Butterbox Babies
Number of words: 1224 - Number of pages: 5.... for board and the birth cost a fortune. The service fee was $300 (a years wage). Despite the price, many women turned to the Home when in need. The women who entered the home signed a contract drafted by the Youngs' lawyer, Charles Longley, stating that they would pay the $300. Mothers who had difficulty paying their bills were hounded by the Youngs and threatened with "police action . . .".
The Youngs were aware that if a mother had taken the case to court, then no money would be awarded for their illegal service. Thus, the Youngs had many different ways of getting their mone .....
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How Contrasting Places Contrib
Number of words: 697 - Number of pages: 3.... or becoming acquainted
with anyone. His character is decided as being the “proudest, most disagreeable man in
the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come their again.” This is the same
type of attitude and pride that possesses Mr. Darcy for the remainder of the time that he
spends at Netherfield. On the other hand, Mr. Darcy acts with a certain sense of “perfect
civility”, friendliness, and attentiveness when he is at Pemberley, his home. He seems
more relaxed and acts without the feeling of improper pride that he had previously
possessed. For instance, Dar .....
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Crime And Punishment 4
Number of words: 3949 - Number of pages: 15.... image of people who go
through pain. He presents a graphical experience of ones who do not know how
to deal with humanity and its problems. Dostoevsky himself does not give a
clear solution nor does he leave one with the certainty of faith for an
example. He says himself:
Finding myself lost in the solution of these questions, I decide
to bypass them with no solution at all. (From the Author. The
Brothers Karamazov)
Through the presentation of crime and the issue of money which is often
connected to it, Dostoevsky retells a Bible story. His answer to the problem .....
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A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
Number of words: 1551 - Number of pages: 6.... they younger waiter mentions that the old man tried to kill himself in the previous week. The older waiter asks why, and the younger tells him that he had no reason
to kill himself because he had \"plenty of money.\" The older waiter lets the conversation drop after he hears this, because this statement shows the younger
waiter\'s perspective.
The older waiter seems to have empathy for the older patron, where the younger waiter has ill feelings to the customer. The older waiter seems to be more aware of a larger sense of existence where everyone plays their role, and the younger w .....
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Socrates And Descartes On Dual
Number of words: 673 - Number of pages: 3.... In the pursuit of knowledge, the only way to discover reality is to separate the body from the soul. This freedom from the body is called death. This does not mean that one should live in a state close to death, but one should not fear death.
Socrates explains that " our souls… existed apart from the body before they took on a human form" (Plato 115).
Since our souls were alive before we existed, then according to Socrates, our souls exist after death also. Souls exist in two ways after death. If a person is good and follows the practices of philosophy, then their soul will "make .....
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The Catcher And The Rye -x
Number of words: 801 - Number of pages: 3.... in New York until the day that he is suppose to arrive home comes. On the train to New York Holden meets the mother of student at Pency and lies about him just to be sociable while all the time laughing that he is being a phony while he hates them. Once in New York at his hotel he calls a girl he was given a phone number to but he ends up not doing anything with her and is angry with himself for it. He goes down to the bar at the hotel and can not even order a drink. He ends up sitting with 3 girls for whom he buys drinks and dances with although after the whole evening they end up just leav .....
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Joy Luck Club 3
Number of words: 1158 - Number of pages: 5.... changed my way of thinking in this respect. The reason that I was upset is that Asian people have a stereotype about food. It is just like this. If I have taken this, this is mine, and nobody can touch this. This may sound barbaric or like animals fighting for their food. This kind of thought was probably brought about because through out history we had war many times this means that only the strong people who have lots of food survived. American people all want to share everything that they have. They think that if I give something this time, I can receive something next time. I think ty .....
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Late 19th Century Creole Socie
Number of words: 1366 - Number of pages: 5.... husbands at all costs. The society was made up of women, “who idolized their children, worshipped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels” (Chopin 16). Life was very difficult for Edna under these circumstances. “To a certain extent The Awakening shows Edna at the mercy of a patriarchal husband, a hot climate, a Creole lifestyle, and the circumscribed expectations of a particular class of Louisiana women” (Taylor 306). This eventually leads to Edna’s breaking free. In this society the attitud .....
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Lysistrata Of Aristophanes
Number of words: 1201 - Number of pages: 5.... who had remained in Athens while the younger men are on their crusade. When their husbands return from battle, the women reject sex and stand guard at Acropolis. The sex strike, portrayed in risqué episodes, finally pressure the men of Athens and Sparta to consent to a peace treaty. Ancient Greece in 431 BC was not a nation. It was a collection of rival city-states that were allies with each other or with leading military powers. Athens was a great naval power, while Sparta relied mainly on its army for superiority. In 431 BC, these alliances went to war against each other in a conflic .....
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Absolute Power Corrupts Absolu
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2.... Revolution exhibited. Napoleon is admired by all of the animals because he is their leader. All of the animals believe that their leader wants to fulfill all of their needs. They also are convinced that Napoleon’s decisions are made the best interest of the animals. Napoleon’s piglike qualities are shown throughout the story. He exhibited greediness when he sold the dying horse, Boxer to a slaughterhouse for money so that he and the other pigs could purchase whiskey. Orwell ridicules human nature through Napoleon in the sense that he is trying to show how the greedy and .....
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