Cantebury Tales
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... to trick the carpenter. He tells the husband that he knows another great flood will come and that he, the carpenter, and Alison will be safe if the carpenter builds three separate barrels and hangs them from the ceiling where they can climb to safety. On that night, all three climb into the barrels and the carpenter immediately falls asleep, due to the exhaustion from all of his work. Alison and Nicholas climb down and go into the carpenter’s bed. Absalom appears at the window at midnight. Absalom demands a kiss from Alison, and Alison says she will kiss him if he leaves immediatel .....
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Shakespeare 2
Number of words: 918 - Number of pages: 4.... Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne’er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincidence that Romeo and Juliet were at the same place, at the same time.
Some days after the ball, Benvolio and Mercutio are conversing, in regard to the .....
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Will There Be A World War III?
Number of words: 1007 - Number of pages: 4.... until only Britain held fast. The Japanese assault brought America into war against both Hitler and Hirohito. It would be the bloodiest conflict ever: 100 million men bore arms, and 30 million civilians, many of them European Jews, would die before Berlin fell in May 1945 and, in August of that year, the United States would drop two atomic bombs on Japan- ending the war and changing the world.” (Hirsh)
What was FDR thinking those 18 minutes he sat still and silent, when he learned Pearl Harbor had been bombed? Was he thinking that maybe he should have gotten involved sooner? .....
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Odysseus The Great
Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... (Page #602) Odysseus held strong. After finding nothing of use on the island, he and the rest of his men set off on the quest.
My final proof of Odysseus’ heroism is his bravery and quick wit. In the story of the Cyclopes, Odysseus prove both of these characteristics be escaping from the Cyclops, Polyphemus. His bravery was displayed when he blinded the monster and did not kill it. He also proved his wit by escaping on the underbellies of Polyphemus’ rams. Both of these acts made him a true hero.
These are just three proofs of Odysseus’ epic heroism. Whether it was .....
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Brave New World 6
Number of words: 792 - Number of pages: 3.... is a very practical and useful tool. The Savages are taught to cook for themselves, and to clean for themselves. These teachings help the individual to grow practically. The Savages also bestow good ideals in their people from which they can learn, understand, and grow. One of the most important things that the Savages are taught is self-control. The Whipping Ceremony is a good example of this. In this ceremony a young man was whipped to death in front of a large audience and throughout it he "made no sound…[and] walked on at the same slow, steady pace" (97). The man is taught that .....
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Why Lady Macbeth Is More Guilt
Number of words: 800 - Number of pages: 3.... making him more guilty of the crime. Lady Macbeth just talked about committing the crime, but she never actually went through with it nor would she ever, and that is all that counts. Talking about committing the incident is very different from actually doing it. Lady Macbeth did a little more than just talk about it though. She also urged Macbeth into doing it and that is what makes her part of this crime, but she is not as guilty as Macbeth. He really didn't have to listen to what his wife said. Macbeth had a mind of his own and he could make his own decision. The other murders that Macb .....
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Analysis Of Similes In The Ill
Number of words: 1870 - Number of pages: 7.... time most of the knowledge of
the battle from the Trojan side had been lost.
Considering the ability to affect feelings with similes, and
the one-sided view of history, Homer could be using similes to
guide the reader in the direction of his personal views, as
happens with modern day political "spin". These views that Homer
might be trying to get across might be trying to favor Troy. It
could easily be imagined that throughout time, only great things
were heard about the Greeks mettle in war, and that Homer is
attempting to balance the scales a bit by romanticizing the
Tro .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3.... ran away he traveling down a road when he saw a coach coming. It contained his true father, King Laios of Thebes and his bodyguards. When they almost ran him over Oedipus attacked them killing the bodyguards and his father, thinking that they were highway bandits, and by doing so he unwittingly fulfilled the prophecy. When he realizes this he is devastated. This really contributes to the theme, that you cannot escape your past. The fact that he killed a king and his father no less, is a major factor in his exile later in the story.
When he discovers that King Laios was his real father he see .....
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Persecuting The Innocent - To
Number of words: 628 - Number of pages: 3.... still looked to the Radley Place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicions” (9). The townspeople do not give Boo a chance; they rather make rash conclusions. His seclusion from the town instantly opens him up to ridicule and gossip. Scout learns to judge him and others by their actions, not by the town gossip.
Tom Robinson, a Negro, represents another mockingbird. He lives a life of simplicity beyond the town dump, and attends the same church as the Finch family cook, Calpurnia. Tom regularly assists people in need, especially Mayella Ewell, but he finds himself punished for it. .....
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Hamlet And J Alfred Prufrock
Number of words: 1277 - Number of pages: 5.... Another example of his questioning, rationalizing and procrastinating is when Hamlet is in the Chapel with Claudius (Hamlet is in the prime position to kill him. He questions even questions killing Claudius "Now might I do it pat, now he is praying and now I'll do't: and so he goes to heaven: and so am I revenged." 4 Hamlet then rationalizes why he should kill Claudius now. His reason is, "That would be scanned/ O, this is hire and salary, not revenge." 5 He then procrastinates, " With all his crimes broad blown as flush as May...Up sword… when he is drunk asleep, or in his rageR .....
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