Atomic Bomb 3
Number of words: 817 - Number of pages: 3.... was the first step in developing the atomic bomb.
A massive enrichment laboratory/plant was built in Oak ridge, Tennessee. H.C. Urey and other associates at Columbia University devised a system that separated the Uranium using the principle of gaseous diffusion. Ernest Lawrence shortly following this invention came up with a process using magnetic separation. This process was quicker then the first. After the Uranium metal was separated form the Uranium ore it is put into a gas centrifuge to separate the U-235 and U-238. The first step of building an atomic bomb was completed. They .....
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The Success Of Rap
Number of words: 2158 - Number of pages: 8.... An explanation for this great Caucasian support of early rap is rebellion. The buying of rap by white people, specifically teenagers, was and is seen as rebelling against parental figures and mainstream society (rap is becoming more mainstream so maybe this aspect doesn’t hold true so much anymore). While being completely rebellious through buying and listening to rap, many probably did not realize that much of the music is anti-white. A friend of mine recently told me during a conversation we had about Public Enemy that, “yeah, I was a huge PE fan, I listened to them all the time; but .....
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Louis XIV Had A Greater Impact On European History Than Peter The Great
Number of words: 1063 - Number of pages: 4.... papacy, with damaging repercussions. His many foreign wars became a financial burden, yet his long reign is associated with the greatest age of French culture, symbolized by the Palace of Versailles.” (Biographies: Louis XIV). His influence was paramount to all other monarchs prior to him and the glorification of France was his ruthless priority. The legacy of the “Man with the Iron Mask” told of a ruthless side of him that would not even allow his own brother to interfere, if in fact it was his brother in the mask.
Although Peter the Great was equally ruthless, his overall impact on .....
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The Civil War
Number of words: 348 - Number of pages: 2.... goods they
The South's most important advantage was that it had only to defend
relatively short interior lines against invaders who had to deal with long
lines of communication and to attack a broad front. The Confederacy also
had no need to divert fighting men to tasks such as garrisoning captured
cities and holding conquered territory.
In a short war, numerical superiority would not have made much of a
difference. As the war continued, however, numerical strength became a
psychological as well as a physical weapon. During the closing years of the
conflict, Union armies .....
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Beringia To The Revolution
Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... the first permanent colony.
The English started colonies all along the coast. Not long after they were established, it became evident that two very different lifestyles were developing in the Northern and Southern colonies. Indentured servants soon became obsolete. Instead people were beginning to turn towards slavery. Slavery existed in all the colonies, but it was vital to the South. Indians were first used as slaves. However, the Indians were clever and more familiar with the surroundings. The English eventually turned towards African slaves.
While the south was preoccup .....
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Vietnam: The War We Should Hav
Number of words: 2339 - Number of pages: 9.... against their own allies, they declined. It was only after Russia and China offered to help that Ho adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist.
The Vietnam war started simply because Ho Chi Min and his communist supporters wanted South Vietnam to become communist after the South split off in 1954 to become its own democratic nation. The United States saw this as a threat to democracy, and using the Domino theory, successfully threw the U.S. into the one of the worst wars it has ever seen.
If only the United States had looked past its petty alliances and helped anoth .....
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Cuban Communism
Number of words: 2913 - Number of pages: 11.... in Korea, for example, differs from what the “West” experienced in Africa and Asia in several ways. The 19th and 20th centuries displayed a great amount of expansion and the countries of the West were heavily responsible for this experience. Japan, however, played a key role in the history of imperialism as they joined in the fight for world power. First of all, Japan’s experience is different from the West’s in that it was more of a reactionary decision to expand, while the West had strong, rational motives to do so. Secondly, Japan’s choices in altering Korea’s soc .....
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Conflicts Between The North And The South
Number of words: 784 - Number of pages: 3.... for goods with the Europeans and not enough with the North. But there was another side to this, the South said that they would trade with the North if they built more factories to process the cotton. The North bitterly opposed this idea. They felt that it was too risky to build more factories and lose a profit. The North would said that if they, the South, slowed down their cotton crop then there would be enough factories to process the cotton. The South disagreed of course, leading to a never-ending quarrel between the two sections. The two sections also had different economic leaders. T .....
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The Whiskey Rebellion
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... they contained the mob hysteria and anger. This event
represented the first use of the Militia Law of 1792 enabling the militia to “
execute the laws of the union, and suppress insurrection” (The Whiskey Rebellion
of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1).
It is clear that George Washington was the source of success in the
Whiskey Rebellion. When the militia, with Washington and Hamilton at its lead,
reached western Pennsylvania, it became clear that there would be no armed
resistance. Evidence of Washington's leadership in this rebellion took place
when the “Representatives of the insurgen .....
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China Cities' Great Progress' In Manned Space Program By Daniel Southerland
Number of words: 408 - Number of pages: 2.... astronautics,
told reporters that China would put a man into space but that such a
program "must be worked out gradually in keeping with our needs and
capabilities." A foreign observer who has followed the Chinese space
program said it could still be a few years before China puts a man into
orbit. The People's Daily report did not say how many astronauts are being
trained or exactly when they might go into space. The Chinese have appeared
to be working for several years on problems associated with building a
space shuttle. A high-ranking official of China's national defense, science
and tec .....
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