Iowa- An American Portrait
Number of words: 453 - Number of pages: 2.... With this newfound “wonder crop”, Iowans found that farming had become the ideal way of life. Working on the farm involved all of the members of the family, which brought them together and made them stronger through hardships and great opportunities.
Draft horses used for plowing later became a luxury and farming soon lost its fun and joyful qualities. It was a time of greater hardship than ever before, but the freedom Iowa farmers had to work, worship, live, and play in their own way made it worth the despairing times.
Towns of all sizes began growing throughout Iowa. With .....
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Nature Vs. Nurture
Number of words: 473 - Number of pages: 2.... of an infant’s temperament. How the child reacts to certain experiences and how the child’s sensory feelings allow him to play out the situation.
The child learns social referencing from the caregivers/parents. The environment of the culture, economic standing and self esteem of those around the child will set the way that the child will learn to behave in a situation. Social referencing plays a part of how the child learns to control his behavior, by mimicking those around him.
Personalities can be a strong .....
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Shakespeare And His Theater
Number of words: 562 - Number of pages: 3.... silk clothes with many ruffles. Many times there were musical accompaniments and sound effects such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to simulate thunder.
The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher acting area which symbolized a porch or balcony. This was useful in the story of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo stood below Juliet and told her how he loved her. In the stage floor was a trap door which was said to lead to "hell" or a ce .....
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Spoon River
Number of words: 366 - Number of pages: 2.... of the people who are always changing their minds because of what other people say and end up doing something they regret so badly, they begin to fall apart emotionally and financially. "While we seekers of earth's treasure, getters and hoarders of gold are self-contained, compact and harmonized." That quote is a metaphor for people who are always trying to find news ways to make more money and those who don't like to spend their money. They are cool, calm, and always prepared for a rainy day. This poem has no rhyming or rhythmic words. It tells how Thomas Rhodes feels about money. The poe .....
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Aunt Rosanas Rocker-hispanic-a
Number of words: 1775 - Number of pages: 7.... not directly talk about
the different roles they play, but it can be seen and
understood through the events that take place and through
the way the characters act.
Castro, who is one of the main characters of the story
is married to Zoraida. Zoraida’s husband, Castro, is the
head of the family and is the one who is working and
supporting the family. “He had even considered sleeping on
the living room couch, but he would not be driven out of his
own bed. He was still a man after all, a macho, master of
his home, someone to be reckoned with, not be pushed out.R .....
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Truth Is It Good Or Evil
Number of words: 1107 - Number of pages: 5.... the story, but it is he who hold the key to grandmothers utter emotions. I believe the Misfit was grandmother’s destiny. Flannery O’Conner creates a story that forces us to question, “What is truth?” Through the grandmother who lives a life of clichés – we are taken on a journey of discovery. By the end of the journey we discover to be “good” we must be able to accept and forgive even those who deliver great loss to us.
Truth is definitely a theme throughout the story. Grandma always believed that when she spoke, she always knew the truth. .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 4069 - Number of pages: 15.... emotions that he wants to portray while Marlow
goes on this "voyage of a lifetime".
Marlow begins his voyage as an ordinary English sailor who is
traveling to the African Congo on a "business trip". He is an
Englishmen through and through. He's never been exposed to any
alternative form of culture, similar to the one he will encounter in
Africa, and he has no idea about the drastically different culture
that exists out there.
Throughout the book, Conrad, via Marlow's observations, reveals to
the reader the naive mentality shared by every European. Marlo .....
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Educating Rita
Number of words: 2087 - Number of pages: 8.... Frank asks, "What can I teach you?" and Rita replies, "Everything." Later on she seems to think that she has acquired and learnt everything. "I've got what you got Frank, and you don't like it."
At the beginning he finds himself faced with an unexpectedly fresh and uncluttered mind. Rita tests Frank's intellectual talents to the full, by requiring constant justification and explanation of statements that would usually be taken for granted and accepted in a conversation between a student and a tutor. Frank is intrigued by her freshness in Act One Scene One showing that what Rita possesses .....
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Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4.... and one of the school board members. Somebody told them about those books I’d pasted over...but that was only an excuse." (Pg 151)
This highlights some of the themes by TJ’s total lack of loyalty and personal integrity.
One of TJ’s biggest mistakes in the book is befriending two white boys, R.W. and Melvin Simms (Jeremy’s brothers). He thinks they are his friends and he doesn’t know that they are just using him. By hanging around with these two he ends up getting himself in a lot of trouble. They talk him into stealing the ‘pearl-handled pistol’ from the Ba .....
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A Child Called It
Number of words: 694 - Number of pages: 3.... and emotional cruelty just long enough for his dad to arrive, and he would not receive the most severe option of the abuse. When his mother attempted to make him eat his brother’s stool, he held his head away just long enough to get it taken away at the last second as his father drove up from work.
The games that his mother would make him play would turn deadly. He had to fortunately thank God that she was a former nurse. For example, she told him that she was going to kill him, and played with a knife as if she was going to. The knife slipped out of her hands and struck him aroun .....
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