Short Story Analysis
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... keen, soft and polite owner of the hotel, who makes sure that his customers are satisfied with him. The third main character is Johnnie – son of Scully, who is young and enjoys playing cards. "A tall bronzed cowboy" who is very sympathetic towards Johnnie during the fistfight, is yet another main character. Perhaps the least dominant main character is the Easterner; he is a quiet and soft-spoken person.
The main conflict in the story is the fistfight over a card in which the Swede accuses Johnnie of cheating. The fight ends and the Swede rains as victorious. The second conflict start .....
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The Bluest Eye
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4.... known for being a pretty white girl. Claudia then goes into a series of stories and descriptions of what type of environment Pecola must live in at her own home. She describes the abandoned store in which the Breedlove family lives in and the terrible condition of the furniture, which reflects the type of family the Breedloves are. Whether it was Claudia or another unknown third person narrator, a specific situation is described in a brutal manner of exactly what type of environment exists in Pecola’s home. The situation was where Cholly and Polly fight each other with little hesitatio .....
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Young Goodman Brown
Number of words: 794 - Number of pages: 3.... her own pretty head into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons of her cap" we associate the purity of "Faith" and the "pink ribbons" as a sign of the innocence and goodness of the town he is leaving behind (211). As he continues "on his present evil purpose" he sets off at sunset to enter the forest (212). A place "darkened by all the gloomiest trees," unknown territory, and a place where "there may be a devilish Indian behind every tree," with this we know the forest represents evil and sinfulness (212). His decision to enter the forest and leave his "Faith .....
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Number of words: 446 - Number of pages: 2.... by killing the king, and now he killed Banquo, due to the prediction of what the witches said about Banquo's son becoming the king. wanted to ensure that he would reach his ambition without problems.
, who now no longer needed any encouragement from Lady , started to leave her in ignorance of his plans. Near the end of the play, Lady sleepwalked and had a dream about the killing of Duncan and Banquo. She died because of all this pressure and her guilt about the murder. Soul of have been destroyed since love Lady very much, as shown in Act I, Sc. 5, p.58, "My Dearest Love."
The powe .....
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The Symbol Of The Sun In The S
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... sun. To Meursault, the sun is an influence on all his senses, as he cannot hear what someone else says to him. He pours with sweat, symbolizing the flow of emotions. Meursault constantly thinks about the sun when one would expect him to be mourning his dead mother. He says, "I could feel the blood pounding in my temples," which is strong imagery.At the beach with Raymond, the sun provokes Meursault to commit a crime. He says, "(the sun) shattered into little pieces on the sand and water." While going to get a drink of water, the foreign Arab uses a knife to shine the sunlight in Meursault's .....
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"A Rose For Emily": A Review
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... would not
have been able to relate to Miss Emily. The reason for that would be, if she
would have been the narrator we would have understood the story in a hole
different manner. Faulkner used third person narration and from that we were
able to find out many things about Miss Emily's past. For instance the death
of her father, the love she had for Homer, and how she felt the need for
affection. Those ideas she would have kept to herself, if she were to have told
the story.
The language and dialogue that Faulkner provides Miss Emily with enables
the readers to understand how she feels ab .....
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Hamlet 5
Number of words: 1164 - Number of pages: 5.... Hamlet wants to doubt the existence of the ghost when he tells Horatio and the others, "Never make known what you have seen tonight."(Act 1, Sc. 5, ln. 160)(65) The mere fact that Hamlet hesitates to reveal that he has seen the ghost at all and swears Horatio and the other sentinels to secrecy, shows his want to keep the proof of his father's death secret. When hamlet says, "If his occulted guilt/ do not itself unkennel in one speech,/ it is a damned ghost that we have seen,/ and my imaginations are as foul/ as Vulcan's stithy." (Act 3, Sc. 2, ln. 85-89)(141) Hamlet here wants to believe .....
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Catcher In The Rye - Boys Will Be Boys
Number of words: 2238 - Number of pages: 9.... once wishing to have his parents help in any way. He has practically lived his entire life in dorms at prestigious schools, and has learned quite well how to be on his own. "This tendency of teenagers took place even in ancient history, where the freshly developed teen opts to leave the cave and hunt for his own food" (Kegel 54). Every teenager tries, in his or her own way, to be independent. Instead of admitting to one's parents of a wrongful deed, the teen tries covering up the mistake or avoiding it in hopes that they won't get in any Bailey 2 trouble. They feel that they have enough intel .....
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Number of words: 455 - Number of pages: 2.... such a practice model, an ecological view of problems
has not been implemented. This often leads to attaching responsibility for
a social problem to the person experiencing the difficulty. The social
conditions which have contributed to this situation are ignored or
minimized. Prevention programs have also been normatively driven, even
though the rhetoric of prevention models claims an interest in cultural
appropriateness, the appreciation of differences, and ecological influences.
Empowerment has been suggested as an alternative practice paradigm to the
older prevention oriented practice m .....
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A Formal Application
Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... This piece is compiled of nine triplets separated into three sections. The first section of three triplets starts with the speaker honing his knife throwing skills.
In the first section the speaker starts his training. By this practice he automatically tells us that he wants for this action to happen perfectly. By perfecting his skills he confirms to us the importance of this act to him. In the first stanza he begins to learn how to inflict pain with his knife by throwing it. He molds a kitchen utensil into a fatal weapon by enhancing his throwing skills. The second stanza shows his .....
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