Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 2088 - Number of pages: 8.... prison terms by District Court Judge John J. Sercia was convinced that relevant details had not been unveiled during the trial and offered leniency in exchanged for further information. As it became increasingly evident that the Watergate burglars were tied closely to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Committee to re-elect the president. (Watergate)
Four of these men, that were arrested on the morning of June 17, 1972, came from Miami, Florida. They were Bernard L. Barker, Frank A. Sturgis, Virgillio R. Gonzalez, and Eugenio R. Martinez. The other man was from Rockville, Maryland name .....
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Anne Frank
Number of words: 1388 - Number of pages: 6.... a deportation notice on July 5, 1942, Otto told the family of the "Secret Annex" he had been preparing for over a year. In addition to his wife Edith, Margot, and Anne, he also told me; Miep Gies. I was astounded by this plan, for it consisted of absolute seclusion from the outside world, and complete silence during business hours. I knew Anne and Margot would have to miss a great deal of school, social gatherings, and the normal events that teenaged girls attend. I knew Anne in particular would not be happy about the move, because of her love for movie stars, boys, and friends whi .....
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A Contemplative Look At Henri Matisse
Number of words: 2120 - Number of pages: 8.... a career. His father on the other hand was more of the average hard working class. He was a local grain merchant. Matisse's father perhaps played a less influential role, but never the less, a significant one. He was stricter and more disciplinary, but for the most part he also supported his son during times of financial and emotional hardship.
On a personal level, Matisse was a kindhearted and mischievous person. He never gave in to doubt, despair, or impossible ideas, although he often had good reason to do so. He never hesitated to explore new projects even though they seemed wrong or upse .....
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A Background Of Argentina
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... in 1983, but the political environment is still shaky. Currently Argentina has a republican government that is very influenced by western nations. It is broken into 23 separate provinces and consists of three branches; judicial, legislative, and executive. President Carlos Saul Menem has been in office since 8 July 1989 and Vice President Carlos Ruckauf has been in office since 8 July 1995 although they also have 4 year terms. In Argentina the president is both the chief of state and head of government. Similar to many countries, Argentina is still trying to find a stable government.
Argenti .....
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Compare And Contrast The Way T
Number of words: 3070 - Number of pages: 12.... of the islands. Being 8,000 miles away from the United Kingdom and more than 400 miles away from the nearest landmass and also being subject to a total exclusion zone the Ministry of Defence had the sole say in how many if any correspondents it would let sail with the task force. The MoD only accepted British correspondents and it has been argued that those that were accepted were vetted. In the end the MoD accredited less than thirty correspondents, which is a minuscule number when compared to the number that were present in the Gulf War. All the correspondents had to agree to censo .....
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Wallstreet, Movie
Number of words: 1838 - Number of pages: 7.... like Gekko who pursue only their self-interests are led, "as by an invisible hand," toward a greater welfare state. He says that people pursuing self-interest demand comfort and security and that they don't take the risks that result in growth and achievement.
At the start of Wall Street, Bud Fox is young and very naïve about the business world. He is a typical broker seeking new clients and offering second-hand advice regarding the buying and selling of stock. “Just once I’d like to be on that side,” he says, dreaming of the day when he will be a corporate big shot controlling .....
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Operation Barbarossa: A Good Plan?
Number of words: 2666 - Number of pages: 10.... border states'i
Hitler wanted to exterminate and enslave the 'degenerate' Slavs and he wanted to obliterate their 'Jewish Bolshevist' government before it could turn on him. His 1939 pact with Stalin was only meant to give Germany time to prepare for war.
As soon as Hitler controlled France, he looked east. Insisting that Britain was as good as defeated, he wanted to finish off the Soviet Union as soon as possible, before it could significantly fortify and arm itself. 'We only have to kick in the front door and the whole rotten edifice will come tumbling down'ii he told his officers. Hi .....
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The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 2223 - Number of pages: 9.... it had been knotted by a witch who had used it as a stirrup to mount for a stolen ride to a witches’ Sabbath (Robbins 56).
In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a strong belief in the Devil, factions among Salem Village fanatics and rivalry with nearby Salem Town, a recent small pox epidemic, and the threat of attack by warring tribes created a fertile ground for fear and suspicion (S.W.M. Ed.1).
The dramatic story unfolds through the influences of a slave girl from the West Indies. The slave to Reverend Samuel Parris and his family, Tituba, liked to tell Voodoo stories of her native islan .....
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Slavery - The Anti-Slavery Effort
Number of words: 1763 - Number of pages: 7.... rectified immediately.
The abolitionist cause was one a moral argument. They felt that the majority of slaves were being treated inhumanely and tortured. This disgust of southern slave-owners compelled a few abolitionists to act out in extreme measures, but the majority used peaceful protest methods. They used different methods to fight for their cause; fanatics went to the utmost of their power in killing the opposition, while others pacively handed out pamphlets and flyers in protest, or participated in the Underground Railroad.
One fanatic abolitionist who, in this writer’s opinion, .....
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Britain In Africa
Number of words: 1022 - Number of pages: 4.... seized the opportunity to secretly buy a majority share. France was furious that they had been tricked, but there was nothing they could do about the fact that the canal they had built was now property of the British. This is the beginning of France and Britain's dual control of Egypt.
The British gained complete control in Egypt following the Egyptian Crisis in 1882. Arabi and the Egyptian Nationalists deposed the Khedive and then proceeded to attempted to remove Britain and France from Egypt. The British were furious not only because of the revolt, but because the Khedive owed large s .....
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