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Term Papers on English

Van Gennep's "Rites Of Passage", Durkheim And Turner's Theory Of Communitas
Number of words: 2117 - Number of pages: 8

.... Rites of Passage into three parts: separation, transition and incorporation. In the Mescalero puberty ceremony, separation is achieved when the girls move in to their camp homes. During this stage, the Godmothers and Singers take the role of the parents. This may be described as a "cessation of interaction between the individual and the group in which he or she has been interacting" (Chapple and Coons, p. 485). However, there is not a complete separation from the girls and the community. There are instances (such as the time when the participants sleep while the community holds contests) .....

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The Awakening Of Women
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2

.... victorious because she doesn’t have to give up her identity and conform to the social norms which suppress her sexuality, individuality and rights. Choked by the cloistering, moralistic garb of the Victorian era, yet willing to give up everything--even her own life--for the freedom of unencumbered individuality, Edna Pontellier epitomizes the consummate New Woman of the late nineteenth century. She embodies the social ideals for which women of that era were striving, and are still striving for today. She is individualistic--a maverick. She is passionate. She is courageous and .....

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The Masque Of The Red Death By
Number of words: 351 - Number of pages: 2

.... his selection of knights, dames, and nobles, retreated into his castle. He thought that in doing this, he would in some way, escape the wrath of the Red Death. He could care less about his people, locking them out of his home and leaving them uncared-for. Hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, the life of the ebony clock slowly dies. This is a hint that the Prince fails to recognize- that man can escape death, but at the end it is inescapable. Him and his court are too busy dancing away and their moment of death comes closer and closer. Prince Prospero’s efforts of avoid the ep .....

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Digging By Seamus Heaney
Number of words: 1529 - Number of pages: 6

.... also complements the style of the poet 'connecting' with the reader in the way that it seems like the poet is writing directly to the reader. Making it a more 'in touch' and personal poem to subjects that we can relate to. In this case. Having a respect for your Father or your heritage. The poems opening line, in a simple, complete one line statement, conveys the impression of the poet talking to us directly and also sets a 'snapshot' of time for the reader: "Between my finger and my thumb/The squat pen rests; snug as a gun" This opening line focuses our attention to the fact that th .....

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Pride And Perseverance
Number of words: 843 - Number of pages: 4

.... here and starve and die if it comes to that than have my girls brought to shame by the violence and wickedness of their young masters (Young 16)." He and his family have made a better life for themselves. Jourdon has moved his family to another area of the country, his children are in school, his wife is involved with church and he has a decent job. In the memoir "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Harriet Jacobs has also escaped her life as a slave. Harriet Jacobs is living her life in a small shed off of her Grandmothers house. Although Harriet has escaped her life as a slave and .....

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So Long A Letter
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3

.... to challenge the notion of female subjugation and dis-empowerment by directing and solidifying the characteristics of the her two main character. In Senegal, the traditional view of woman, which values her entirely based on her son-bearing role, is still present. The first role of women is to stay at home and take care of the children. The inequality starts at a very early age. The rate of girls going to school is by far lower than that of boys. Parents' choices of investment in their children completely depend on their view of the latter's worth as adults. The relationship bet .....

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Macbeth Is Not A Villain...
Number of words: 2426 - Number of pages: 9

.... worthy and loyal character). But there is a fatal difference between Macbeth and Banquo- Macbeth’s ambition and lust for power. He is a man with an unsurpassable desire to advance himself. He himself identifies this quality while he contemplates an action that he is wholly repulsed by; “I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting Ambition which o’erleaps itself, And falls on th’ other.” This “Vaulting Ambition” is what makes Macbeth vulnerable and leads him to commit possibly the most vile deed he can imagine, setting him on .....

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Round River By Aldo Leopold
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2

.... recognize all of the earth's mechanisms. For instance if you kill the wolves then the rabbit and deer population may rise without as high of predation. Another major point in his essay is that if we are going to prevent a species from extinction we must do it everywhere not just in one specific place. The worlds whale population is not going to rise if only the United States bans whale hunting. And if we don't enforce poaching laws and regulations. This also refers to if you tamper with one organism you affect a lot more. If we kill all the whales not only can we not use them but larger se .....

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The Bluest Eye By Toni Morriso
Number of words: 452 - Number of pages: 2

.... Dick & Jane passages, repeated three times, degenerate into formless, meaningless print: "seemothermotherisverynice." The object of scorn for her "ugliness" from her family and acquaintances, Pecola yearns to become beautiful and, (she thinks) as a result of her beauty, loveable. That beauty is strictly defined by white and unattainable standards; however, a Shirley Temple mug and Mary Jane candies become the emblems of that for which Pecola yearns. The same racism that underpins the standards of beauty under which Pecola and her mother, Pauline, suffer, is also at the root of Pecola's fathe .....

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The Mouse Vs. The Wolf.
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4

.... a kilometer to find the next gate, rather than to skip the fence. Even if the fence is holding the same low (sic) standard fences out here do. Cows, bulls and Elk is very good at one thing, namely making fences much lower than intended by the farmer, so our fences isn't that much of a challenge. But not so for Yak, the chicken dog. Anyway. Yak's latest fan is an animal he can handle, although he tends to keep a certain distance. One never knows.... The other night, when I was (finally, according to Yak) going to bed, I took my usual walk around the house checking for potential fire haza .....

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