Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1091 - Number of pages: 4.... as the only way to survive in the wilderness. After seeing the dying natives in the forest of the outer station, Marlow described them as ginefficient.h Under gthe devotion to efficiency,h incompetent people were excluded from society. Only efficient people can survive. For example, since Kurtz was the most efficient agent, with regards to producing ivory, his employers respected his achievement and regarded him as an essential person. However, once he fell into disintegration, he was considered no more the than dying natives and thus was treated as if he were dead. He was then buri .....
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Brave New World 8
Number of words: 1459 - Number of pages: 6.... Doors of Perception, lifted from poet William Blake, inspired rock singer Jim Morrison to name his group "The Doors." Then in 1963 Huxley with his wife by his side ingested a dose of mescaline while on his deathbed.
Aldous Huxley’s, Brave New World shows humanity, that an obsession with a utopia, as they world they live in, will come with great cost and is near impossible as he shows that the problem is knowledge destroys value of life. As man has progressed through the ages, there has been, essentially, one purpose. That purpose is to arrive at a utopian society, where everyone is hap .....
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Macbeth - Power
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... you were, you would/ Be so much more the man." (1,7,54-56). As a result of Lady Macbeth's doubts and mocking, Macbeth finally murders Duncan in a final attempt to prove himself to Lady Macbeth.
Although Lady Macbeth was successful at convincing Macbeth to murder Duncan, the Three Witches were the people who made it all possible. The Three Witches hold the ultimate power. If the Three Witches had indeed not informed Macbeth about what was to be, then be would not have repeated the Three Witch's prophecies to Lady Macbeth, "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis!/ All hail, Macbet .....
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The Raisin In The Sun
Number of words: 1213 - Number of pages: 5.... that she and Walter just do not have enough money to support another family member, and feels that she and Walter will only bring the baby into a world of fighting. Beneatha also has influence on Ruth’s decision by asking, “… where is he going to live? On the roof?”(58). Beneatha feels that if Ruth has another baby it would just complicate the living situation, which is strenuous enough as it is. Later, even with all of this negative energy, Ruth comes to realize that she should not take the life of her baby and decides to keep it. One of her reasons for this change of heart is th .....
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Pride And Prejudice Point Of V
Number of words: 1353 - Number of pages: 5.... observes about Bingley’s affection for Jane, “I never saw a more promising inclination. He was growing quite inattentive to other people, and wholly engrossed by her… Is not general incivility the very essence of love?” (106). Mrs. Bennett approves of the match mostly on a monetary basis, and exclaims, “Why, he has four or five thousand a year, and very likely more. Oh my dear Jane, I am so happy!” (260). Elizabeth, however, looks down on her mother for this, and approves of the marriage because she can tell that the two are truly in love with one another. Austen also m .....
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A Comparison Of Arthur Becomes King And David And Goliath
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... errand. David is taking food to his brothers by order of Jesse, his father.
When the brothers tell David of Goliath, David immediately says that he will
fight him. A desperate King Saul learns of this and prepares David for battle.
Arthur is trying to find a sword for Sir Kay. When they become heroes, both
David and Arthur save an entire population. By defeating Goliath, David saves
all of the Israelites from the Philistines. By coming to power, Arthur saves a
kingless England. Both stories have someone who is jealous of the rightful
king. Saul tries to kill David in order to prevent .....
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Indian Camp
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... he wanted his son to learn biologically what went on. After the baby is born Nick’s father finds out that the Indian womans husband had committed suicide. The quotes, " Take Nick out of the shanty, George" and "I’m terribly sorry I brought you along, Nickie. It was an awful mess to put you through." also help show how in some senses Nick’s father has compassion for his son. The fact that he feels bad that his son had to witness the dead man means that he is sensitive towards his sons’ feelings. Also under extreme situations, the mans death, his father reefe .....
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Heart Of Darkness - Cruelty
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... Marlow experienced the violent threat of nature, the insensibility of reality, and the moral darkness. We have noticed that important motives in Heart of Darkness connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to "darkest Africa" have themselves been deprived of the sanctions of their European social orders; they also have been alienated from the old tribal ways. "Thrown upon their own inner spiritual resources they may be utterly damned by their greed, their sloth, and their hypocrisy into moral insignificanc .....
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Dover Beach By Matthew Arnold
Number of words: 2695 - Number of pages: 10.... The most evident example of this is through the eyes of Dr. Jekyll. When Jekyll is running through his daily routine, the sets are bright with adequate lighting. On the other hand, when Mr. Hyde comes into the picture the scenes drastically become dark and frightening. I think this split is in conjunction with the two personalities that Dr. Jekyll displays. A scene in the movie that makes the disparity so clear is when Dr. Jekyll first discovers the potion that creates Mr. Hyde. The lighting in the laboratory was not the best, but after the transformation takes place it seems l .....
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A Journey To Enlightenment In
Number of words: 1795 - Number of pages: 7.... nature.
The name Santiago is a biblical reference that translated into English means Saint James. Those who are direly active with the Christian religion and have read "The Old Man and the Sea" perceive the old man as an indirect reference to Saint Francis of Assisi. In the bible, Saint Francis was born to a wealthy merchant and when he grew older, he distributed his riches among the poor. Saint Francis of Assisi was best known for his love of birds and was believed to have the ability to communicate with them. While at sea, Santiago speaks to all the birds that pass because of his l .....
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