Lewis And Clark Discoveries
Number of words: 336 - Number of pages: 2.... first taste of salmon.
Yet over the course of the expedition, Lewis and Clark developed a ritual that they used when meeting a tribe for the first time. The captains would explain to the tribal leaders that the their land now belonged to the United States, and that a man far in the east - President Thomas Jefferson - was their new "great father." They would also give the Indians a peace medal with Jefferson on one side and two hands clasping on the other, as well as some form of presents (often trade goods). Moreover, the Corps members would perform a kind of parade, marching in uniform and .....
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Developments Of The Modern Day
Number of words: 1710 - Number of pages: 7.... of the war in the form of debts owed to the US.
To understand the sheer consequence of the Great Depression we can consider a normal economy. Most economies experience a ‘Boom and Bust’ cycle, where economies fluctuate between times of prosperity and times of recession. The economist Maynard Keynes believed these cycles would occur roughly every seven years (1). However, the Great Depression was more than a normal recession and nearly saw the end of the Capitalist system, as we know it. None of the capitalist economies had predicted it, and none of their businessmen were prepared for it .....
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Number of words: 667 - Number of pages: 3.... a treaty giving up land rights in the east to Europeans in exchange for permanent reserve in northern Arkansas. (Everett 14) She also demonstrates the resistance received from western tribes. “Warfare with Comanches would replace warfare with Osages.” (Everett 25) Both statements are examples of how the Texas were literally “caught between two fires” and was very effective.
Another aspect of the thesis relates the Texas caught between removal and extermination. Everett strongly supports this aspect of the thesis when she gives the example of the new preside .....
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The Ancient Mariners Of The Mediterranean And Ming Dynasty China: A Comparison Of Seafaring In The Ancient World
Number of words: 3048 - Number of pages: 12.... of seafaring and a desire to acquire tribute for their emperor, Zhu Di, the Son of Heaven.
But how did these great ancient seafarers of the Mediterranean and those of the Ming Dynasty China emerge to become the great lords of the sea? This essay shall explore this question as well as these equally important ones: Who were these seafarers? Where did they sail? What did they do? How did the sail? How were their ventures organized? And why did they go to sea? But in order to fully understand how these questions apply to these two sea peoples, we must look at the cultures themselves to det .....
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Al Capone 2
Number of words: 390 - Number of pages: 2.... the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929. At this occurrence, Capone's gunmen dressed as police officers and executed seven members of the "Bugs" Moran gang. This incident won Capone control of Chicago's underworld. In June 1931 Capone was indicted for federal income tax evasion and in October was tried and found guilty in court. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison and was fined $80,000. He entered Atlanta penitentiary in May 1932 but was transferred to Alcatraz in August 1934.
Al Capone spent 8 of the 11 years in prison when he was released on parole in 1939. He immediately entered .....
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Pop Art 2
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4.... directly challenged viewers' perceptions of social patterns and of conformity to conventions" (66). Pop, like so many other styles of art, raised questions of meaning: Was it art? What was the message? Was it the celebration or parody of the mass-consumer world? Happenings and Pop Art evoked strong emotional response during this era. Artworks in this style challenged social conventions and offered models for new ways to relate to our culture and to one another (Gablic, 20), thus making an important social contribution while prompting a change. Pop culture and lifestyle became closel .....
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Ancient Nubia
Number of words: 1013 - Number of pages: 4.... spawned all other aspects of their civilization.
Advanced government
Before the Nubians had kings or chiefs the people that usually controlled the population controlled the trade. Trade managers were the people who took farmer’s cattle or crops and traded them up the river for whatever the farmer wanted. Nubia depended heavily on trade. Without it they would surely perish. Because of this, trade managers eventually became the official rulers of Nubia. Nubia had established an early form of monarchy supported by three different rulers. The royal crown prince, the general of the r .....
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Eleanor Aquitaine
Number of words: 2374 - Number of pages: 9.... frivolity of her early years, although never making a clown of herself.
A holy hermit came to Williams IX protesting in God's name at the rape of Dangerosa, and after being received by the dukes usual mocking banter, the hermit placed a curse upon the family. Through both male and female lines they would never know happiness in their children.1
William the X had an unexpected gift of versifying, in a mixture of Lemosin and Poitou. Arab songs he heard from Moorish slave girls, which had been brought home by his father from Spain, may have inspired him. William was also a very competent poet .....
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Comparing Casablanca To 1984
Number of words: 914 - Number of pages: 4.... enemies, wherever or whatever they may be. While slochky and
romantic, Casablanca is a touching movie, and probably one of the best
ever made. 1984 on the other hand, is a deep psychological thriller.
In the world of utter thought-control, we find that even a strong
hero such as Winston, is struck down by the party, for simply being
alive, and that the virtuosity within humanity will eventually be
overcome by our greed and lust. Their struggles are that of man
against the oppressor. Both 1984 and Casablanca deal with a world
gone mad, and the struggles of not-s .....
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The Scarlet Pimpernel
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... crime and partly for some people’s desire for power and death.
The movie contains more than one theme. The first, shows the importance of bravery and sacrifice and the second shows the ruthlessness and betrayal that goes on in government. In the “government defense officer” believes that he is betrayed by the woman he wants to marry and later betrays her. He goes so far as to threaten to put her brother in jail if she does not help him catch . In these times, it was possible to be put to death for being accused of treason against the government. The revolution that was going on was ve .....
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