Machiavelli's Works
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2.... of the Republic of Florence.
After many power shifts the Medici eventually came back into being. Machiavelli was dismissed from his position and retired to San Casciano. Being charged with conspiracy, he was tortured but then released when Giovanni de Medici was elected to the papacy. He returned to San Casciano and wrote The Prince.
Machiavelli wrote The Prince to Giovanni de Medici as advice on how to rule and conquer peoples. Unfortunately his political and social genius was not realized for years to come and all he had worked for had gone down the drain. Italy fell leaving only .....
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The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht
Number of words: 859 - Number of pages: 4.... epitome of justice and gives a true verdict. The trial scene is also adapted from the parable of King Solomon. Solomon the paragon of justice and truth oversees the trial of two mothers, one child is dead the other alive, they seek custody of the alive child. The king asks the child to be cut in half, the real mother relinquishes her claim and thus
gains custody of her rightful child. In these two whispers the law is shown to be equated with justice, however Brecht seeks to highlight that within Grusinia this is not the case and it takes a greedy Azdak who despises the upper classes to give .....
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Canterbury Tales - Courtly Love In Chaucer
Number of words: 1784 - Number of pages: 7.... Chaucer signals the practice of chivalric courtship as the knight who is of noted "heigh kinrede" (63) ceremoniously completes the "many a labor" (60) of a courtly lover. The description of the duties that must be undertaken by a classic courtly lover seeking a wife for social fulfillment corruptss the image of courtship being motivated by the existence of true love. The emphasis on the inconvenience with which Arveragus, "dide his payne" (57) suggests he performs "many a greet empryse" (59) out of obligation and convention rather than as a part of a genuine amorous pursuit. The weakly disgu .....
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Poetry Explication Stopping By
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... snowfall and the sky is very dark
Imagery is used many times in this poem .The strongest example of imagery in this poem is when Frost explains the setting of the story he uses the words “Between the woods and the frozen lake, the darkest night of the year” leaving the reader feeling that he or she is sitting on a horse watching the snow fall and debating on whether or not to leave.
This poem is overflowing with symbolism and after careful consideration this is how I interpreted such symbolism. Frost starts off by using the woods to represen .....
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Lord Of The Flies - Chapter Summaries
Number of words: 1467 - Number of pages: 6.... to light the fire, until Jack robs Piggy of his glasses and uses them to magnify the sun's rays to heat the tinder-dry wood. The fire, although majestic, unfortunately only generates a tiny amount of smoke, so the boys stack green branches on to get more smoke. At the next meeting, Ralph decides that more rules should be introduced, including groups to be set out for specific tasks (e.g. Shelters, Fire, Hunting). Also, Piggy brings up a subject of concern. He reveals that one child is missing, and the group fear for his life.
Chapter Three: Huts on the Beach.
Ralph and Simon start to build .....
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The Stranger: Quote Analysis Expansion
Number of words: 1197 - Number of pages: 5.... it inspires, or, better stated, Meursault is the only honest man in a society that says more than it feels and much more than it believes. In direct parry to this social thrust, Meursault’s lawyer is given an extremely difficult role in this novel; he is forced to attempt to not only understand Meursault, which he cannot, but he also has to portray Meursault to the world as a creature of normal society, which is impossible, since the idea that Meursault is representative of the whole of society, falls no where near the reality of the situation. Meursault’s faceless lawyer, crippl .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 341 - Number of pages: 2.... about
war, he couldn’t contain himself. His teacher had made war sound
like a great adventure that everyone should experience. When the
boy got up to talk, he told everyone that it was horrible, and
his teacher went crazy. War films that are made now are
certainly anti-wars films (usually), but this film in particular
showed that war was a horrible, horrible thing. The way the
director decided to portray the war scenes suprised me. For the
time the film was made, I didn’t think films were that graphic,
but this one certainly was. The battle scenes and the effects
u .....
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Welcome To The Monkey House
Number of words: 3085 - Number of pages: 12.... in a sexual, racial, or violent manner. Censorship should leave the ideas of people alone and leave them with their first amendment rights. Amendment one of the United States Bill of Rights reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble…". What this means is that we, in America have the right to be any religion, and to not have that religion forced upon us. We have the right to say what we want and to publish our ide .....
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Why Hamlet Is A Hero
Number of words: 1410 - Number of pages: 6.... one of utter shock or one of regret; instead, Hamlet proclaims farewell to the “wretched, rash, intruding fool” (III.iv.33). Also, Hamlet tells Horatio that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern “are not near [his] conscience” (V.ii.58), even after he has ordered the killing of the two. Even though Hamlet may sound cold and heartless, it is not so because in Hamlet’s perspective, he was merely trying to rid the court of corrupted fools as it is part of his scheme of purifying the court. Hamlet’s murder of these three characters reflect great courage because by doin .....
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The Great Gatsby - The Charact
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... her reading the Saturday Evening Post, and turning the pages with a “flutter of slender muscles in her arms.” Reading a newspaper would be an unlikely action of a woman of that time, and even her muscles reveal her masculine features. Fitzgerald’s masculine depiction of Miss Baker in this fashion shows the reader the coming of a self sufficient woman into our times.
In addition to Jordan’s physical features, her beliefs and values show that she is far from a typical woman of the time. At her first big golf tournament, there had been speculation concerning Jordan mov .....
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