The Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 1494 - Number of pages: 6.... headquarters for the first time. In fact
CREEP employees had broken into the Democratic National Committee's
headquarters six times between August 21, 1971 and June 17, 1972. During
their sixth break-in on June 17, they were caught. (Secret Agenda) At
approximately 2:30 in the morning on this date, they were caught by police
in the Watergate Hotel. Police seized a walkie talkie, 40 rolls of
unexposed film, two 35 millimeter cameras, lock picks, pen-sized tear gas
guns, and bugging devices. (Gold 75). The burglars and two of their
accomplices, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt .....
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Early Resistance To British Na
Number of words: 3254 - Number of pages: 12.... end of the empire in India was a massive blow to British imperialism.
This term paper first studies the steps of the western intrusion into India and then tries to describe how the Indian nationalism was born.
II. Main part
A. The Western Intrusion
1. European Imperialism
When the European community began to expand in India, a new way of life entered cities. It was copied by the indigenous people who were seduced by western techniques. Occidental education was the main vector of acculturation since young Indians were very receptive to the European message. So the .....
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Augustus Caesar
Number of words: 1218 - Number of pages: 5.... of Julius Caesar and also wanted to become the heir. The leader of the senate, Cicero, realized Augustus was a useful alley, ordered Angustus to make war on Antony and forced him to retreated to Gaul, but Cicero failed to do so (Scarre, 17). Because during 43B.C. "Augustus marched on Rome with his army, and compelled the senate to to accept him as a consul" (Scarre, 17). Later on, Augustus met Antony and Lepidus and the three of them started to form a triumvirate, which excluded the senate power. They divided three parts of the Roman Empire. Antony took the east, Augustus took the west, .....
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Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 826 - Number of pages: 4.... the Untied States of America look more powerful then ever.
President Truman had decided to go ahead and test the bomb in New Mexico. After the test went well, Truman Had decided to drop the Bomb on Hiroshima. It was a good idea for dropping the because, that decision saved thousand of military lives. After the bomb was dropped, people did not have to worry about the Japan bombing us any more because we stopped the war. The decision that President Truman made was a good decision because Japan never had a chance to bomb the United States of America. There was one important man that agre .....
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James Watt Affected The Economic Growth Of Our Nation
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... be cooled down to a 100 degrees, or lower where it is possible." This method did not work at first, but in 1765 he discovered "that if a communication were opened between a cylinder containing steam and another vessel, which was exhausted of air and other fluids, the steam, as an elastic fluid would immediately rush into the empty vessel, and continue to do so until it had established an equilibrium. If that vessel were kept dry and cool by an injection, or otherwise, more steam would continue to enter until the whole was condensed." He fixed the problem of water and air co .....
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Fredric Remington
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... Kansas. One year later he moves to Kansas City and invest in hardware store which later turns into a saloon. On October of 1884 he marries Eva Caten in Gloversville, New York then as a couple they return to Kansas City. In 1885 they move to Brooklyn, NY. In 1886 he attends Art Students League, NY. Then he travels to the southwest and learns and studies it and does many illustrations. In 1887 he travels to North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and western Canada he does an art exhibits for the first time. In 1888 his illustrations appear in Theodore Roosevelt's serialized articles for Century M .....
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Aztecs 5
Number of words: 1134 - Number of pages: 5.... from the heavens and take his place as ruler of the Aztec Empire. Thus Motecuhzoma showered the Spaniards with many fine gifts. Unlike the Spaniards believed, these fine gifts were not really a sign of Aztec submission but rather as a sign of wealth and power. In order to give proper respect to their so-called god, the Aztecs had to show that they were a worthy and powerful nation. The Spaniards took this as a weakness. They thought the Aztecs feared them, which boosted up their confidence level even though they were greatly outnumbered.
The Spaniards had to communicate with the Azte .....
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The Unification Of Europe Under The Maastricht Treaty
Number of words: 620 - Number of pages: 3.... rivals now in full cooperation!) Ultimately, these
countries concerned with their own interests in mind will disregard the
treaty. For example, during the last several weeks in defiance of the
treaty Britain lowered it interest rates while Germany raised theirs. Both
to accommodate their own separate economies! This sort of unity does not
seem to me to set an example from which to abide by in the future.
Under the Maastricht Treaty one body will govern and regulate both
economic and political concerns. I find it hard to comprehend how one
governing body can do the work of tw .....
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Explaining The Twenties
Number of words: 1256 - Number of pages: 5.... Character”, and “Rural-Urban Conflict in the 1920’s”. Together they present an accurate interpretation of the Roaring Twenties.
The case of Sacco and Vanzetti represented a deep division in American society. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian immigrants who came to American in 1908. In 1920, Sacco was working in a shoe factory and Vanzetti was selling fish on the streets. On April 15, 1920 a double murder and robbery took place at the Slater and Morrill shoe factory where Sacco worked. Three weeks later, the two men were arrested for these murders and the robbery. They .....
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Offensive At St. Mihiel
Number of words: 1675 - Number of pages: 7.... Germans occupied two hills: Loupmont and Montsec, (see map 2), which made excellent defensive positions for them, and gave the Germans the high ground. The reason the salient was so important to the Germans was that it interrupted the Paris-Nancy Railroad and completely cut off the Verdun-Toul Railroad. Which gave the Germans complete control of any supplies coming into the area.
The final plan for the operation called for a main drive against the Southern face of the salient, a second drive from the west and then holding attacks and raids at the tip. The I and IV Corps were going to be .....
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