Beowulf: The Ultimate Hero
Number of words: 1771 - Number of pages: 7.... plagued by attacks for twelve years that threatened an entire kingdom.
Beowulf did not have to offer Hrothgar's kingdom help, but does so because he
wants to uses his God given strength to the best of his ability. As soon as
Beowulf heard of the troubles in this land he set sail immediately. Beowulf
continues to show his thankfulness by thanking God for giving them safe travel
across the sea. Beowulf is lead to Hrothgar and offers him is "services."
"-Now sit down to the feast, and, in due time, listen to lays of warriors'
victories, as your heart may prompt you. (15)
Beowulf is asked b .....
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The Tragedy Of Hamlet
Number of words: 964 - Number of pages: 4.... evil, yet he was a tragic hero, because he had free will. He also had only one flaw, and that was pride. He had many good traits such as bravery, but his one bad trait made him evil. Also a tragic hero doesn't have to die. While in all Shakespearean tragedies, the hero dies, in others he may live but suffer "Moral Destruction". In Oedipus Rex, the proud yet morally blind king plucks out his eyes, and has to spend his remaining days as a wandering, sightless beggar, guided at every painful step by his daughter, Antigone. A misconception about tragedies is that nothing good comes out of them, b .....
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Great Gatsby
Number of words: 692 - Number of pages: 3.... in its dealings with the problem. This is not the case in the least. The period know as the Roaring Twenties will always be remembered for its glittering lights and unbridles romances, not the crime.
The manner in which these characters found love was also very upsetting. Gatsby spent countless years obtaining his fortune for one purpose only, to win back Daisy Buchanan. The quote, "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay," demonstrates just how desperate Gatsby was to buy anything to impress his longtime love of Daisy. Affairs were commonplace in the book a .....
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1984 Vs. Brave New World
Number of words: 1361 - Number of pages: 5.... the vocabulary. Finally, the C vocabulary is based solely on technical and
scientific words, constructed of only strict and rigid meanings. Individual
thought is completely impossible because the constricted vocabulary is intended
to include only principles of the Newspeak language. The vocabulary is
constructed so that words of unorthodox meaning such as “individual freedom”
are eliminated all together. Newspeak is designed to douse the flame of
thought and idea, while encouraging collective ideas. Over time, Newspeak
destroys any variation of idea from the intent .....
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King Lear
Number of words: 1998 - Number of pages: 8.... first indication of Lear's intent
to abdicate his throne. He goes on further to offer pieces
of his kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his
test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous
And here are to be answered. Tell me, my
(Since now we will divest us both of rule,
Interest of territory, cares of state),
Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
That we our largest bounty may extend
where nature doth with merit challenge."
(Act I, Sc i, Ln 47-53)
This is the first and most significant of the .....
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Julius Caesar - Self-Concepts In Julius Caesar
Number of words: 1358 - Number of pages: 5.... He spoke to others in a way which he believed exhibited authority, told people why he should be the one to lead them, and thought that his own advice was best.
His unwillingness to listen to others is received as arrogance. Though already warned by the soothsayer to "beware the ides of March," Caesar refuses to heed advice to stay home from Calpurnia, his wife, because he feels that she is trying to keep him from obtaining power and status. Calpurnia believes Caesar to be a prince and is convinced that some falling meteors are warnings of a prince's death. When she hears her husband .....
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A Critical Analysis Of William
Number of words: 1484 - Number of pages: 6.... frequent ‘twists’ in the narration necessitate a close examination of this. The sonnet begins with a “When” clause, launching the reader on a sentence of indeterminate length and subsequently leaving us with expectation, in suspense, at the end of the line. The woman is emphatic: she does not merely tell the truth, she is made of truth. Both the nature of this truth, and the reason for her swearing it, are unknown to the reader. The immediate thought is that the speaker has challenged her in some way, and whether or not this is correct, it is certainly an unconventi .....
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Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... she would have had absolutely nothing to look forward to and in-turn it would have eventuated in a loss of faith and maybe even death. Without a doubt, this characteristic of hers was imperative for her survival. and some fellow room- mates, went to great lengths to create an atmosphere which was even remotely related to Chanukah. A look out person was assigned in the room as well as one outside the corridor and apparatus including potatoes, oil and threads of wool was gathered. They chopped the potatoes into halves, used the oil in small quantities and even made candle- wicks out of w .....
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Wuthering Heights - Setting
Number of words: 3182 - Number of pages: 12.... descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed to stormy weather," (WH-p.25) thus emphasizing the darkness and cruelty in nature. As in Dracula, the storm is a presence of sin and unnatural desires. After ejaculating that his "wretched inmates deserv[ed] perpetual isolation from [their] species of churlish inhospitality," (WH-p.29) for leaving the gate locked during a storm, Mr. Lockwood is let inside, by a woman whom he thinks is Mrs. Heathcliff. His experience here within this Gothic house in quite unpleasant, paralleling Harker's in the Count's dark castle. While wa .....
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The Library Card
Number of words: 1586 - Number of pages: 6.... its shelves any more than they were the parks and playgrounds of the city,” (pg.319) he had asked an Irish Catholic that was hated by the white Southerners. “Richard, don’t mention this to the other white men,” (pg.321) the Irish Catholic said to Wright, which indicates that he is not a typical white southerner who is against the blacks. If there is anyone who is in favor of the blacks, they are automatically disliked by the other whites. The Irish Catholic has absolutely nothing again Richard taking out books to read. Other people will be suspicious and they think it is wron .....
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