Lord Of The Flies - Role Of Ge
Number of words: 913 - Number of pages: 4.... can lead to abuse and violence. Media has a huge role in perpetuating these dangerous gender stereotypes. Numerous male images are used in advertising and television, representing themes such as "heroic masculinity" and "might is right". These portrayals of violent behavior associated with masculinity target young men and convince them that in order to live up to society’s standards, they must resort to aggressive and dominant behavior, the use of assertion, and physical violence. Males are saturated with images of glorified aggression through movies such as Lethal Weapon, sports program .....
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Who Is Trying To Deceive You?
Number of words: 1149 - Number of pages: 5.... Populum, because it is appealing to the supposed prejudices and emotions of a group. They have tried to appeal to the group by using emotional language such as “fatal” and “underestimate”. This paragraph also states that he believes 1963 is not an end, but a beginning. He threatens that those who think the Negro’s are just blowing off steam and will now be content are in for a rude awakening if things return to normal. One might believe that this is an example of using the Slippery Slope tactic. It is directed as a threat and is presuming that one event will lead to another and .....
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The Merchant Of Venice
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... England until the later half of the seventeenth century. (Lippman 3-4) Jews were also viewed as devils by Elizabeathan audiences. Old stories portrayed them as "blood-thirsty murders" that poisoned wells and killed Christian children for their bizarre Passover ritu! als. (Stirling 2:1) These were the stereotypes which Shakespeare's audience held in regard to Jews. Shakespeare himself had never seen a Jew but he goes to great lengths to humanize Shylock even while perpetuating the stereotype.
In Act 1:3, before Shylock ever says a word to Antonio, he lets the audience know in an aside that he .....
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A Separate Peace And A Real War
Number of words: 3388 - Number of pages: 13.... is fifty years past. The world, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever. (32)
This statement explains that Gene must have something that is his "stamp." This stamp appears to define an individual-exemplifying what he stands for. It is found that this is true in the next paragraph where Gene continues, "For me, this moment-four years is a moment in history-war the war. The war was and is reality for me. I still live and think in its atmosphere" (32). Later in the same paragraph he goes on to sa .....
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The Cask Of Amatillado
Number of words: 1305 - Number of pages: 5.... victim has in wine to lure him into the catacombs to taste some of his non- existent amontillado. At this point, the reader knows the conflict will be one of man against man. It is an external struggle because Fortunato and Montresor are in a life and death fight. However, the conflict is largely internal, because Montresor has a fierce hatred that Fortunato is unaware of. The narrative hook seems to occur when Fortunato follows Montresor into the vault. Even if the reader was confused by the language of the first paragraph or is puzzled by the motive of the narrator, he is curious to kn .....
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How To Improve Your Study Habits
Number of words: 504 - Number of pages: 2.... that you want to improve your studying habits, you must begin to develop the study habits of a successful student. A regular study routine can actually help you to study. Take every opportunity to put yourself to the test and help improve your studying. If you allow your self to continue with some of your bad habits, you will not see any improvements in your grades, and you will become even more discouraged. When you are studying, do not think of what you would rather be doing. Concentrate on what you are doing.
Before you start to study you will need to get yourself organized. First, y .....
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Respect In Eveline And Teenage Wasteland
Number of words: 415 - Number of pages: 2.... were still called to even more meetings with his teachers because he did not change his ways. Donny got sent to a tutor but got too much freedom and his grades dropped. In the end he got kicked out of school because he had some beer in his locker. Within a month of his expulsion he runs away from home never to return.
"Eveline" and "Teenage Wasteland" ended very similarly. Neither of the two main characters seemed to learn thing from their mistakes. Eveline planned to move away with her fiancée, but stayed behind while he sailed away to Italy, and did not gain anything. Donny ran .....
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The Plague 3
Number of words: 1716 - Number of pages: 7.... slightly altered form or another, ‘What’s the matter?’ springs to
the lips of all the chief characters in the play- Othello, Iago,
Desdemona, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia- but only Iago, masterly
improviser of evil deeds, doesn’t need to ask the question; that
is because he already knows the answer and rarely takes the
trouble to pretend otherwise.”3 He appears to be the shrewd
character which thinks himself to be wonderful and all-knowing.
Iago is the main driving force in this play, pushing Othello and
many others towards their tragic end.
Iago is not .....
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Convicts And Australia
Number of words: 1990 - Number of pages: 8.... sent from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and comprised mainly working class men and women . The typical age of the British convict sent to Australia was 26, and single . The proportion of females transported was relatively low, initially compromising only 11 percent of those sent . Contrary to popular belief, most of the arriving convicts were healthy and fit with the majority of females categorized within a child bearing age. During the years of transportation between 1788 - 1868 approximately 160,000 men, women and children made the voyage to the new colony .
The nature .....
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Number of words: 2887 - Number of pages: 11.... one of their fighters that had been on a terrorist operation. He was hauled in by the police and they found weapons on him.
They hung the man. By law this is what they were supposed to do. This was the tenth death sentence by the mandatory power in Palestine. The "Old Man" decided that things had gone far enough and now he was not going to allow the English to rule any longer.
The Old Man ordered that a military officer be kidnapped. They kidnapped
Captain John Dawson who walked alone at night. (6)
This made the country very tense.
The English ordered a 24 hour curfew. They searched every .....
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