New Atlantis By Francis Bacon
Number of words: 1340 - Number of pages: 5.... else must come from revealed theology. Science and philosophy have felt the need to justify themselves to laymen. The belief that nature is something to be vexed and tortured to the compliance of man will not satisfy man nor laymen. Natural science finds its proper method when the 'scientist' puts Nature to the question, tortures her by experiment and wrings from her answers to his questions. The House of Solomon is directly related to these thoughts. "It is dedicated to the study of Works and the Creatures of God" (Bacon, 436). Wonder at religious questions was natural, but, permitted fre .....
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Hamlet Vs Laertes
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... Hamlet as the villain. The sentence, "The virtues of his will; but you must fear, His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own, For he himself is subject to his birth.", is an important one in contributing to Laertes’ character. He is saying to Ophelia that to be careful of Hamlet, because ‘he’s royalty, and she’s not!’. But he is also saying that Hamlet is subject to his birth, or in other words, Hamlet is only human such as she is, and subject to the same feelings and actions. Laertes’ character is a very pleasant one. He seems, unlike Hamle .....
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Calamitatum Of The Individual
Number of words: 1412 - Number of pages: 6.... learning. In writing this he shows his clever and distinct way of thinking by referring to dialectic, the art of examining options or ideas logically, as a weapon of war. "I chose the weapons of dialectic to all the other teachings of philosophy, and armed with these I chose the conflicts of disputation instead of the trophies of war." (p. 58, ll. 7-9). This is remarkable for the son of a soldier to make such a choice - even renouncing his inheritance - and pursue only intellectual advancement. Leaving home, he traveled off to school in Paris. He was welcomed for a short while, but soon found .....
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Oedipus Rex 7
Number of words: 1113 - Number of pages: 5.... and leaving him to die of the elements, the old shepherd relents and hands the child over to a traveling shepherd from Corinth to take back to the childless King and Queen to raise as their own son. For the next twenty years, Laios and Locaste rule in Thebes believing their son to be dead. Unfortunately, Hera sends a drought associated with a sphinx to bedevil Thebes. A desperate Laios travels back to the Delphic Oracle for a reading.
Meanwhile, back in Corinth, Oedipus grows to manhood believing Polybos and Merope (the King and Queen of Corinth) are his real parents. Soon, he too learns of .....
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One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Number of words: 1619 - Number of pages: 6.... of their male ancestors. These cycles reveal that man as a
being, just like the mythological heros, has no true choice in the
ultimate course his life will take. The male characters' personal
development is overshadowed by the identity of their ancestors.
Clotho, it appears, has recycled some of her spinning thread. The new
male generations, superficially, are perceived to be woven of like
design. Kikuji Mitani and the male Buendia's face communities that
remember their ancestors. As a result, their unique communities
inadvertently compare the actions of the sons .....
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The Tenth Man By Graham Greene
Number of words: 1806 - Number of pages: 7.... later in Paris where Chavel, who name has been changed to Charlot, is looking for a job since he gave every thing he had away. Charlot then returned to his old home where he meets Janviers's sister and mother. Because Janvier's sister, Therese, did not now who he relay was, she gave him a job because he knew her brother. While working at the house Charlot had several run-ins with many childhood and adult friends but managed to fool them in some way or a another. Later, a beggar comes along and acts as if he is the real Chavel to escape persecution for being a collaborator with the German .....
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Jungle 5
Number of words: 570 - Number of pages: 3.... the plant had no benefits, worked long hours, and were paid poor wages. Jurgis decided to join a Union and took a stand on the issues with some other family members. For the first time in his life, he saw the corruption of a town and it’s employers. His solution to most problems, “I will work harder”, no longer sustained him. He had believed hard work could conquer all, but found that it could not beat the corruption that spread like a cancer in this town.
Jurgis soon becomes injured at the plant and bed-ridden. Ironically, this was also a special time for him. He finally go .....
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The Great Gatsby 2
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... to sacrifice anything for her. Furthermore, because Nick is the narrator one can consider the descriptions of different characters as filtered. Nick has a different perception of each character and therefor it is important to stress the different views on the different characters. The descriptions by Nick of the others are based on how they present themselves to public, or in this case, Nick. Another factor that speaks for Nick being the narrator of this novel is the way Nick stands to each different relationship of the novel. Nick is mainly an outsider, who has no real connection to ei .....
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Inherit The Wind 2
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... like him fight from the
backbone of Faith. I don’t believe in the literal deciphering of the Bible, but
that it is a book of ideals that we must trust in it’s veracity. It isn’t meant to be explained!
Ironically, the thing that people are the most hungry for, meaning, is the one thing that science hasn’t been able to give them. Enter God, the means
that mankind has clung to for purpose. If there isn’t a God, does that mean
that 95% of the world is suffering from some sort of mass dillusion? There
may be a thousand arguments against there being .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird - What M
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2.... except through the living, breathing experience of their participants and Scout Finch's particular take on the events of this book only makes those events gain in moral strength, not diminish.
Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, Scout and Jem, Miss Maudie...the characters of this book have achieved an iconic status rare in modern literature. And it has achieved this not by making them Nietzschean uebermenschen, but by entering into their lives with fair, enthusiastic frankness. And to end off, this is one of only a handful of truly successful negotiations between the dramatic (eg. theatre, screenwri .....
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