Coming Of Age In Mississippi
Number of words: 1537 - Number of pages: 6.... leads to their separation and her father moving in with another woman . This is where her hardships began . Throughout her childhood she is a tmid , poor little girl who is afraid to even ask her mother questions about what is going on around her . Anne tells of their staple diet , beans and bread , which was just enough to keep her alive. I can not possibly imagine what it is like to be on the brink of starvation. Although a timid , shy , little girl , Anne does show a spark of intensity through her schoolwork . She is very competitive and driven to do well in school . This is the fuel .....
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Stopping By The Woods On A Sno
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... man. However, man and nature are two separate things, and their worlds cannot be intertwined. The choice between the two is a difficult one, but the everlasting peace that nature presents is often turned to. This imagery of nature is used to parallel death, whereby the solemnity and peace that depicts nature, in turn, depicts death.
The power of procrastination is strong enough to destroy even the strongest of wills. The man is pondering whether or not he should succumb to the "sleep" he desires, which symbolizes ending his life. He is at a major crossroad in his life, where he is und .....
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Lord Of The Flies By William G
Number of words: 1948 - Number of pages: 8.... it, alludes to Freud's basis of the pleasure drive in the libido, the term serving a double Lntendre in its psychodynamic and physically sensual sense.
Jack's unwillingness to acknowledge the conch as the source of centrality on the island and Ralph as the seat of power is consistent with the portrayal of his particular self-importance. Freud also linked the id to what he called the destructive drive, the aggressiveness of self-ruin. Jack's antithetical lack of compassion for nature, for others, and ultimately for himself is thoroughly evidenced in his needless hunting, his role in th .....
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Comparison Of The Odessey And
Number of words: 1226 - Number of pages: 5.... are led by Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus and several other powerful men. The story concludes with the Achaeans on the verge of sacking Troy because their greatest warrior, Hector, died by the hand of Achilles.
The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus’s homeward journey after the Trojan War. Odysseus was afflicted with suffering on his homeward voyage, because he blinded the Cyclops, Poseidon’s son. When he finally reached his home of Ithaca, he found several men trying to steal his wealth and woo his wife, Penelope. This story ends with Odysseus saving his land Ithaca from .....
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Huckleberry Finn Internal Conf
Number of words: 872 - Number of pages: 4.... mildly protests such antics, he still persists with the trickery. As a result of their pranks, Jim creates an elaborated version of the event, claiming to have seen witches and the devil. According to Huck, this gives Jim a great arrogance when around other blacks. Jim is "most ruined for a servant" (page 16). Consequently, Huck continues to view Jim as a slave, but a slave at the higher end of the spectrum. Jim may be a slave, but to Huck, he is more respectable than most.
As time passes, Huck develops an appreciation for Jim, viewing him as a friend, not a servant. The first instanc .....
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Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... on this memory I realize my is a lot like the coffee he always had in his hand. The coffee provided him with warmth and comfort. In the same way, was my source of warmth and comfort. He was always there for me in little ways. The days when Dad forgot me at volleyball practice he was there to take me home. He was there to take me shopping when I desperately needed a new outfit. He did not like to shop, but he went for me. Small things such as these gave me comfort. I knew would always be there to help me if I was in a jam. This stability I felt was one of the most comforting th .....
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Canterbury Tales 2
Number of words: 624 - Number of pages: 3.... one example of the corrupted Church.
It is clear that the Monk is found to be one of the most underhanded religious figures on the pilgrimage to Canterbury. Chaucer makes forceful insults in his character explication. “The Rule of good St. Benet or St. Maur/ As old and strict he tended to ignore” (Chaucer 7.) A monk is supposed to have a strong authority in the Church, but
Mueller 2
Chaucer explains that he breaks the written laws and precedents set by people recognized as Saints and highly acclaimed people. The Monk is a lazy, disgusting man who lived a dishonest and impru .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 386 - Number of pages: 2.... through in order for him to enlist. Teachers and parents especially wanted him to enlist. Paul even says, "at one time even on's parets were ready with the word 'coward'"
When Paul finally gets home, he seems overjoyed to be back, but soon he feels the discomfort of being worlds apart from his mother and father. When he first gets back, he can only cry, but when he tries to speak with his mother, he can't bring up the right words. The separation he felt was a result of his feeling about how horrible the war was and how he didn't want his mother to know how miserable it was. The war .....
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Citizen Kane By Orson Wells
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... the film, the tragical existence of powerful newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, becomes apparent. He spends most of his life in solitude. Although he was married twice, he always stayed alone. This was because of his incapacity of felling love, which was caused by his insecure childhood. Kane was unwillingly taken away from his mother as a young child; this single event molded Kane into the narcissistic man he became. The only time Kane felt safe was when he was under the care of his mother. She was the only person he ever was able to show feelings for. This hugely affected his .....
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Huck Finn, Violence And Greed
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... For days Huck sawed a hole in the cabin wall. When pap left one morning, Huck
finished the hole, escaped, and splashed pigs blood on the interior cabin walls to give
Pap the impression that he had been murdered.
In chapter eleven of the novel, Huck encounters a shipwreck and overhears two
robbers' plans to kill Jim Turner, their accomplice, for telling on them. Huck hears Jim
Turner say "'Oh, please don't Bill-I hain't ever goin' to tell'" (51). Hearing this motivates
Huck to take the robbers' boat, since his had floated away, to take the loot, and to send
officials to captu .....
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