Realism In A Raisin In The Sun
Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3.... a doctor? If you so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick people - then go be a nurse like other women - or just get married an be quiet" (38). This passage shows that Walter is clearly a chauvinist, and does not believe in his sister’s desire to be a doctor. Similarly, Beneatha does not believe in Walters aspirations of becoming a rich entrepreneur, and thinks he is rather foolish, incapable, and will resort to any means to make money. "Oh, God! Where is the bottom! Where is the real honest-to-God bottom so he can’t go any further!" (142). Beneatha is referring to the .....
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King Lear (play)
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... can be valued, rich or rare, no less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor; As much as child e'er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor and speech unable. Beyond all manner of so much I love you."
Throughout the rest of the play Goneril, turns back on her words, she first exiles Lear out of his former castle, and then she plots with Regan to kill him. She is a heartless and cruel person, although Lear's lack of humility did have some effect on his own faith. From Goneril's actions Lear learns that not everyone is trustworthy, people do turn on their own words and h .....
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Number of words: 1002 - Number of pages: 4.... to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew ’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield. I believe that this is not the same we saw prior to the death of his loving companion Patroklos. After Patroklos rode off into battle and was cut down by a mix of divine intervention and Hektor, grief and the desire to revenge the death of Patroklos consumed . Thus I feel his behaviour throughout these bo .....
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Analysis Of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2.... had forgotten the
ritual, and lost the original black box, they remembered to use stones
Although some are beginning to question the continuation of the
lottery, the old-timers continue to cling rigidly to the necessity of
tradition. "They do say ..... that over in north village there talking of
giving up the lottery..... ," and "..... some places have already quit
lotteries..... (513)." When Old Man Warner, who represents the village
elders, heard people talking of giving up the lottery he harshly repermened
them. "..... pack of crazy thing you know, they'll .....
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Of Mice And Men - Theme
Number of words: 1002 - Number of pages: 4.... are social beings that need some kind of connection with others to function properly. Without a social bond a depressed state can overwhelmingly "down" a person. People also need the opportunity to brag to others a little. Curly’s wife in the same novel states the following, "Well I ain’t told this to nobody before. Maybe I ought’n to. I don’t like Curly. He ain’t a nice fella. Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes—all them nice clothes they wear" (Steinbeck 89). She feels the need to tell others how great she could have been and the ho .....
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Spirit Of The Game
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3.... the team tried to put their own individual statistics before the team, no matter how good they were. With this intense team playing style they won the Stanley cup the following season. The next and final chapter in section 1 was Behind the Bench. The most substantial role is not being played on the ice, but behind the bench by the coaches. The coaches in any sport set the tone and mood of their team. During the game the coach is probably ranked higher than the players mother in the authority category. This gives the coach almost unlimited power. Coaches become very close to their player .....
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As I Lay Dying
Number of words: 660 - Number of pages: 3.... there. Even after Addie had been dead over a week, and
all of the bridges to Jefferson are washed out, he is still
determined to get to Jefferson.
Is Anse sincere in wanting to fulfill his promise to Addie,
or is he driven by another motive? Anse plays "to
perfection the role of the grief-stricken widower"
(Bleikasten 84) while secretly thinking only of getting
another wife and false teeth in Jefferson. When it becomes
necessary to drive the wagon across the river, he proves
himself to be undeniably lazy as he makes Cash, Jewel,
and Darl drive the wagon across whil .....
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Pygmalion 2 +
Number of words: 565 - Number of pages: 3.... heartless and self-seeking man. He is a villain without any redeeming qualities or traits. As proof, the Doctor says, " Have I nothing to do than cure insect bites for little Indians?…I alone in the world am supposed to work for nothing-and I am tired of it. See if he has any money!" (P.294)
"He is a client of mine…The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine." (P.301) Under these conditions, greed in the doctor is definitely shown. With all the riches he already had, he wanted to gain .....
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Chopin's A Pair Of Silk Stockings: Mrs. Sommers
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2.... enough, she
looks at her shopping bag as "shabby" and "old". Her parcel is "very
small". At this point, she wants more. She begins to think without
reason, and loses her sense of responsibility when she puts the stockings
on in the ladies room. Mrs. Sommers is "not going through any acute
mental process or reasoning with herself", she is "not thinking at all" at
this point.
Mrs. Sommers's mind is not working like it used to at the beginning.
All of a sudden nothing is too expensive, she eats the expensive
restaurant, buys shoes, gloves, and magazines "such as she had become
accustom .....
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A Bird In The House
Number of words: 1396 - Number of pages: 6.... fathers death Vanessa moved into the Brick House with Grandfather Conner, this is when she noticed the trapped conditions that aunt Edna was living in and her mother was going to have to live in again. Vanessa always tried to free herself of the things that went on around her by writing exaggerated adventure stories. When Vanessa wrote, it was her chance to get away from the things that made her feel trapped. Vanessa is freed of Grandfather Conner's tyranny when he dies, at least one thinks so. However it is evident in the story "Jericho's Brick Battlements," that Vanessa will never be .....
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