A Comparison Between Roman Soc
Number of words: 412 - Number of pages: 2.... on polytheism, whereas in Achen it was monotheistic because most were Christian. From religion comes another aspect, that of tolerance. In Achen, there was no tolerance or acceptance of other religions. In Pompeii, they mostly were accepting.
Materialism consumed people of Pompeii. For example, during the eruption of Vesuvius, citizens could be seen running away carrying all their valuable gold jewelry and belongings. In Achen, there was the Christian belief that you should die a pauper because your afterlife is what mattered.
Afterlife is what affected the people of Achen’s .....
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History Of The Original Lincol
Number of words: 2952 - Number of pages: 11.... agreed that the first speaker would speak for an hour, the second speaker for an hour and a half, and the first speaker again for half an hour. On August 21, excitement was in the air. The town’s population of over 7,000 doubled overnight. At 2:30 p.m. Douglas began speaking and the battle was on! The Little Giant, Douglas, displayed the art that marked him as the master “stump-speaker” of his day. He first criticized Lincoln’s background and political history. He talked about Black inferiority, and the social as well as political dangers of freeing Blacks.
The highlight o .....
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Runaways And The Abolition Movement: The Underground Railroad
Number of words: 1356 - Number of pages: 5.... their
personal journals to protect themselves and the runaways. Only recently
researchers have discovered the work created by courageous agents such as
David Ruggles, Calvin Fairbank, Josiah Henson, and Erastus Hussey. The
identity of others that also contributed to this effort will never be fully
recognized. Though scholars estimate that Underground Railroad conductors
assisted thousands of refugees, the total number of runaways whom they
aided to freedom will never be known simply because of the movement's
secrecy. Conductors usually did not attempt to record these figures, and
those wh .....
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Russia In 1910
Number of words: 811 - Number of pages: 3.... traded grains to other
countries in exchange for machinery, though it meant more people would now
starve. Compound this with the devastation and desperation brought on
shortly thereafter by the first world war, and there was no confidence left
in the government. Liberal constitutionalists wanted to remove the Czar
and form a republic; social revolutionists tried to promote a peasant
revolution. Marxist promoted a revolution among the proletariat, or urban
working class. The people were fed up with Russia’s state of affairs and
ready for change.
Change was presented in the form of .....
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Number of words: 427 - Number of pages: 2.... women. The men are responsible for keeping the sacred traditions of their society alive. However, their population has dwindled so much, that for each different section of their religion, their is only one man who knows all the procedures. For example, only one man in the tribe knows the full laws and regulation that govern how the proper burial procedures go. When this man dies, there will be no one left to bury him, and properly send his soul to heaven.
Last is their world view. They believe that the world was created by other beings that came from the sea and gave life to the world. They a .....
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Hundreds Years War
Number of words: 2302 - Number of pages: 9.... Philip of Valois. But this left two other male cousins equally deserving of the crown; Charles, King of Navarre and Edward III, King of England. 3 Edward III claimed that he himself was deserving of the throne because his mother was the sister of the late French king, while Philip VI was only a cousin. But according to French law, no women could inherit the throne, nor could the crown be inherited through a woman. 4 "Philip of Valois chances of becoming King of France had been remote and he had not been brought up as the future lieutenant of God on Earth. Philip VI spent much of his res .....
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Labor In America
Number of words: 4704 - Number of pages: 18.... it by building decent houses in which the girls could live. These houses were supervised by older women who made sure that the girls lived by strict moral standards. The girls were encouraged to go to church, to read, to write and to attend lectures. They saved part of their earnings to help their families at home or to use when they got married.
The young factory workers did not earn high wages; the average pay was about $3.50 a week. But in those times, a half-dozen eggs cost five cents and a whole chicken cost 15 cents. The hours worked in the factories were long. Generally, the gir .....
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Definition Of War: Sherman's Hell
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... dissolve the unity of states that their ancestors had worked
so hard to create. As a result they felt their freedom of unity and
nationhood had been taken away. It is difficult to say who was in the
right, but when all of the negotiations had been exhausted, war was the
result. In this case there was no other option because both sides believed
in their cause.
Gen. William T. Sherman said ³War is Hell², and that quote has
remained famous because even though simple, it is accurate. American men
spent weeks at a time in rat infested trenches with lice all over their
bodies in both World W .....
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How The Decision To Declare War Was Influenced
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... in serious need of food and other supplies. Germany fought back with submarines, which were called U-boats. Germany set up a submarine blockade to prevent supplies from getting to Great Britain. The U-boats destroyed many goods and supplies headed for Britain. On May 7, 1915, Germany fired on a passenger liner, the Lusitania. There were 1,198 passenger deaths, of which 128 were Americans. This prompted President Woodrow Wilson to push Germany to agree to naval warfare restrictions. By September, they agreed they would not attack passenger or non-threatening ships. In February, Germa .....
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The Boston Tea Party
Number of words: 1476 - Number of pages: 6.... and legal documents used in business. These two Acts alone provided about half of the funding needed to support the British Army. The Stamp Act caused much controversy amongst the colonists and the Stamp Act congress of 1765 said the colonists could not be taxed without their consent. The Stamp Act was repealed in 1776 and the Parliament also declared that England had full power to tax the colonies whenever it wanted (America On-Line).
Another Act, the Currency Act of 1764 forced the colonists to pay for the entire domestic debt that England had created during the French and Indian .....
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