Julious Ceasar
Number of words: 1357 - Number of pages: 5.... required of a great leader. He spoke to others in a way which he believed
exhibited authority, told people why he should be the one to lead them,
and thought that his own advice was best. His unwillingness to listen to
others is received as arrogance. Though already warned by the soothsayer
to "beware the ides of March," Caesar refuses to heed advice to stay home
from Calpurnia, his wife, because he feels that she is trying to keep him
from obtaining power and status. Calpurnia believes Caesar to be a prince
and is convinced that some falling meteors are warnings of a prince's
deat .....
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Civil Rights
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... to the University of Missouri Law School 1941: A. Philip Randoph threatens a massive march on Washington unless the Roosevelt administration takes measures to ensure black employment in defense industries; Roosevelt agrees to establish Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC). 1942: The congress of Racial Equality (CORE) is organized in Chicago. 1943: Race riots in Detroit and Harlem cause black leaders to ask their followers to be less demanding in asserting their commitment to ; A. Philip Randolph breaks ranks to call for civil disobedience against Jim Crow schools and railroads. 1946 .....
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Art: The Ultimate Expression
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... axis to show that the person is grand or intimidating. Most of the figures were seen in the same: profile of the legs, frontal view of the torso, and profile of the head. Like most civilizations, Egyptians put a lot of faith in gods. The sky god Horus, a bird, is found in a great amount of Egyptian art. Little recognition was ever given to the artists. The emphasis was on the patron.
Early Greek art was greatly influenced by the Egyptians. Geography permitted both cultures to exchange their talents. The beginning of Greek art is marked by the Geometric phase. The most common art during the Ge .....
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Deng Xiaoping
Number of words: 2145 - Number of pages: 8.... It is a means to reflect upon the accomplishments and failures of a man who has influenced today’s China; and to present it all in an interesting, yet refreshingly honest way. I will look at three aspects of ’s life: First, the story of his youth and family, from when he was born until his return from France and Moscow, 1927. Second, a look at his beginnings in the Chinese Communist Party from 1927 to 1949, its struggle, and his rise. And finally, a look at his recent accomplishments and failures and what they have done for the People’s Republic of China.
The Young Deng: 1904-1927 .....
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The Ice Age
Number of words: 309 - Number of pages: 2.... other kind of vehicle or even any kind of boat that would make it across the oceans.
and all its hardships were mostly expressed by the people with no clothing or food. Many of the humans then could not find any food when the plants died, so they had to put all their ideas together to think of hunting any kind of animal. Many of the animals they hunted included buffalo, and buffalo was the main animal besides the fish they caught. They also shot and speared different kinds of birds. Back then, they didn't have your ordinary domestic animals and pets. There were probably some very har .....
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Ancient Greek Doctors
Number of words: 1145 - Number of pages: 5.... doctors made diagnosis, the Cos physicians would try and predict the outcome of their patients. Hippocrates adopted a view that Breath is the most necessary component of our bodies and if it flowed freely produces heath if impeded produces disease. Hippocrates says that diseases are caused by the differences in the elemental components of the human organism.
Before Hippocrates and Galen
Medical practice in Greece centered around religion (Cult), the cult of Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine and the son of Apollo. Mythology tells us that Askelepios was saving so many lives tha .....
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E.E. Cummings
Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6.... two ones; 'one' on the 7th line spells the number out; the 8th line, 'l', isolates the number; and 'iness', the last line, can mean "the state of being I" - that is, individuality - or "oneness", deriving the "one" from the lowercase roman numeral 'i' (200). Cummings could have simplified this poem drastically ("a leaf falls:/loneliness"), and still conveyed the same verbal message, but he has altered the normal syntax in order that each line should show a 'one' and highlight the theme of oneness. In fact, the whole poem is shaped like a '1' (200). The shape of the poem can also be se .....
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The Conflict In Chechnya
Number of words: 1562 - Number of pages: 6.... vote of 177 to 4, the Russian Parliament rejected Yeltsin's decree and called for the situation to be settled "not by applying emergency measures but by political means." (Herze, P. B., The Chechens: Perennial Rebels of the Caucus.) The parliament's efforts to secure the peace in Chechnya were unsuccessful. Dudayev ordered general mobilization to defend Chechnya against a Russian invasion. "On November 29 Russian jets bombed Grozny's airport, and Yeltsin issued an ultimatum giving Chechens 48 hours to lay down arms." (Herze, P. B., The Chechens: Perennial Rebels of the Caucus.) Consequently, .....
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The Renaissance
Number of words: 1639 - Number of pages: 6.... Buonarroti with connections to the ruling Medici family, placed his 13-year-old son in the workshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio. After about two years, Michelangelo studied at the sculpture school in the Medici gardens and shortly thereafter was invited into the household of Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent. There he had an opportunity to converse with the younger Medici. Michelangelo produced at least two relief sculptures by the time he was 16 years old, the Battle of the Centaurs and the Madonna of the Stairs, which show that he had achieved a personal style at a very early .....
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Fire Of Desire, Of The Movie Rudy
Number of words: 993 - Number of pages: 4.... (Coach Parseghian). Rudy was not blessed with the physical abilities of other players, but rather with the heart to continually persist in achieving his dream of playing Notre Dame football. Rudy’s heart and desire probably got him farther in the game of football than he would have got had he been more athletically gifted. Also lending support to this is Coach Parseghian telling Rudy, "I wish God would put your heart in some of my players’ bodies" (Coach Parseghian). Clearly, Rudy’s coach felt he had the most heart of anyone on the team. Players with desire like that of Rudy are .....
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