evident to the
reader that this is not an unusual Anglo-Saxon custom.
Queen Wealhtheow and Queen Hygd served as excellent role models for the
courts in which they served. They exemplified the mannerisms and etiquette of
the noble people. Queen Wealhtheow showed excellent poise from the very
beginning of both texts. She was admirable as she passed the mead bowl around
Heorot. The offering of the bowl was symbolic, being that the bowl was first
given to Hrothgar .....
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Traditions In "A Moment Before The Gun Went Off" And "The Lottery"
Number of words: 785 - Number of pages: 3.... of Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson is a devoted mother and housewife.
She is the one who eventually gets singled out to win the lottery. So it is
Mrs. Hutchinson who is impacted the most brutally by the lottery. However
the other people of the village are affected differently by the lottery. It
is very unlikely that the people of the village kill people for the sake of
killing people. More likely there is a deeper reason. One possibility is
that the people of this village of this village are looking for a scapegoat.
A person to take the blame for mistakes and sins of others, so one pe .....
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The Hypocrisy Of The Media
Number of words: 659 - Number of pages: 3.... Papers to support his position, specifically, “one of the Constitution’s safeguards against oppressive measures is that Congress can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of society.” He reasons, therefore, that Bush’s possible confession that he used cocaine when he was young should force him, his supporters and the rest of us to do some hard thinking.
What Mr. Taylor presents for his readers is actually a straw man. Arguments surrounding Bush’s, “unspecified young and irresponsible escapades,” .....
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Massacre Of Wounded Knee
Number of words: 1625 - Number of pages: 6.... marked the great last effort of the Indians' struggle to maintain their own culture and identity. The end of Indian America is marked by what can only be called a massacre.
In 1880, the Great Sioux Reservation corralled the Sioux tribes and gave white American agencies control over their activities. The establishment of
separate reservations blurred long-standing tribal distinctions. The older, subtribals gradually became obsolete and Indians began to identify themselves according to their reservations. The Sioux struggled to uphold to many of their old customs and traditions and were .....
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Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... way, because look at people in this society, and I just see a hoard of people [t]hat hoard and sleep, and feed…” My life means a whole lot more to me than that. I refuse to just get through life, working a job 40 hours a week until I’m 65, and then retire in Florida with 2 kids. I want to be rich, live like a king. I want to do all there is to do under the sun, and most impertinently on my deathbed, I want to be satisfied in every respect.
A particular experience that led me to these beliefs, happened my junior year in High School. I was at my friend Dan Bernstein .....
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The Crucible - Characters Hidden Motives
Number of words: 576 - Number of pages: 3.... whom she was hurting. This is an example of her selfishness.
Other people in the book demonstrated motives of kindness and caring for other people. John and Elizabeth Proctor were a couple that looked out for the good of the people. Their true motives were to correct the witchcraft hysteria taking place in Salem that that time. When John realized what Abigail was up to, he tried to reveal the truth to save the people on trial. Even when he knew he could be named, he tried to shed light on what was really going on in Salem. He admitted to adultery because he thought I might rectify some .....
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