Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Cherokee Indians
Number of words: 971 - Number of pages: 4.... "real people."
Villages were placed along rivers and streams so they could take
advantage of the rich black soil for farming. Corn was their main source of food,
along with wild plants and roots that were common to their homeland. They used
spears, traps, and fishing lines with hooks to catch many different kinds of
fish. They also used an interesting method of poisoning an area of water to kill
the fish and gather them up as they floated to the surface.
The Cherokees were also skilled hunters. They hunted large animals, such
as deer and bear, with bows and arrows. They covered themse .....
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Traditional Ways Or Not
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... she has taken money without his consent, which in those days was against the law. Nora is faced with a very serious matter which can end her marriage if Torvald finds out about the loan. At the end of the play Torvald finds out about the loan which ends the marriage and breaks up the family for good. This shows how important family customs and traditions mean to the Helmer family.
To some people having a family means everything in the world. Nora on the other hand leaving her husband and children behind was easy to do. At the end of the play Nora Helmer leaves her family do to the .....
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Number of words: 1683 - Number of pages: 7.... their existence does not change the fact that your mother and father, brother and sister, are who they are. Other relationships are not forced upon us but we do not have complete control over them, like who we fall in love with. We do not choose who we want to fall in love with even though we do choose the situations that makes it possible for the feelings to appear. The third kind of relationships are s. s are the most important kind of relationships you can be involved in. One of the reasons is that you can choose your friend, unlike your family. But what kind of friend you are, depends .....
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The Oppression Of Females In A
Number of words: 481 - Number of pages: 2.... Women are bombarded with airbrushed, perfectly lit, constantly happy pictures of gorgeous models that portray every ideal of our society. The main themes are the following: makeup, perfume, breasts and cleavage, and lots of skin. First makeup. Women are not expected to be presentable without the help of the latest chemical technique to remove blemishes, darken eyes, lengthen lashes, coat the lips, and remove shine. Next is the depiction of perfumes. The basic concepts behind perfume ads are of sex, intimacy, exotic drugs, and escape from reality. By protraying the scents as some sort .....
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European Integration - An Overview
Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5.... (ECSC), created in 1951; the European Economic Community (EEC, often referred to as the Common Market) and the European Atomic Community (Euratom), both set up in 1957. The three institutions merged in 1967, creating the EC and establishing headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The latter proved to be of little importance because each national government kept control of its nuclear programmes.
Economically, the EEC treaty legalised, over a twelve-year period, the elimination of trade barriers among member nations, the development of a common tariff for imports from the rest of the world, and the .....
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Ancient Greek Olympics
Number of words: 1131 - Number of pages: 5.... and by that such discipline men best honored Zeus." From
time to time the Greeks held ceremonies of Games in honor of their god Zeus.
They held these ceremonies for the areas in which they took place. These places
were, Pythian, Isthmian, Nemeam, and of course, Olympian. The Olympian games go
back to the time of the first people to live in the valley of Alpheas River.
There in Elis, in the western Peloponnesus was Olympia, "the fairest spot in
Greece." This land was filled with beauty and snowcapped mountains. This area
was a perfect spot for the ceremonies held every four years, for Ze .....
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Number of words: 1722 - Number of pages: 7.... reliability, justice, etc of another person.” (Webster’s, pg. 1436) Trust is also described as “faith”(Webster’s, pg. 1436). When using a word such as “faith,” that describes a substantial belief in one another, it is very difficult to argue that breaking the trust of the is ever in the best interest of the friend.
In addition, friends are loyal. By definition loyal friends are, “faithful to those persons ideals” and are, “under obligation to defend, support, or be true to,” each other (Webster’s, pg. 802). Although the definitions of loyalty, as well as its co .....
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Three Types Of Approaches That Players Have Toward Practice
Number of words: 467 - Number of pages: 2.... each player is supposed to do 20
sprints, then he or she will only do 10; and if he or she does do all 20,
then they do them half speed. This type of player does care enough about
their reputation to try his or her best, but only in the games. Practice
is just a place to be after school. When a coach is talking he or she will
only hear what they want to. A half-ass player may be good enough to make
a considerable difference in a game, but does not believe so, so they do
not care if the game is won or lost.
The ideal player for a coach is the Go-getter. This type of player
is giving 110 .....
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Cats Rule
Number of words: 454 - Number of pages: 2.... don't often have "accidents." Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats generally understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provisions for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will usually keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed.
Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. .....
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Photojournalists Are Necessary
Number of words: 789 - Number of pages: 3.... picture of the fireman carrying a baby from the Oklahoma City bombing. This picture received very negative reactions from some, but I don't see why. The picture shows the real tragedy and true emotions involved. If the photojournalists had restrictions, as some suggest, this picture probably would not have been taken. Why not? Because it's reality and it seems like the critics can't handle the truth. If they could then they'd understand the importance of the picture. Without freedom, people would perceive the world as being perfect. But in fact, it isn't. Because of this, photojourna .....
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