Animal Farm
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... shall sleep in beds with sheets"(p.79). Clover does not trust her memory and believes whatever is written on that wall. Squealer is passing by when Clover and Muriel are reading the Commandments, so without losing a chance he convince them that the pigs are not breaking any rule. He mentions that the pigs are sleeping in beds but they have removed sheets(p.80). He is intelligeny enough to say that there was never a rule against beds, and that the rule was against sheets. If Clover were intelligent she could have trusted her memory and questioned Squealer's words. More over, If the rest of t .....
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Number of words: 1712 - Number of pages: 7.... with the potential to recreate the true church of the early Christians. Their intense belief in the imminence of the end of the world, however, along with the mode of interpretation which they applied to the , reflected trends in Christian thought redirected by Martin Luther, and largely ignored by John Calvin.
In this paper I will examine Luthers role in three English interpretations of the , discussing both his influence as an intellectual precedent, and his appearance as a character within these texts. Luther himself never wrote a detailed commentary on the Apocalypse, but in a preface to .....
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Othello 4 - Fixed
Number of words: 1011 - Number of pages: 4.... Secondly, Othello has control in dangerous predicaments. After discovering the harmful intentions of Brabantio, Othello shows confidence of his control in Act I, Scene 2, and relies on his credentials: "Let him do his spite. My services which I have done the signiory Shall outtongue his complaints" (1.2.18-20). When Brabantio arrives with his troops and both sides draw their swords, Othello demonstrates his control again: "Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them" (1.2.59). Through the whole ordeal, Othello remains an authoritative figure. Finally, Othello is mentally in contr .....
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Personal Writing: James Marcia's Identity Status Of Moratorium
Number of words: 458 - Number of pages: 2.... such an investment would bring, but what if I am
dead one year from now. Will I have wasted my present life worrying about
how happy and successful I can make my future?
As you can tell I am overflowing with worries and questions. In a
way I almost wish I had the identity staus of forclosure pushed on me so
that my future is already planned for me and I could focus on one day at a
time. Then my egotism strikes again and I think to myself "I can go
farther than that." "Do not take the easy way out." The decisions I have
to make are helping to build character., I know, I know.
I ne .....
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The Function Of Profanity In Modern English
Number of words: 3807 - Number of pages: 14.... English language be as effective without these
words? Are efforts to repress them futile? Does the popularization of such
vocabulary create the need for new words with the same taboo status as the
original words? To summarize: Does profanity serve a useful purpose in the
English language?
In order to answer a question this complex, certain guidelines must be set.
The word "profanity" has a long list of taboo words associated with it, not
all of which can be accommodated within such a short study. It is therefore
necessary to limit which words we consider. Since this is a study of modern
E .....
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Kubla Khan -
Number of words: 1171 - Number of pages: 5.... He was part way through writing the poem and was interrupted by a person from the nearby town of Porlock. After this interruption he was unable to complete the poem because his access to the dream was lost. The unfinished work was not published for three decades. Much mystery has enshrouded “Kubla Khan” and it’s meaning due to the circumstances of it’s creation. The poem itself is as mystical and interesting as the story behind its creation.
The poem begins with a mythical tone, “In Xanadu did Kubla Khan/ A stately pleasure dome decree.” The poem does .....
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A Life Lived In Fear Is A Life
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... the world what he could do, but was told since he was a child to do what the world said he should. Had he given in to his fear of going against what was considered the correct way, he never would have made a difference. The woman in the film helped him to realize that he could be more then what others wanted for him. By doing things his way he made his mark on the world of ballroom dancing and achieved his dream of becoming a champion. He broke free of the mold, and so over came his fear.
People fear many things, and of these, the most common is failure. People feel that they can not expr .....
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Of Mice And Men 6
Number of words: 972 - Number of pages: 4.... place, to ranch to ranch, making a bit of money here and a bit of money there. Their one lifelong dream is to one day make enough money, to get a ranch of their own. So they one day come across a ranch where they plan to work, and work they do and this is where the story begins. They meet lots of people in this ranch, friends, nobodies and people they know they have to stay away from, in order to avoid harsh consequences, such as Curley and his wife, of whom I will talk about in my perspective of the book. They have friends, all of different characteristics.
So heres what happens very briefl .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 1436 - Number of pages: 6.... self-doubt, and forlorn depression" were deepened by such gloomy weather. (Bronte 9-10) Much like the beast's castle in "Beauty and the Beast", Gateshead, Jane's home, appeared to have an evil spell that would not allow the days to be sprinkled with sunshine and happiness.
Jane's horrible, doom filled days at Gateshead came to a halt when Jane was accepted into Lowood Institution. Although Lowood was a more joyous home for Jane, she never considered it home. Jane delighted in one wintery morning when the girls could not wash because the pitchers were frozen. "A change had taken place .....
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Report On "The Liar"
Number of words: 963 - Number of pages: 4.... determined to make James “well” once and for all. She is a
very strong woman, and has always been the head of her family especially
since her husband started to become ill.
The central conflict in the story is James' mother's frustrating
attempt to cure her son of his uncontrollable lying. Finally at the end
she sends him off to visit his brother, which James only feels as an
attempt to get rid of him for awhile. We see at the end as he lies to a
stranger that his mother's last attempt to cure him has failed.
Point Of View
The story is told in first person narrative. It i .....
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