Literary Devices In Homer’s Odyssey
Number of words: 864 - Number of pages: 4.... it to what may happen to Odysseus in the future. Agamemnon had been away from his home for many years and his wife takes a lover, Aegisthus. She is disloyal toward Agamemnon and when he returns back home he is expecting his wife to still be loyal to him and that he will still be King. However, since he returns home blindly and openly, his wife and Aegisthus kill him. Orestes, Agamemnon’s son is told that he must seek revenge for his father and he kills Aegisthus. This foreshadows what may happen to Odysseus because Odysseus has been away from Ithaca for many years because of .....
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Hills Like White Elephants
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4.... views pregnancy as the opposite. When the girl is talking about the white elephants and agrees that the man has never seen one, his response is, "I might have, just because you say I haven’t doesn’t prove anything" (170). This shows the defensive nature of the man, and when the woman implies the he is unable to differentiate between what is beautiful and what is not.
Another issue that is discussed in this story is abortion and two opposing views. When the conversation turns from the hills to the operation one is able to comprehend the mentality of the woman. "Then what w .....
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Our Town
Number of words: 965 - Number of pages: 4.... her life has been, taking everything for granted, not cherishing the smallest of treasures. Emily accepts death.
Throughout this seemingly simple plot Wilder illustrates the relationship of the individual to the vastness of the universe, in fact, it is the simplicity of the plot that allows this topic to be addressed.
I have been offered the position of a director of this play, and will further discuss my methods, adhering carefully to those suggested by Wilder.
Thornton Wilder once referred to "Our Town" as "an effort to find the dignity in the trivial of our daily life, against tho .....
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Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... perfectly and have no idea why. We recite lines with the Ghostbusters and still look to The Goonies for a great adventure. We flip through T.V. stations and stop at The A Team and Knight Rider and Fame and laugh with The Cosby Show and Family Ties and Punky Brewster and what you talkin' 'bout Willis? We hold strong affections for The Muppets and The Gummy Bears and why did they take the SMURFS off the air? After school specials were only about cigarettes and stepfamilies, the Pokka Dot Door was nothing like Barney, and aren't the Power Rangers just Voltron reincarnated? We are the one .....
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A Raisin In The Sun Crtical An
Number of words: 914 - Number of pages: 4.... Although his family's financial position is strained, Walter doesn't want his son to see him struggle. Children are very impressionable. Walter displays an unselfish characteristic that is overshadowed by unwise decisions later in the play. In one particular scene, his son Travis asked both parents for money. Walter acts out of pride and little motivation by giving Travis his last pocket change. This symbolizes Walter's willingness to be a good father. In a different situation, Walter wouldn't display his selfish intentions. This behavior can be attributed to working in a degrading, u .....
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Huckleberry Finn - Racism Deba
Number of words: 720 - Number of pages: 3.... Finn might appear to be racist.
The first time the reader meets Jim he is given a very negative
description of Jim. The reader is told that Jim is illiterate,
childlike, not very bright and extremely superstitious. However, it is
important not to lose sight of who is giving this description and of
whom it is being given. Although Huck is not a racist child, he has
been raised by extremely racist individuals who have, even if only
subconsciously, ingrained some feelings of bigotry into his mind. It
is also important to remember that this description, althou .....
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Life On The Color Line
Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... no kinship relation with them, but believed they deserved a chance. Greg Williams was singled out by his family and his father to excel, to leave Muncie, and to make his fortune through his brains and academic prowess. This came true, and he is now the Dean of the College of Law at Ohio State University. His brother Mike, however, missed their mother terribly, yielded to their father's vision of him as "just like me" and lived a hard and dangerous life.
Part of the significance of the book is the author's ability to contrast his life with his brother's. Another significant factor is his a .....
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Amy Foster & The Mythology Of
Number of words: 998 - Number of pages: 4.... Yanko an escaped
lunatic when he is first spotted in the seaside town. He is whipped,
stoned and beaten by many of the residents. In addition, he was
captured and caged like a wild animal. He is described as a "drunk",
"tramp", and "creature". He is very different from the usual
Englishman and is treated as such. He is segregated and is forced to
work for Mr. Swaffer. However, one person sees through the
differences. Amy, perhaps because of her stupidity or an ability to
feel for Yanko, does not see a wild foreigner that screams at night
and dances strangely. S .....
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Never Take Candy From Stranger
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... cruelty in the tale. The author paints a picture of both Hansel and Gretel imprisoned in a room in the vivid imagery. The stepmother "often ill-treated the children" and "she kept on trying to persuade her husband to abandon his children…" This is a key indicator of the abuse that Hansel and Gretel suffered under their cruel stepmother. During the times the author lived in, child abuse was common in society. The anonymous author uses the character of the wicked stepmother to convey the abuse a child would suffer during those times. The wife of the woodcutter "was forever .....
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Satire Or Tragedy - Macbeth
Number of words: 2067 - Number of pages: 8.... Aristotle adds a few conditions.
According to Aristotle, a tragedy must have six parts: plot,
character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is
the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation
of men, but of action and life. It is by men's actions that they
acquire happiness or sadness. Aristotle stated, in response to Plato,
that tragedy produces a healthful effect on the human character
through a katharsis, a "proper purgation" of "pity and terror." A
successful tragedy, then, exploits and appeals at the start to two
basic emot .....
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