Shakespearean Comedy 2
Number of words: 2325 - Number of pages: 9.... greenworld pattern in this play. The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city. Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.
Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus. If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander. Since he is causing problems in his daughters life by trying to make her marry Demetrius, this begins the journey into the woods. Egeus threatened Hermia with de .....
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A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... more and it was better than to be in a old house all the time. Emily began to think that some day she and Homer would marry, and when things went wrong she poisoned him. As time passed people began to wonder, and a smell began developing. Although the smell was hitting everyone in the town, no one said anything, instead they sprinkled lime all over her house. Emily died a time later. After the town people heard the new they went to see her to begin the funeral arrangements. Tobby her faithful servant ran off and the town people discover the smell. After all this time Emily had been s .....
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Cry The Beloved Country
Number of words: 1828 - Number of pages: 7.... short clauses connected by "and" or "but", and repetition. This style is used to represent speech or thoughts "translated" from Zulu.
Jesus Christ is symbolized by the figure of Arthur Jarvis. He is a white reformer who fights for rights of blacks. Like Christ, he is very altruistic and wants to pursue his aims at all costs. His friend, Harrison, says: "Here [Arthur Jarvis] was, day to day, on a kind of mission." (173) Arthur Jarvis and his wife Mary "agree that it's more important to speak the truth than to make money." (172) Arthur Jarvis is killed in his house by Absalom, a black youth w .....
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Glass Menagerie
Number of words: 776 - Number of pages: 3.... which only proves to be the downfall of Amanda and Laura. He realizes that the world is not what Amanda has made it seem inside the house. Also, during his reflections on the firescape he is not really separating himself from the imaginary world because that metal frame is still anchored to the apartment wall. This shows that no matter how hard Tom tries to escape he will always be 'bounded' to the apartment. His emotional attachments to Laura would permantly keep him there no matter what adventure he had chose to seek out.
With such a dull and stressful life, Tom was always looking f .....
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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Number of words: 2660 - Number of pages: 10.... of Dr. Jekyll. When Jekyll is running through his daily routine, the sets are bright with adequate lighting. On the other hand, when Mr. Hyde comes into the picture the scenes drastically become dark and frightening. I think this split is in conjunction with the two personalities that Dr. Jekyll displays. A scene in the movie that makes the disparity so clear is when Dr. Jekyll first discovers the potion that creates Mr. Hyde. The lighting in the laboratory was not the best, but after the transformation takes place it seems like a torrential downpour just took place and the set is almo .....
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The Women Of Poe
Number of words: 4014 - Number of pages: 15.... the chaotic world of metaphysical investigation at which I was most busily occupied during the early years of our marriage. With how vast a triumph--with how vivid a delight...did I feel...that delicious vista by slow degrees expanding before me, down whose long, gorgeous, and all untrodden path, I might at length pass onward to a goal of wisdom too divinely precious not to be forbidden (Poe Modern Library ed., 657).
But Ligeia grows ill. Even her intense passion for life could not save her from the Conqueror Worm. Her last words were shrieked in despair: "Man doth not yield him to the angels .....
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My Oedipus Complex
Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2.... wife or his son to give him a hug when he went to bed. For some one to spend that much time alone when they know they have a family and people who love them has just got to be heart breaking.
Larry’s mother in this story is just thrown in the middle. Although I don’t believe that she is aware of this, to her her son is just not respecting his father. For example, "’Don’t-wake-Daddy!’ she hissed angrily". Because Larry’s mother didn’t really know that her husband and son were fighting over her, when she had a second child she just turned and took care of it.
You asked us .....
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"Muddle In A Puddle": Comparison Of Essay To My Life
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... were mentioned in this essay, like
singing a tune over and over out loud, then looking over the lyrics later. Only
to my knowledge, my version of "Cannonball" was actually "Panama." The way we
hear and say things is also very influential in the way others hold us in their
standings. If someone catches us slipping up, they might think we are weird, or
stupid. It could also be a good ice-breaker for a good friendly relationship.
Sometimes not. It just depends where the people are from, and what the
situations are at the time of the incident.
I can remember a time, while at work at the fu .....
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The Natural Film Vs Novel
Number of words: 1157 - Number of pages: 5.... real feelings for her. The following quote illustrates Roy's actual feelings for Iris; " 'Darling,' whispered Iris, 'win for our boy.' He stared at her. 'What boy?' 'I am pregnant.' There were tears in her eyes. Her belly was slender . . . then the impact hit him. 'Holy Jesus.' " This displays how Roy really does not want to be stuck with Iris and a child. However, in the movie Iris is a romantic prospect for Roy throughout the entire story. They grow up together as friends in the film and we know that they are quite in love before Roy leaves on the train to play baseball. This is .....
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The Woman Warrior
Number of words: 1298 - Number of pages: 5.... the human eye. After Moon Orchid arrives, one of the first things that Brave Orchid does is point out that Moon Orchid is fat and looks very old. “You’re an old woman...your hair is white and your face’re so fat.” In Asia, fat people are considered to be rich. Being fat is a sign of being rich because only rich people can afford to eat so much that it would make them fat. In America, obesity is often times something to be ashamed of. Americans seem to desire the body of a model. Brave Orchid also screams at her own children about their appearance .....
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