JFK Assination - Conspiracy
Number of words: 3026 - Number of pages: 12.... why this case was re-opened over a decade later!
The investigation was set up as direct result of the assassinations of two other major political figures; the civil rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King and the Presidents brother Robert Kennedy, in 1968. Naturally this aroused immense suspicion and the American public started questioning why so many key US figures had been assassinated in the space of just four years when previously this type of incident had been rare. At the time there was also an increasing amount of corruption and scandal within the government. This alarmed the public w .....
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Kent State Massacre
Number of words: 1399 - Number of pages: 6.... Acts laid down a number of harsh restrictions on foreigners. The Alien Act stretched the minimum years for eligibility for naturalization from five years to fourteen years. It also gave the President the power to expel any alien from the country. The Sedition Act was even harsher; it gave the government the right to arrest anyone accused of seditious activities. The Sedition Act thus cracked down on many Jeffersonian newspapers which criticized the government. Of course, Jefferson criticized these Acts; he even called them “worthy of the 8th and 9th century” (2 / p.174). With these .....
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Charlemagne 2
Number of words: 1182 - Number of pages: 5.... factors of the success of the . The basis for Charlemagne’s power was in essence his double royal authority; not only was he the king of the Frankish Empire, but he was also crowned, Emperor of Rome. Before Charlemagne and his father, Pepin’s, reigns, basis of political authority did not lie with the king. Einhard writes, "It had really lost all power years before and it no longer possessed anything at all of importance beyond the empty title of king. The wealth and the power of the kingdom were held tight in the hands of certain leading officials of the court, who were .....
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American Foreign Policy Towards Cuba
Number of words: 2221 - Number of pages: 9.... War.” The Pact of Zanjon ended the war in 1878 with the promise of reforms for the country. On September 5, 1879. Antonio Maceo distributed "The Kingston Proclamation," arguing the Spain had not kept its promises.
"instead of giving Cubans the opportunity to participate
in the direction of their government, Spaniards have
been pouring into the island to man political posts,
pushing the rightful representatives of the people to
one side; they are guided only by the interests of
their pockets and that of the Peninsula…"
On October 7, 1886 slavery was terminated in Cuba because .....
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American Revolution Are Teh Pe
Number of words: 1531 - Number of pages: 6.... Franklin in the Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9th, 1754. The cartoon shows a snake cut into eight different pieces and every one of them representing a colony. Each part corresponds to the geographical position of the colonies along the East Coast. This cartoon was established to stretch the importance of the need of the uniting of the colonies during this time period. Felling the need to resolve their differences and a restore on the Indians confidence, delegates met in Albany in 1754. They gave the Indians 30 wagons of supplies and came up with a plan for a colonial confederation. T .....
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Greek Goddesses
Number of words: 1136 - Number of pages: 5.... known
of the goddesses. The Titans of the Ocean along with the Tethys raised Hera ( Hamilton
28 ). Most people knew Ilithyia , Hera’s daughter, for her help of women through
childbirth. Hera held the city of Argos sacred along with the peacock and cow. In Roman
mythology, the name of Hera was changed to Juno, queen of goddesses ( Pinset 20 ).
Artemis, or Diana in Roman mythology, had the role of Leto and Zeus’s daughter
and also twin sister of god Apollo. Known as the goddess of wildlife and hunting, Artemis
held all animals sacred, but the deer more th .....
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World War 2 And Executive Order 8802
Number of words: 590 - Number of pages: 3.... that they were prepared to bring, "ten, twenty, fifty thousand Negroes on the White House lawn" if their demands were not met.
After consultation with his advisors, Roosevelt decided to appease the Black leaders and issued Executive Order 8802 - "There shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries and in Government, because of race, creed, color, or national origin." Roosevelt also established the Fair Employment Practices Committee to investigate incidents of discrimination. These turned out to be hollow words. Six months after the order was issued, th .....
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Comparison Of Two Paintings
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3.... a disturbing feeling when I look at them. Perhaps because floating bodies remind me of ghosts and spirits. However, in Somnambulist Mall Walking, there are women and men, whereas in Golconda only men are involved in the painting, the same men with the same outfits repeated over and over again.
The obvious difference in these two paintings is that in Somnambulist Mall Walking, it is a night scene but Golconda has a morning scene. Therefore Somnambulist Mall Walking uses dark colors as well as many realistic colors. In Golconda, colors such as red, brown and bright blue colors are used inste .....
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Early Western Civilization, Egyptian Tomb
Number of words: 1857 - Number of pages: 7.... found in Egypt, and quite conceivable
the resting place of up to 50 sons of Ramesses II, perhaps the best known
of all the pharaohs, the ruler believed to have been Moses' nemesis in
the book of Exodus.
The Valley of the Kings, in which Tomb 5 is located, is just
across the Nile River from Luxor, Egypt. It is never exactly been off the
beaten track. Tourism has been brisk in the valley for millenniums:
graffiti scrawled on tomb walls proves that Greek and Roman travelers
stopped here to gaze at the wall paintings and hieroglyphics that were
already old long before the birth of Christ. .....
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Vietnam War - The War We Should Have Won
Number of words: 2449 - Number of pages: 9.... against their own allies, they declined. It was only after Russia and China offered to help that Ho adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist.
The Vietnam war started simply because Ho Chi Min and his communist supporters wanted South Vietnam to become communist after the South split off in 1954 to become its own democratic nation. The United States saw this as a threat to democracy, and using the Domino theory, successfully threw the U.S. into the one of the worst wars it has ever seen.
If only the United States had looked past its petty alliances and helped anoth .....
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