Special Delivery
Number of words: 815 - Number of pages: 3.... "…, it came to me that what we both were seeking through our separate cab windows was that part of ourselves which had been left behind". They both are desperate to find faded memories that are left behind of their childhood before the pain and misery came to their life. Once for a short while they were happy before the death of their parents, little Gracie, and use of drugs. Harlem is not what it use to be to Sonny and his brother, now they can only see through make believe, and prejudiced view of their eyes. It seems both brother want's to get as far as possible from Harlem but th .....
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Catcher In The Rye - Chapter Summaries
Number of words: 2369 - Number of pages: 9.... paper he wrote about some egyption crap and aloudly reads the note that holden had written to him at the end of it. Spencer asks him if he's thought about his future. Then holden tells spencer that he has to go to the gym and says goodbye not feeling one bit like he was getting the hell out of pencey.
Chapter three:
*Holden reveals how much of a lyar he is. He didn't really have to go to the gym to check equipment he just wanted to get out of there. He then talks about where his room is at pencey and how its in a hall named after Ossinburger some fat guy who donated alot of mon .....
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Death Of A Sales Man Essay Wil
Number of words: 1035 - Number of pages: 4.... when things were better for his family. It is not uncommon for one to think of better times at low points in their life in order to cheer themselves up so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive one of the happier days of his life. It was a time when no one argued, Willy and Linda were younger, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy enthusiastically welcomed their father back home from a long road tri .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... a symbol in the book is great. Life’s ups and life’s down are well represented in the river.
The point of view of this book was also one of the very best aspects of this book. Huck Finn was written in the first person point of view with Huckleberry Finn telling the story. Even in the beginning, Huckleberry reminds the reader of what happens at the end of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. "You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter." (page 3) Huckleberry exclaims himself. Mark Twain wri .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 358 - Number of pages: 2.... the person who did it a person has to solve it. Finally, there is the characterization of Bertha. From the way Rochester talks about Bertha at first she seems pretty normal, but he says how she become after they get married. She turned into someone he did not know, a crazy psychopath, mad woman. Rochester wanted to hide this from everyone even Jane, Bertha cares for no one but herself. She does not care who she hurts, she proved this when she hurt Mr. Mason her own brother. At last, the end of the novel, The suspense, mystery, and characterization are all told. The person that this all revo .....
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Darkness At Noon
Number of words: 711 - Number of pages: 3.... sacrifices, was his surrendering of in his secretary and lover, Arlova. Rubashov suffered much as he antagonized over weather this was in fact the correct choice to be made. The pain felt by Rubashov over this decision was amplified by his witnessing his old friend being taken much the same way as Avolora.
After finishing this book I was amazed at how I did not feel any type of dislike towards Rubashov. He was someone who allowed others to take falls which were meant for him, this even included some people he cared about. This being one of the characteristics which I despise most in a p .....
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The Rest Are Just Boys Clubs
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... new people, well I didn’t have to where I come from I knew everyone. The fraternity has opened new doors for me, I’ve met so many people through them, relationships that I hope will be around for many years to come.
I wish everyone thought of fraternities as I do, but that is not the case. They are often thought of as ignorant drunken souls banding together because of common interests, booze. From time to time I get asked how it feels to have to buy my friends, jokingly of course, but it still angers me, because it means so much more to me than that. Ignorant, not by any means. .....
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The Rainmaker
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... be initiated into merges with a larger one. Eventually, he goes to head with one of America’s most experienced and accomplished defense attorneys.
From the beginning of the novel to the last word, Rudy is plagued with a series of mishaps and problems. When something looks bright the “clouds come rolling in.” However, as the big trial begins, he is assigned to a judge that is definitely on his side and twelve jury members who believe in the same morals as Rudy. After researching Great Benefit, the insurance company, Rudy discovers cover-ups in the company. He also di .....
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Hamlet - Claudius
Number of words: 1253 - Number of pages: 5.... The serpent that did sting thy father’s life
Now wears his crown." (Act I, Sc. V, Lines 42-46)
Claudius not only wanted to be the king of Denmark, he also wanted the queen that came with it. In Act I Sc. II Lines 8-14, Claudius has just recently been crowned king and is addressing the court. He shows in his words how happy he is to be married to Gertrude, the Queen.
"herefore our sometime sister, now our queen,
The imperial jointress to this warlike state,
Have we, as ‘twere with a defeated joy,
With an auspi .....
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Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... insanity. Maybe he’s scared of taking revenge on Claudius, he may think by taking revenge he endangers his own soul. “No matter how right a man might think his motives are, if Claudius is innocent; the act of revenge would inevitably make as evil as the accused in the eyes of God” (Becker p.32).
“ decides to test Claudius’ guilt and the authenticity of the ghost; he will stage a performance of a play, which will reproduce Claudius’ crime and observe his reaction to it”(Durband p.304). This plan was successful because Claudius broke down during the performance. now knows .....
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