Baseball And American Popular
Number of words: 1514 - Number of pages: 6.... from my childhood. I remember a beautiful summer day. My dad and I arrived at the baseball stadium to watch the game. We walked up the concrete walkway inside the stadium. The concrete walls and floors made my surroundings drab and grey. Finally, we made it to entrance into the stadium. I came out of the dark tunnels into the bright sunlight. The first thing to catch my eye was the vivid rush of color. Underneath the fluffy white clouds and their deep blue canvas, I could look down and see players in vibrant red and blue uniforms warming up for the game. The well-watered grass on the .....
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South Africa
Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4.... did these
groups know what they were going to be going through the
next 300 years; colonialism.
In 1652 South Africa was forever changed when Dutch
established a "rest stop" in South Africa.Apartheid also
unofficially started. At that time, the area was occupied by
the Khoi/San clans. The pressure on the Khoi/San increased
as more Dutch and French settlers arrived. By the 18th
century, most Khoi/San had lost their land to these European
Cape Town became a major port as a way station for the
Europeans. The colonists were mostly farmers and cattle
he .....
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Oskar Schindler
Number of words: 2120 - Number of pages: 8.... Schindler lost all his money. Even thought he had lost everything he had always wanted to obtain, he got sad and started crying when he tough that the clothes he was wearing could have saved more people. One thousand Jews survived the Holocaust because of him.
Nowadays, there are approximately 6000 descendants of those Jews. They remember Schindler as their father to whom they owe their lives.
Schindler will be always remembered as a good person that realized that life has no sense when we only get. He also realized that spiritual wealth could be multiplied by giving it to others. W .....
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Gods And Goddesses
Number of words: 1073 - Number of pages: 4.... of married women. Her children were the gods Ares, Hephaestus, Hebe, and Eileithyia. Known for her vindictive nature, Hera never forgot an injury.
Poseidon is the son of Cronos & Rhea. He was known as the earth-shaker and was given the dominion of the sea. The Cyclopes gave Zeus the thunderbolt and Hades a helmet, gave Poseidon his trident. Cronos used to swallow his offspring because he learned that one day one of his children will over throne him. Poseidon was swallowed by his father as were Hestia, Hera, Hades, Demeter, and Zeus was the only one who escaped that fate. He lived in a g .....
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Ira Remsen
Number of words: 915 - Number of pages: 4.... eating a regular roll. Remsen noticed that it was quite sweet at first, but it left a bitter after-taste. He made his wife taste the bread and he found nothing wrong or something unusual about the taste. So Remsen decided to taste his fingers and there he found that same sweet then bitter taste despite washing his hands thoroughly after working in his lab. After dinner, he returned to his laboratory and started to taste all the chemicals he was handling. When he found that chemical, it was oxidation of o-toluenesulfonamide and he called it saccharin. In 1880, Remsen and Fahlberg published .....
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The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki
Number of words: 1746 - Number of pages: 7.... out if an atomic bomb could be built. On December 2,
1942, scientists working in a secret laboratory under the bleachers of a
football field in Chicago achieved the first man-made nuclear reaction. An
atomic bomb could now be developed. Many scientists and other skilled
workers participated in the making of the first atomic bomb. However, only
few knew what they were making. In 1944, after D-Day, the Alsos (a troop
sent to find how far the Germans had come in the building of the atomic
bomb) radioed back that they had given up in their attempt to make it.
Still, despite scientists' ple .....
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The Declaration Of Independence
Number of words: 680 - Number of pages: 3.... were loyalist whose sole purpose was to obey their king and spread the gospel and the society expressed such ideas. Every aspect of social life if not controlled by the king was determined by the Bible but by comparison to the ideas of government and values are basically the same.
In it states that "all men are created equal," an idea which leads to the concept that all citizens should have the same rights, responsibilities, and influence in the governing of their country. In writing Thomas Jefferson was trying to break his ties with the harsh and non-democratic rule of the Brit .....
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Education And Egalitarianism In America
Number of words: 4689 - Number of pages: 18.... the greatest of these, practicality. In the absence of written records, no one can be sure what education man first provided for his children. Most anthropologists believe, though, that the educational practices of prehistoric times were probably like those of primitive tribes in the 20th century, such as the Australian aborigines and the Aleuts. Formal instruction was probably given just before the child's initiation into adulthood -- the puberty rite -- and involved tribal customs and beliefs too complicated to be learned by direct experience. Children learned most of the skills, duties, c .....
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Appeasement And Its Role In Th
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... occurring. Anschluss is a German word for union, and was an slogan in the battle to unite Germany and Austria. Clauses of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles expressly forbade Anschluss, and was thus they one of the times Hitler neglected the Versailles Treaty. On March 13, 1938, invited by Seyss-Inquart to prevent «disorder», German troops and police flooded into Austria where no one resisted them in taking over. Hitler entered Vienna on March 14 to proclaim Anschluss, though to most observers the act looked more like straight annexation.
The British prime minister at this time was Nevill .....
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Kennedy Assassination
Number of words: 1835 - Number of pages: 7.... Taylor. At approximately 12:30 p.m., both President Kennedy and Governor Collany were shot. Lee Harvey Oswald left the Texas Book Depository just three minutes later. By 1:00 p.m., just an hour and a half after Kennedy arrived in Texas, he was announced dead.
After the assassination, Oswald got onto a city bus, but once the bus got stuck in traffic, Oswald got off. He then took a taxi to within 4 blocks of his house, but did not go directly to his house. Oswald grabbed a different coat, a handgun, and left without saying a word to his housemaid, who was watching the assassination detai .....
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