Kurds Vs Turks
Number of words: 4645 - Number of pages: 17.... Kurds will become the third most populous ethnic group in the Middle East by the year 2000, displacing the Turks. Furthermore, if present demographic trends hold, as they are likely to, in about fifty years Kurds will also replace the Turks as the majority ethnic group in Turkey itself.
There is now one Kurdish city with a population of nearly a million (Kirminshan), two with over half a million (Diyarbekir, Kirkuk), five between a quarter and half a million (Antep, Arbil, Hamadan, Malatya, Sulaymania), and quarter of a million people (Adiyaman, Dersim [Tunceli], Dohuk, Elazig [Kharpu .....
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The Emotional Creativity Of Ludwig Van Beethoven
Number of words: 2544 - Number of pages: 10.... who was born on April 18th, 1774 and Nicholas Johann who was born on October 2nd, 1776 were the only other surviving children of Maria’s six births besides Ludwig(Burke 32).
Ludwig began taking music lessons from his father at a very young age. By the age of five he was playing both the clavier and the violin(Solomon 16). Beethoven had few friends and spent little time playing with other children, although he did play with his brothers from time to time(Burke 33). Young Beethoven was extremely withdrawn from the world around him. “Outside of music he understood nothing of a soci .....
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The Spanish American War
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... by the Spanish Navy, others say that the 896 ton capacity coal bunker exploded but most people at the time said that the ship was torpedoed and blamed Spain for the sinking of the ship. After the disaster an official court of inquiry was held to determine the cause of the blast. The Navy said that the ship was sunk by a water mine, but stated that it could not fix responsibility on any single person or persons.
Declaration of war
At the time of the sinking of the Maine U.S. President William Mckinley was in office. Pres. Mckinley had hoped to avoid going to war with Spain but along wit .....
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Alexis De Tocqueville (1805-18
Number of words: 193 - Number of pages: 1.... the freedoms of the people. His work, Democracy in America was not to measure the mastery of United States but to look how France could learn from the emerging democracy that was sweeping the west. It is my goal to learn more about this man and even read this book, Democracy in America. Works Cited
"Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)." DISCovering Biography. 1999. Galenet.
4 May 1999. .
Kraynak, Robert P. "Tocqueville's Constitutionalism." The American Political Science Review.
81. Dec., 1997: 1175-1195.
Mitchell, Harvey. "Tocqueville's Mirage or Reality? Political Freedom from Ol .....
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The French Revolution
Number of words: 2249 - Number of pages: 9.... XIV angered the people and they wanted a new system of government. The writings of the philosophes such as Voltaire and Diderot, were critical of the government. They said that not one official in power was corrupt, but that the whole system of government needed some change. Eventually, when the royal finances were expended in the 1780's, there began a time of greater criticism. This sparked the peasants notion of wanting change. Under the Old Regime in France, the king was the absolute monarch. Louis XIV had centralized power in the royal bureaucracy, the government departments which admi .....
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Number of words: 3164 - Number of pages: 12.... and depending on from what time period one chooses to place this piece of literature varies the way that the play is viewed. However, the idea of considering him a martyr has many flaws, several of which are evident when considering who was before he turned to necromancy and what he did once he obtained the powers of the universe. Therefore, inevitably, the audience in this play should realize that was a great man who did many great things, but because of his hubris and his lack of vision, he died the most tragic of heroes.
Christopher Marlowe was borne on February 6, 1564 (Disco .....
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A Story About Seeing NOFX
Number of words: 826 - Number of pages: 4.... interesting and different from one another. Each song has it's own characteristics. The lyrics are very interesting, sometimes strange, and sometimes incomprehensible. You basically just have to understand them in your own way.
The club was packed, or more accurately, stuffed. After much anticipation the punk gods, NOFX hit the stage and the crowd surged with excitement even before they opened the set with one of my favorite songs, "Reagan Sucks." The next song they played was "Bob". They played songs from the album "Flossing a Dead Horse" - which is one massive trumpet solo presented by E .....
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Existentialism And Theatre
Number of words: 546 - Number of pages: 2.... playwrights during this period was Jean-Paul
Sartre. Sartre had been imprisoned in Germany in 1940 but managed to
escape, and become one of the leaders of the Existential movement.
Other popular playwrights were Albert Camus, and Jean Anouilh. Just
like Anouilh, Camus accidentally became the spokesman for the French
Underground when he wrote his famous essay, "Le Mythe de Sisyphe" or
"The Myth of Sisyphus". Sisyphus was the man condemned by the gods to
roll a rock to the top of a mountain, only to have it roll back down
again. For Camus, this related heavily to every .....
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The Constitution In The 1850's: Unity Or Discord
Number of words: 1251 - Number of pages: 5.... did not defuse the slavery issue, but split Kansas between the North and South. This helped push the United States closer to the Civil War (Grolier, Kansas-Nebraska Act).
Peculiar Institution was an "euphemistic term that southerners used as a pseudonym for slavery"(Dictionary, 241). John C. Calhoun defended the "peculiar labor" of the South in 1828 and the "peculiar domestic institution" in 1830. The term came into general use in the 1830's when the abolitionist followers of William Lloyd Garrison began to attack slavery (ibid, 241).
Slave states were those states where slave-holding w .....
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Karl Marx Biography And Synops
Number of words: 2098 - Number of pages: 8.... only imprisonment he suffered" in the course of his life. The student culture at Bonn included, as a major part, being politically rebellious and Marx was involved, presiding over the Tavern Club and joining a club for poets that included some politically active students. However, he left Bonn after a year and enrolled at the University of Berlin to study law and philosophy.
The Hegelian doctrines exerted considerable pressure in the "revolutionary student culture" that Marx was immersed in, however, and Marx eventually joined a society called the Doctor Club, involved mainly in the "new .....
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