Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Philosophies Of Socrates, Plato, And Aristotle
Number of words: 434 - Number of pages: 2.... same topics that Socrates had tried to cover earlier. These
topics mostly dealt with life such as government, opinions toward justice and
how people really viewed education.
Aristotle also had his own theories towards his belief of the "right
government". He wanted his results to show happiness among the people.
He'd mainly collect information from studying living creatures and
observing their living habits. He would do this so that he could see what
brought them happiness. His opinion toward life was that all people should live
a fair and happy life. After many attempts of for .....
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Number of words: 3714 - Number of pages: 14.... considerable knowledge from my
experience. Let me first describe the company for which I worked.
Walt Disney World is a very successful entertainment industry, but the corporation offers
much more than simple entertainment in order to entice guests to make the trek from all over the
world to visit the Disney Theme Parks. The Walt Disney World Corporation has a detailed brand
essence, located in Appendix A, which lays out the company’s plan to provide the very best in
guest service and entertainment.
I worked as a Custodial Hostess in EPCOT, a theme-park based on the disc .....
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Influences Of Chinese Culture
Number of words: 1135 - Number of pages: 5.... he was a bookworm but his disciple told me that he wasn’t, but he did like school and did well in his studies. Confucianism has influenced Chinese attitudes, life patterns, and social virtues. It also has provided the background for Chinese political theories and institution. I noticed that although it became the official ideology of the Chinese state, it has never existed as an established religion with a church and priesthood. Confucius taught that benevolence toward fellow human beings, moral behavior and sound family relationships are the essence of a harmonious and well ordered socie .....
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Playstation Vs. Nintendo 64
Number of words: 354 - Number of pages: 2.... to wait time, the Nintendo 64 blows away the Playstation. Some games for the Playstation take up to a minute to load. This is due to the fact that the system uses compact discs for software. On the other hand, Nintendo 64 uses cartridges. These load instantly. If you have no patients for waiting on a game to load, then Nintendo 64 is the better choice.
Accessorizing the systems is a minor point, but it is still there. The Nintendo 64 comes with four controller ports, so no additional purchase is necessary (besides the actual controllers). The Playstation, however, comes with only two con .....
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The Atomic Bomb Anad Nuclear Bombs
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... fragments, releasing energy and more neutrons. Once the reactions begin, the neutrons released by each reaction hit other atoms and create more fission reactions until all the fissile material is exhausted or scattered.
This process of fission releases enormous energy in the form of extreme heat and a massive shock wave; this is the intense explosion. In addition to its nearly unimaginable destructive force, consisting of pressure waves, flash burns, and high winds, a nuclear explosion also produces deadly radiation in the form of gamma rays and neutrons. The radiation destroys living ma .....
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Dell Computer
Number of words: 1584 - Number of pages: 6.... around its direct business model and customer-focused initiative aimed at delivering the best customer experience through direct, customer relationships, cooperative research and development with technology partners, custom-built computer systems and service and support programs tailored to customer needs. Dell believes that this approach provides it with several competitive advantages. The approach eliminates the need to support an extensive network of wholesale and retail dealers, thereby avoiding typical dealer mark-ups; avoids the higher inventory costs associated with the wholesale/reta .....
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Mp3 Argument
Number of words: 1304 - Number of pages: 5.... it.
I do not want to bombard you with numerous technological terms, but a brief
explanation is necessary in order to understand arguments surrounding the issue. MP3 is a
new way to save, copy, and play audio files on a computer. The audio files are near
CD-quality and take up very little space on a computer’s hard drive. Previously,
high-quality audio files were saved on a computer in WAV format, which takes up much
more hard drive space than MP3. For example, a three-minute WAV file would use about
30 megabytes of disk space. But in MP3 format, the same song would us .....
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Criminal Insanity
Number of words: 2411 - Number of pages: 9.... for a long time and does not appear to be any closer to a solution.
A common belief as to why people first become criminally insane is because of the way they were treated as children. Many examples to support this theory can be found throughout history. One example is the infamous Charles Manson. Charles Mansons' home life was anything but normal; he was, in fact, the son of a "teenage, bisexual, alcoholic prostitute, and was once traded for a pitcher of beer" ("Charles..."). Another example is Henry Lee Lucas, a famous serial killer, who "as a child, lost an eye after a severe .....
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How Social Darwinism Influence
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... invaded more land than any other empire that ever existed. The troops invaded so successfully because they had sound motivation. Their motivation was the glory of their country and their belief that by invading these countries, they were eliminating the world of weak races. The British believed that they were the highest race of people on earth and so they plundered different nations and cultures and were motivated by Social Darwinism. If these troops were not motivated by Social Darwinism, their consciences would object to their oppression of other nations. Obviously, not too many British t .....
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Smile...Come On...It's Free !!!
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... us display our feelings to the
world. Feelings of love, joy, or just pure uncensored laughter; all put on
display with a smile. The darkest of days; brightened by a simple
"flexing" of seventeen muscle in the mouth. Smiles are crooked teeth,
perfect teeth and everything in between. Rich or poor, black or white, boy
or girl, everyone deserves a smile. Smiles all convey some type of emotion
that is tangible and real. A joy that can be felt and almost held. A
smile is as warm as an embrace but as simple as a sunrise. A flood of
unbelievable emotion can come crashing down on you just .....
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