The Cookie Conspiracy
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... back in the 1800's, the
cookies want to get out of their homeland and onto a better place. So, this is where the
Cookieland Government comes into play. They have proposed a "plan" which reads as
"All cookies wanting to move away from Cookieland at this time of hardship are to
apply at the Central Government agencies. Upon approval, your cookie family (3
generations) Will be put in a three part boat, each part for a generation. From there you
will be shipped to a secluded place which we have designated for cookies at this time.
Cost is small, and you can sta .....
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Antigone 7
Number of words: 1111 - Number of pages: 5.... this thing?
Antigone. I do. I deny nothing. -pg. 502, lines 43-52
She didn't lie to get her out of trouble nor blame her accused actions on someone else. I think that this would show and tell people not to be afraid to say or do what you think is right. Antigone would be a good role model for many people. She wanted to do the right thing for her dead brother. Yet her idea of the right thing to do didn't agree with some people such as Creon. She didn't care about anything else except to do the proper thing, giving her brother a proper burial. She wanted to do the unthinkable- to .....
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Greasy Lake
Number of words: 591 - Number of pages: 3.... both include violence and regretful lessons learned the hard way, and seam to involve similar events and characters. A definite change in Boyle’s plot over the course of the two stories however, is the loss in significance and importance of the plot and the take over by setting and character instead.
A well-defined thread connecting the two stories are the plot similarities. In both stories, the characters attempt to be what they are not. The plot revolves around this central theme and shows them doing things they aren’t fit to do. Whether it is shooting a lion or fighting a tough .....
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Death Of A Salesman 4
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... his situation, supports his delusion. She says to him “…you’re the handsomest man in the world” (1809). But the truth is being popular and good looking is not the key to success. Success is achieved through hard work and perseverance.
The American Dream has long turned sour for Willy. At the beginning of his life, he remembers travelling in a wagon going westward. His parents conquered the new frontier and succeeded. His brother Ben, “Walked into a jungle, and comes out, the age of twenty-one, and he’s rich” (1811). For a while, the American Dr .....
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Shooting An Elephant
Number of words: 1355 - Number of pages: 5.... an English man that was a police officer in Burman, who was hated for his race and felt it almost impossible to do his job. He had to deal with a lot of hatred and disrespect, but yet he was expected to do what the town’s people asked of him when they asked. When the elephant got loose the first person the sub-inspector at the opposite end of the town called was the main character, who was to be nameless throughout the entire story. He wanted him to go do something about the loose elephant because the mahout (the keeper and driver of an elephant) was away and no one else could handle a .....
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Lord Of The Flies Critical Lit
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... a pig for the first time, he becomes obsessed with hunting. All Jack can think about is killing a pig. He begins to show even more evil and irresponsibility when he puts clay and charcoal on his face to make himself camouflaged in order to kill a pig. Jack leads the hunters in a chant, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood" (LoF 69). Critic, Frederick R. Karl, believes that the boys on the island lose their civilized ways in order to show reality of life. Karl comments, "The stranded boys in Lord of the Flies, for example, almost entirely shake off civilized behavior. . . . What .....
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The Rhetorical Styles Of King
Number of words: 2793 - Number of pages: 11.... They were conceptualized by Aristotle as the keys to persuading an audience. Ethos, directly translated, means “worthy of belief,” and deals with establishing credibility. Pathos involves “putting hearers…into the right frame of mind with regard to certain issues and the speakers persuasive intent” (Smith 83). Logos includes the arguments that are used to make a point, and involves the basis upon which the arguments were made. The use of these three elements in harmony with each other will produce a persuasive argument according to Aristotle. Being that he .....
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Number of words: 1258 - Number of pages: 5.... of her time, unwilling to be controlled, even by the strong and powerful Agbadi, not only because of her individual desires, but because of her respect for the cultural norms of her society.
From the onset of the story we learn that Agbadi proposes marriage to . Since 's father, Chief Obi Umunna, had no sons, he raised to be very assertive and assume what is considered boylike traits. Thus, like a man, her father raised her never "to stoop to any man" (629). Does this mean that women and men are not considered equals in this society? Evidently, it seems the only reason was thought not to s .....
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The Khent
Number of words: 3224 - Number of pages: 12.... sands of the Arabian desert, where our age-long persecutors, the inexorable Turkish authorities had driven us during the dark days of the First World War with the flimsy excuse that we were in sympathy with the Allied cause. We enjoy now in America, "The Land of Liberty and The Home of the Brave," a cultural democracy, the likc of which is not found anywhere in the world on such a vast scale. To this cultural heritage every race has contributed something worthwhile from its precious spiritual resources. This fact explains why America is blessed more than any other country
with an incompa .....
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The Great Gatsby Greed And Wea
Number of words: 902 - Number of pages: 4.... gets in his way. He is also a racist, always talking about the “White Race” needing to conquer all.
“It’s up to us who are the dominant race to watch out or these other races will have control of things.” Tom is the perfect example of the kind of amoral people described in the book. Greedy, ignorant and wealthy.
Myrtle Wilson is just the same. She is dishonest towards her husband and speaks highly of herself. But she is one over Tom because she takes him for granted. He is the one buying all of her clothes and beauty accessories. He even went as far as .....
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