Number of words: 314 - Number of pages: 2.... rising from a
state of sin to a state of blessedness. Other allegories include the parables
of Jesus, and The Faerie Queene, written by the English poet Edmund Spenser in
the late 1500's.
Allegories lost popularity in Europe after about 1600, but some, such as
Pilgrim's Progress (1678, 1684) gained recognition in later times. Allegory
also exists in other ways. Many novels include allegorical suggestions of an
additional level of meaning. Examples include Moby-Dick (1851), a whaling
adventure that raises issues of human struggle and fate in a mysterious universe,
and Lord of the Flies ( .....
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Number of words: 737 - Number of pages: 3.... who manufacture of women's clothing and Augusta Barnett Miller. Many characters in Arther Miller's plays are modeled after his older brother Kermit Miller.
In 1933 after he graduated high school he became interested in literature after reading dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamaou". Then he was refused admission to the University of Michigan because he had too low of grades. Then he went and worked on his families new garment business. That's when he wrote his fist piece of work "In Memoriam" which was never published.
Then in1934 he was admitted into the University of Michigan aft .....
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The Outsiders 4
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3.... escape the police. After that, a long chain of violent and dramatic events ensues and puts the boys in the most dreadful situation of their lives.
The characters in this book are fairly realistic and believable. They may seem a tad different to a kid nowadays, but keep in mind that this takes place in the 1960's.
S.E. Hinton's plot is not very difficult to understand, since the story rarely gets complicated. It is suitable for readers of all ages, from adolescents to adults.
The setting of this book is not only believable, but interesting as well. Upon reading it, you probably wou .....
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Our Town Analysis 2
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2.... too pleasing.
The atmosphere is very obvious in this play because it is one of the most prominent factors in the play itself. In the first act the dominant mood is happiness because everybody is pursuing their normal activities and gossiping and the first act is used to introduce the characters for us to know their attitudes. In the second act the action is sped up and there is a special event which is marriage involves George and Emily. Emily shows a great deal of hesitation and the attendants at the ceremony are discussing the couple and how they were when they were young. In the third .....
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Analysis Of A Streetcar Named
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... “Don’t let me go” that every moribund of her house tells her before dying, as if though she was able of do something to help them. Gradually she was getting lonely in the mansion. Her husband also died and she was left completely alone. Blanche now lives in a mansion with too many rooms that she cannot fill. In her necessity of being loved she becomes a prostitute hoping that one of the gentlemen that she works for, love her. Also she seduces a seventeen-year-old boy. This causes more problems for the poor Blanche. She was now jobless; so at this point in her life Blanche has los .....
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We All Take Things For Granted
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5.... looking into the eyes of her worthy dog, or visiting the many friends that took the time to visit her. She would stay up late and see the beauty of the sunset falling over the horizon. The second day would consist of man made beauties, such as going to art galleries to see the master pieces that she could only read about.
Finally, she would stop at the theatre so she could see the works of art she read about put into motion. On the third and final day she would go to the busy streets and witness how the average person spends their life. She wanted to see the busy ways of the businessme .....
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The Black Death
Number of words: 1089 - Number of pages: 4.... ate his body alive. I can still remember the scratching on my walls as he struggled with the pain of this great sickness. No matter how hard I tried to be the great shelter I once was. No matter how tight I shut my windows and doors. No matter how I wished them not to leave the house. I could not keep the plague out.
I remember when it all started her in London. The whole family was out when I first heard about this killer. I was anxiously waiting there return when the man from the house that sat next to me was informing one of his friends on the death of Mr. Robinson the store keeper. .....
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A Lesson Before Dying
Number of words: 1584 - Number of pages: 6.... down trees, confederate deserters raided Emma and Zech and burned down their house. Tobias and Emma made the decision that the war was getting to close to the scrub, and that moving South would be a good idea. The MacIvey clan packed up their wagon and headed south along the St. John’s and Kissimmee rivers and settled in a hammock along the Kissimmee river.
In Kissimmee is where Tobias begins his empire that turns the family into one of the wealthiest families in Florida. In the swamps of Florida, wild cows live and Tobias tries his best to capture these cows and make a drive, but with .....
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Hamlet 6
Number of words: 948 - Number of pages: 4.... of a person he is if he can allow his father to be murdered and his mother
to be married so soon after his father's death to his uncle. This shows us
that he is pitying himself and is putting himself down. Yet another example
of his emotions running wild are seen in his first soliloquy:
...She married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such
dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to
good. But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue! 3
He is telling us that his mother has married right away and did not mourn
for his father' .....
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Motives In Toni Morrisons Song
Number of words: 989 - Number of pages: 4.... shop, and the weekend party-goers Milkman and Guitar fraternize with regularly. However, despite their close friendship, the opportunity to gain a large amount of gold severs all their friendly ties. Guitar, suspecting Milkman took all the gold for himself, allows his greed and anger to dictate his actions and sets out on a manhunt, ready to take Milkman down wherever and whenever he could in order to retrieve the hoarded riches. Guitar's first few sniper attempts to execute Milkman did fail; however, the ending of the novel leaves the reader with the imminent death of either Milkman o .....
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