Brave New World 2
Number of words: 1704 - Number of pages: 7.... does
not know what is missing. Freedom leads to happiness, and if one
already possesses happiness, then there is no need for freedom,
especially if your government is making sure that all your needs are
Religion plays an important role in people's lives. It represents
our principles and values. Religion guides us, gives us something
to believe in and a set of rules to live by. However, who is to say
that one hundred years from now people will still believe and
practice religion? Mustapha Mond when referring to the Holy Bible says
that "they're old .....
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Crime And Punishment
Number of words: 2328 - Number of pages: 9.... styles, and shapes. Everyday life consists of many types of evil showing forth, disguising itself at times or at other putting itself in a clear eye's view. This all depends on the creature it is within. Those who consider or have been considered by society as "good" are the ones that have resisted and fought off this compelling force. On the contrary, as nature has revealed, evil in some creatures is too much a part of them for it to be held down. Resulting factors illustrate the argument to the belief that evil results when man interrupts natural processes. (Americana 731) Philosophe .....
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Realism And Credibility In Mol
Number of words: 1965 - Number of pages: 8.... English novels. There was no fixed tradition that the authors
worked in; instead the novel was in the process of being established. The question arises whether the two works lack a certain roundness in their narrators.
In Aphra Behn's work there is both a rejection and an acceptance of traditional plots: the Surinam episodes are far from established plots. The story is innovative, for example, inasmuch as the hero is black and enslaved. Behn actually was among the first
to contribute to the image of the 'noble savage' in literature, seventy years before Rousseau did. It is now commonly a .....
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Native Son (Summary)
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... "Maybe they right in not wanting us to fly, 'cause it I took a plane up I'd take a couple bombs along and drop'em sure as hell..." By saying this Bigger reflects the feeling that he feels frustrated and angry with the whites for how they cna simply deny them certain opportunities. This also proves something of hes attitude and his emotions toward white society, in that he knows the boundaries set between the race of whites and blacks. Fear represents an even larger factor in the definition of his personality in the instance of the murder of the Dalton's Daughter Mary. Early on when he m .....
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Writing For The Screen
Number of words: 469 - Number of pages: 2.... which wrote I Know What You Did Last Summer and its sequels. These are so formulated that it is easy for those that analyze and look at movies as a work of art and not just merely a “Saturday night date place.” These scriptwriters seem to stray away from their original concept of creative writing and have conformed to the Hollywood pressures of fitting a script standard that has been set.
Look at an independent thinkers like Quentin Tarantino. He is a revolutionary writer that has radically changed the style of writing. He introduced in America a “Hong Kong” style .....
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The Lottery
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... addition, the description of people and their actions are very typical and not anomalous. Children play happily, women gossip, and men casually talk about farming. Everyone is coming together for what seems to be enjoyable, festive, even celebratory occasion. However, the pleasant description of the setting creates a façade within the story. The setting covers the very ritualistic and brutally violent traditions such as the stoning of Mrs. Hutchinson, who dared to defy tradition. It is very apparent that tradition is very coveted in this small, simple town. This can be proven by the ancient, .....
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Philosophy - Plato
Number of words: 1820 - Number of pages: 7.... new school. Plato then went to Syracuse to
supervise the education of the ruling prince. Plato was not certain about the success of this
adventure although he felt he could not refuse this opportunity of putting his ideas to a test. It
did not work out for Plato and he returned to Athens in 360 B.C. He then devoted himself to
teaching and lecturing at the Academy. He died at age 80 in Athens in 348 B.C. Before his
death Plato completed the Sophist, the Politicus, the Philebus, the Timaeus and finally the Laws.
The Symposium is the most widely read of Plato's dialogue .....
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Macbeth The Cursed Play
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... role on short notice.
The play was rarely performed again for nearly a century. The day of its
London revival in 1703 was noteworthy for one of the most severe storms in
English history. Because of its blasphemous content, the play was blamed
for the storm's calamities, and Queen Anne ordered a week of prayer during
which all theaters were closed.
A catalogue of disasters
Over the next two centuries the disasters continued, the curse taking its
greatest toll after the Astor Place riots in New York City in 1849. During
a performance of Macbeth by British actor William Charles Macre .....
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Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... Placida dream since she was a little girl. In Spain girls are brought up to make mariace a priority. For Abraham, on the other hand, an Arab male of wealth turn of the century Spain, life had always meant just the opposite. A man of festivities, of party and celebration, Abraham loved his boos, cigars, and women. And not necessary in that order. He felt and, not a beginning to his life. Placida was a spark of light, beauty able to contain her joy news spilled like a flood. Abraham finds he is happier than he had ever been, but battle with the confession of his changing life. In his exciteme .....
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Upon The Burning Of Our Land
Number of words: 869 - Number of pages: 4.... settlers had on the land as more land and people were “burned away” for the settlers’ consumption. Chief Seathl spoke of issues that were argued for many years, and which still have relevance in our lives today. Through remarkably poetic penmanship, Chief Seathl’s letter to the president also showed the great respect that he and other Native Americans had for this land, but that the white settlers didn’t.
The letter written by Chief Seathl was one of the most powerful combinations of poetry and prose. “His appetite will devour the earth and leave behin .....
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