Hydrogen: The Fuel Of The Future
Number of words: 1231 - Number of pages: 5.... out of many compounds using methods
such as electrolysis and chemical reactions. One of the easiest ways is using a
chemical reaction. Simple chemicals (aluminum,sodium hydroxide, and water) can
be reacted in the home to produce heavy hydrogen to power your furnace or your
hot water heater . No electrical power at all is required. The reaction also
gives off a tremendous amount of heat. Even the waste heat could be captured for
heating the house. The resulting sodium aluminate is harmless and could be
collected at recoiling centers for complete acid/base neutralization. This way
is a .....
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Number of words: 954 - Number of pages: 4.... colour. Liquid ozone is bluish-black, and solid ozone is violet-black.
Oxygen is very reactive and capable of combining with most elements.
It is essential for respiration of all plants and animals and for
practically all combustion.
history of oxygen
Leonardo da Vinci suggested that air consists of at least two
different gases. Before then, air was felt to be an element in its own
right. He was also aware that one of these gases supported both flames and
life. Oxygen was prepared by several workers before 1772 but these workers
did not recognise it as an element. Jo .....
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Number of words: 1018 - Number of pages: 4.... lower atmosphere in large amounts because of the ozone layer. When these s do brake down, they released atomic chlorine which then would react with the ozone and convert it back into plain oxygen. The even worse part of all this is that these chlorine molecules do not become inactive after the first reaction with the ozone and would be available to destroy more ozone molecules. Thus this process would be the function of a catalyst; a single chlorine atom involved in a chain reaction to destroy many ozone molecules.
Rowland and Molina eventually agreed that this thinning of the ozone shield .....
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The Physics Of Scuba Diving: Swimming With The Fish
Number of words: 4541 - Number of pages: 17.... a few
skills. Certification is the first step of learning to dive. From qualified
professionals one must learn how to use the equipment, safety precautions, and
the best places to dive. This paper is designed to help give a general
understanding of the sport and the importance that physics plays in it. Self-
contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, or SCUBA for short, is a hell of a lot
of fun. However, there is considerably more to Diving than just putting on a
wetsuit and strapping some compressed air onto ones back. As I quickly learned,
diving safely requires quite a bit more in te .....
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Color Blindness
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... we see are a response to different compositions of wavelengths
of light. The rods are responsible for encoding white and black.
results when one or more of the cone cells fail to function properly. One of the visual pigments may be functioning abnormally, or be absent altogether.
There are several different types of , however, complete , or achromatopsia, is probably the simplest to understand. This is the rarest form of . This is when no colors can be seen at all. The color receptors are almost completely gone in this form, however, the white and black receptors remain intact. Ho .....
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Hypnotism Is It Magic Or Reality
Number of words: 2615 - Number of pages: 10.... four different activity levels of the human mind. The first level is called beta. In beta the mind is in complete consciousness. Approximately 75 percent of this level is spent regulating vital bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. The second state is called alpha. Alpha refers to when the mind is in 95 to 100 percent concentration. When hypnosis is induced, the mind is in the alpha level. In this state the mind is fully aware and conscious, but the outside appearance of the body suggests the person being hypnotized is asleep. The last two activity levels are t .....
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Number of words: 827 - Number of pages: 4.... Major affects about 12 million American a year (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 1998). Individuals who suffer from this form of is overwhelmingly sad. Often, sadness is accompanied by feelings of quilt, worthlessness, inadequacy, emptiness, and hopelessness, even though these individuals are surrounded by friends and family, they feel along and disconnected from others (A. Schwartz, & R.M. Schwartz, 1993). Some behavioral characteristics that can exit are crying for unknown reasons, stop participating in activities that were enjoyable at one time, suffer from low self-esteem, memory might becom .....
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Fermentatiom By Yeast
Number of words: 1317 - Number of pages: 5.... a cell where amino acid, Glycine, is not.
Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which fuel molecules are broken down to create pyruvate and ATP molecules (Alberts, 1998). Both pyruvate and ATP are major energy sources used by the cell to do a variety of things. For example, ATP is used in cell division to divide the chromosomes (Alberts, 1998).
By taking a Carbon Dioxide, rich substance and mixing it with a yeast, solution fermentation will occur, and then it could be determined if it is a good energy-producer. In this study glacatose, sucrose, glycine, .....
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Human Impact On Air And Climate
Number of words: 842 - Number of pages: 4.... itself. Based on statistical
comparisons of reconstructed northern hemisphere temperatures, the best
estimates indicate that natural changes in the brightness of the sun and
volcanic emissions both played an important role in governing climate
variations over the period studied. But over the past few decades,
greenhouse gases produced by human activities appear to have had an
increasing influence on temperatures. "The anomalous warmth of several
recent years appears likely to be related to human influences on climate,"
said Mann. The study bears out concerns voiced by scientists in recent
ye .....
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Effects Of Technology
Number of words: 661 - Number of pages: 3.... it looks and seems like trustful information, but most of the time, it is not.
Although the Internet is a relatively new technology, television has been around for about fifty years. There are many problems with television though,
mainly with the content of the shows. Many of the shows on television portray violence, drugs, sexual activity, and profanity. People who watch these shows see what the actors and actresses are doing and then feel it is all right for them to do the same things. If a kid is watching a show were one of the actors or actresses use profanity, they will fee .....
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