Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Talking About Love
Number of words: 1980 - Number of pages: 8.... We Talk About When We Talk About Love” to make his point is through the subplots in the story. The subplots revolve around the two main couples in the story, and another couple that is introduced by one of the characters near the end of the story. The first couple, Mel and Terri, had been in very bad relationships before meeting one another. They have been together for five years, and married for four. Mel’s marriage to his ex-wife Marjorie apparently ended on a very bad note. Carver states near the end of “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,” R .....
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Chemical And Biological Weapons
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... and use. Chemical weapons are more dangerous to
America because of the conflicts we have involved ourselves in. Iraq for example,
has a long and extensive history of using chemical weapons. In the 1980’s, Iraq
released poisonous gases against Iranian troops. Iraq has even used chemical
weapons against it’s own Kurdish citizens to subdue rebellions. As one of the
aftermaths of the Persian Gulf War, however, Iraq agreed to giveup all materials
and equipment for making chemical and biological weapons. An organization called
UNSCOM or United Nations Special Commissions on Iraq was formed to .....
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Atirtotle's Politics
Number of words: 1013 - Number of pages: 4.... of the people. What is perceived to be good has to be
distributive and regulative. The law is the regulating mechanism that emerges
from free and equal people in civic associations. It serves as the final
arbiter of problems, and stands above individuals and binds their actions. Laws
change habits and training, but are changeable through certain circumstances and
procedures if it is believed to be unjust. The well-being of a society is
contingent upon to what extent its citizens obey the law. A member of the
polis can be defined as someone who can participate in judging (serve as a .....
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Science Fiction In Human Socie
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... business that owns a car named Kit, which has a mind of its own. Kit could drive by itself, think for itself, and talk by itself. At that time a self-driving car was just an idea but now engineers in Germany are designing a truck that can drive on its own. The truck followed the paint marks on the side and middle of the road (Ahern 1). Also Avis Rent-A-Car is equipping their cars with "yellow page" maps. If an individual gets lost, a computerized voice tells he or she which direction to go. Movies have been known to make a person think; could this really happen in the future or in futu .....
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The Volkswagen Beetle And Advertising
Number of words: 1376 - Number of pages: 6.... original Beetle was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. The original commercials were created by Doyle Dane Bernbach, and a generally regarded as classics. These ads have been cited by scholars as changing the face of advertising in their approach and orientation (Takaki, 2). The advertisements injected bits of skeptical honesty into their message. This was a refreshing departure from the grandiose car hawking of the sixties. The ads treated viewers as intelligent adults who have a sense of humor and are able to see through the manipulative clutter (Takaki, 2). Some people may .....
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Suicide And The Agony Of Seper
Number of words: 1680 - Number of pages: 7.... we meet on the street or in our jobs, the thought of suicide
has been a more or less silent alternative in the midst of life's reversals. It is not an impulse that people
commonly publicize regarding themselves, hence one naturally imagines that few others experience it.
Sympathetic friends typically regard a suicidal person as being an unfortunate victim--of blind chance,
of other people's thoughtlessness, of an unfair social system--or some combination thereof. While this
impression of a suicidal person as a victim is probably frequ .....
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Marketing Of Tobacco
Number of words: 1130 - Number of pages: 5.... and the like. The main goal of marketing is to acquire, retain and satisfy customers.(2:1)
Cigarette companies seem to understand the above mentioned definition perfectly. They carefully follow management's wishes about promotion of cigarettes. Like any other firm, cigarette manufacturers try to supply, design and produce products that will satisfy consumer needs.(4:4)
However, critics complain of the effects of marketing tobacco on society. Advertisement of brand names like Marlboro, Lucky Strike etc. are harmful for children since they generally glorifies smoking. Cigarette firms .....
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The Effects Of Television On A
Number of words: 2039 - Number of pages: 8.... you do this, but television does not. Michael and Sheila Cole, sociologist, say that “Children socialized to learn from television had lower than normal expectations about the amount of mental effort required to learn from written texts, and tended to read less and perform relatively poorly in school.”(Development of Children 24) Which means that it takes very little effort to follow a television show and kids are raised on television believe that it takes less effort to learn from television rather than books because they have been “spoon-fed” information by televis .....
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Number of words: 2393 - Number of pages: 9.... no skills for life. The number of social promotions each year nears two million" (American Federation Teachers, Social Promotion shows children that no matter what grade they achieve they will be promoted. This creates two problems. Students will not work to achieve; laziness is created in children. Second, the students who work hard and learn the material are often overlooked so that a teacher may help a student who is behind because of social promotion.
Social promotion was brought to the attention of the country when President Clinton gave his State of the Union Address in 19 .....
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Nuclear Warfare
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... Nagasaki, 64,000 civilians were killed by the explosion bias. This is completely wrong and no one has the right to kill innocent people because of a war. We shouldn’t have to settle wars by blowing up 50 miles diameter of land, natural resources, and people to prove our point that we are more powerful than you. Also, think about the long-term effects. The most major is radiation in the ground. Food cannot be grown in certain areas, and people who were hit with high radiation and lived, and then had children, the child is defective due to the high radiation in his body’s genetics. .....
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