Awakening Concepts Of Morality
Number of words: 520 - Number of pages: 2.... up, stubborn and resistant. She could not at that moment have done other than denied and resisted (P.31).” Her insistent attitude also made her self-righteous and neglectful of other persons.
In other ways, Mrs. Pontellier’s morality led to a dreadful deceit of her own children. Her self-righteous mindset was damaging to her children’s vitality. The ways that she treated the children were full of neglect. As in a certain night, Mr. Pontellier returned home from work to find that one of his children had a fever. Mrs. Pontellier refused to look at the child because she stated tha .....
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A Rose For Emily 7
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... Emily is about 30 years old, and, while it gives her freedom, she mourns his death. The power held over her, which Emily interprets as love, is gone.
Emily never experiences a normal relationship. The townspeople do not feel affection for her in the traditional sense. Instead, they regard Emily as "a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town." Emily is somewhat of a recluse. After her father’s death, she is not seen “for a long time.” Two years later, after her lover Homer Barron disappears, she stays alone inside her house for at l .....
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Balder: God Of Light, Joy, Purity, Beauty, Innocence, And Reconciliation
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... mistletoe, but she thought it was too small to ask for an
oath. Loki immediately left for the west and returned with the mistletoe. He
tricked Balder's blind twin brother Hod to shoot with a mistletoe fig. Not
knowing what he did, Hod threw the fig, guided by Loki's aim, and Balder fell
dead, pierced through the heart.
While the gods were lamenting over Balder's death, Odin sent his other son
Hermod to Hel, the goddess of death, to plead for Balder's return. Hel agreed to
send Balder back to the land of the living on one condition: everything in the
world, dead or alive, must weep for h .....
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A Man For All Seasons
Number of words: 2049 - Number of pages: 8.... for “State reasons.” When Sir Thomas didn’t agree with the divorce, many people turned away from him. His wife, Lady Alice, begged Sir Thomas to agree with the King, just to make life simpler, but Thomas refused. He believed the he wouldn’t go to Heaven if his conscience was not clear, and his conscience told him not to just tell the King what he wanted to hear, but to tell the King the truth. This is just a basic overview of what happened in .
In Act I Scene 1, the book introduces you to some of its’ main characters. Sir Thomas and Master Richard Rich are first to be introduc .....
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Robinson Crusoe 3
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... like the Negroes, a very good mouth, thin Lips, and his fine Teeth well set, and white as Ivory” (Defoe 205).
When the two characters meet, Friday approaches Robinson Crusoe in a very sedate manner, Friday is terrified yet he does not lash out at Robinson Crusoe. He does not seem wild, ferocious or barbaric in any way. He uses sign language at first to communicate, which indicates knowledge of some sort of primitive language. He is quick to learn Robinson Crusoe’s language and is eager to learn more while Robinson Crusoe stays clear of learning Friday’s language.
It is ap .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 410 - Number of pages: 2.... do not join for a common cause, then there is no need for an oath because the conspirators are self-righteous, and they are serving the romans. If the conspirators don't bind together, then each man will go his own way, become a weakling, and die when it suits the tyrants caprice. Brutus is advocates peace, freedom and liberty, for all romans, which shows that Brutus is an altruistic as well as an honorable man.
Brutus also had a compassion for Caesar when he had killed Caesar. "If then that a friend demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: Not that I loved Caesar .....
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Canterbury Tales -- Role Of Wo
Number of words: 1602 - Number of pages: 6.... in yonder place!
Unless I gain the mercy of her grace,
Unless I at least see her day by day,
I am but dead, there is no more to say."
(p. 49, l. 24-28).
The knights believe that one man may love and worship Emily from afar and each vehemently contends that he should be this man. The knights' emotions for a woman of whom they know absolutely nothing, save that she is beautiful, reduces her to an object to be won and an occasion for adventure and courtship.
Years later, after Palamon and Arcite are no longer in prison, they meet and agree to fight to the death fo .....
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The Threat Of Nuclear War
Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... peoples high levels of stress create
suspicions where there shouldn't be, and as a result many safe guards are
removed that are in place to prevent an accidental launch. It is feared
that under these circumstances it would be quite easy for a flock of geese
to set off a nuclear war. Another fear is that a smaller nation, such as
recent Korea, could gain control of, and utilize nuclear weapons, and
trigger a war between the super powers. This type is called a catalytic
nuclear war.
There are two types of control over the operation of nuclear
weapons: positive and negative. Plans implemen .....
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Culture Clash
Number of words: 1472 - Number of pages: 6.... obvious language barrier, there were many misinterpretations, misconceptions, miscommunications and misunderstandings. One of the first misconceptions that occurred was that Kim and Quang, and most Vietnamese people thought that all Americans are rich. This misconception was likely brought forth due to the many good second hand items that were donated to Kim and Quang when they first arrived to America. Many second hand items that were donated included a black and white TV and furniture. In their homeland these items would've been considered good only for the rich, but it's not the same i .....
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The Aristocrat
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... easily understood with the human understandings of voice tones. Finally, after Mrs. Flowers reads the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities aloud with all the emotions of her spoken words, the only way Marguerite can respond is with a, "Yes Ma'am" (164). This shows that she is confused. Short phrases in response to long, heart filled elegies display one's confusion and awe-struck nature.
Language, in terms of both the spoken and written word, has the power to awaken emotions in readers and listeners. For instance, Marguerite mentions that often her mother would refer to Mrs. .....
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