Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 711 - Number of pages: 3.... lottery" (Page 2). If he didn't love to play lottery Buck might still live in California. Manuel is the gardener for the family and the first person who sold Buck. Buck shows his love for leadership by fighting with Spitz. "The dominant primortal beast was stong in Buck" (Page 15). If Buck didn't want to be leader Spitz might still be alive because Buck never fought with anyone unless he had to. Spitz was the leader of the pack until Buck killed him.
The many different settings helped everyone see how Buck was loved. The first setting was California, then the dog seller's cage; th .....
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Oedipus Rex - Oedipus Is Innocent
Number of words: 1474 - Number of pages: 6.... honor. Oedipus is an innocent man whose fate was also his destiny. There was no way to stop the prophecy no matter what action was taken. Throughout his life he ruled for his people. He was looked at as a "mortal set apart to face life’s common issues and the trials, which the gods dispensed to men" (3). He was the hero, the one that everyone looked to in a time of need. It can be said of his case that the good should outweigh the bad. That Oedipus reacted as any other would. Though the prophecy is what he was running from, the prophecy is what he ran into. Oedipus did not want .....
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The Hollow Men
Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2.... with no surroundings. When someone shouts into an empty, or wide area, it will always echo and repeat itself until it quietly dies off. This example of emptiness is expressed in the very last stanza of the poem, “This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang, but a whimper.”
“” starts out with two allusions, the first being “Mistah Kurtz-he dead,” which alludes to a quotation from Joseph Conrad’s novel The Heart of Darkness. In the novel, Mr. Kurtz travels to the African jungle and realizes that he cannot hand .....
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Imagery Is An Important Element In Writing
Number of words: 422 - Number of pages: 2.... Plow through it,
turning it on either side
of your path.
The reader can clearly see the heat being pushed out of the way by an
opposing force. The reader can also imagine the turbulence created by this
force. The heat becomes thick, as if it is a solid object. William Carlos
Williams used simple language in his poetry. In "The Red Wheelbarrow,"
Williams uses lively colors such as "a red wheel barrow" and "beside the
white chickens". The contrasting colors that he uses seem real and
multidimensional. In his poem, "This Is Just to Say," Williams expres .....
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Communism In Animal Farm
Number of words: 986 - Number of pages: 4.... which tries to show how communism would work. Marx's theory of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis can be found in George Orwell's Animal Farm.
The thesis, or the old way of doing things, can be represented by the years Mr. Jones owns and operates Manor Farm. The terrible abuse and neglect of the animals on the farm is because Mr. Jones gets drunk almost everyday. He uses animals for his own success and does not even think about their well being. Jones has animals slaughtered for money, he sells the chickens' eggs, and he forgets to feed the animals regularly. The animals percei .....
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A Jury Of Her Peers - Case Dismissed
Number of words: 764 - Number of pages: 3.... do not tun in Mrs. Wright is because she is a sensitive, creative, and submissive woman.
The bird that Mrs. Wright has and cares for shows the sensitivity of her soul. When the women step into the kitchen one of the first thing that they notice is the bird cage. The bird was sold to her by a door to door salesman. The bird also suggests the lonliness she has. Mrs. Wright cared for the bird so much that when her husband killed it, she avenged its death. She mourned the bird after it was gone and it served as the final straw that broke the camel's back. The women also noticed the un .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... a source of financial security that in many cases went no further.
Elizabeth is the first woman in the story to be proposed to, and she did a very peculiar thing. She is proposed to by Mr. Collins, the very man who is going to inherit her father's estate. She refuses his offer even though his "situation in life...[his] connections....and [his] relationship to [Elizabeth], are circumstances highly in [his] favor." Elizabeth simply says that "[he] could never make [her]happy...and [she] is the last woman in the world that could make [him] so." What makes her decision so peculiar is .....
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Young Goodman Brown - Symbolism
Number of words: 1290 - Number of pages: 5.... to be tested through his journey into the forest. Those evil spirits constantly tortured the Puritan, constantly reminding him of his sin and the battle in his own heart. Hawthorne used the presence of these demon in "Young Goodman Brown" by demonstrating, through Brown, the Puritan Journey towards Justification. Going through the forest towards Justification was marked by the disappearance of the self. In place of the self, was the awareness of helplessness and the illusions of sin. This awareness would then assist the moral man to no longer depend upon material things or people, .....
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Number of words: 779 - Number of pages: 3.... afraid that one day he would be dethroned by one of his children. Zeus was the only one out of the six of them not swallowed. When Zeus was old enough he fought his father, and forced him to disgorge his other brothers and sisters. was entrusted to Ocaenus and Tethys, by Rhea, to be raised while Zeus struggled with the Titans. later returned after Zeus won the war.
Zeus and got married on the summit of Mount. Ida in Phrygia. Together they were the parents of; Ares the god of war, Hephaetus the god of fire and metal work, Hebe the goddess of youth, and Elithyia the goddess of child birth. .....
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The Fifty-First Dragon: Analysis
Number of words: 1396 - Number of pages: 6.... Broun put it aptly when he wrote of the second European War looms in Europe, and a man with a guitar steps in front of the microphone to sing Ickey-Ickey-Oo” “
In “The Fifty-First Dragon” the Headmaster, much like Wilson, came up with the idea that if you give the uneducated a slogan and some basic training the natural end product is a powerful killing machine. The protection that the magical word Rumplesnitz gave Gawaine very much paralleled the strong, forceful, and unbeatable war cult Wilson had created. Instead of a single word being magical, Wilson became a modern-day Hephaest .....
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