Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... and strong autumn Santa Ana winds that create frequent fires. The leaves of the plants are mostly thickor needle like so it can reduce water loss through evaporation. The chamise, for example, has small, needle-like leaves that store up and save the moisture in the plant.
The is the home of many species of reptiles, birds, and mammals. There are animals such as the alligator lizard, western rattlesnake, quail, roadrunner, scrub jay, brush rabbit, coyote, and mule deer. Some species are restricted to habitats only, but others inhabit adjacent vegetation types as well.
The environment .....
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Mitosis In Cancerous Cells
Number of words: 1530 - Number of pages: 6.... begins replicating out of control, that is it becomes cancerous.
Abnormal cell growth is often known as cancer. During which, cancer cells do not respond normally to the body's control mechanisms. They often divide excessively, invade other tissues and, if unchecked, can kill the whole organism. Researchers studying cancer cells in culture have found that they do not respond to the normal signals that stop growth such as contact inhibition. They continue to grow until nutrients in the growth medium are exhausted. Other differences exist between normal and cancer cells. These indicate abnorma .....
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Hurricane Andrew
Number of words: 574 - Number of pages: 3.... system to its
northeast weakened and a strong mid-latitude trough approached the area from the
northwest. Steering currents began to change. Andrew turned toward the northwest and
its forward speed decreased to about 8 kt. The hurricane struck a sparsely populated
section of the south-central Louisiana on the 26th. The landfall location is about 20 n mi
west-southwest of Morgan City.
Andrew dropped sufficient rain to cause local floods even though the hurricane
was relatively small and generally moved rather fast. Rainfall totals in excess of seven
inches were recorded in southeast Flor .....
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The Luminescence Of Black Light
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... into its
original orbit. This process releases energy, and if it is in the visible part
of the spectrum, we have a transient light phenomenon. Ultra-violet light is an
exciting agent which causes luminescence to occur.
There are many materials which exhibit fluorescent characteristics.
Many of which are even organic. Teeth, eyes, some portions of the skin, and
even blood exhibit fluorescent qualities. Naturally occurring minerals such as:
agate, calcite, chalcedony, curtisite, fluorite, gypsum, hackmanite, halite,
opal scheelite, and willemite, also have similar characteristics. The .....
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Genetic Cloning ----
Number of words: 1390 - Number of pages: 6.... complement system creates gaps in vessels, allowing gaps to form and clots to accumulate. Therefore, a complement inhibitor was developed as the gene was cloned, introduced into pigs whose cells produced this protein. Another thing discovered, was that the cells lining the pig vessels have a sugar molecules called alpha-galactose, and humans have lots of antibodies against alpha-gal. Some are thinking of knocking out the gene for alpha-gal and replacing it with the human gene for type O blood sugar. One other stumbling block may be the transferense of unknown virus's like the HIV virus, that .....
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Ionic Bond
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... Ksp will then be stated as a range of values at room temperature, and the precipitate test tubes will be heated until the precipitate is dissolved so that Ksp may be observed and determined at different levels.
In this experiment various solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide were mixed at a number of different dilutions. Through the observation of the amount – or lack of precipitate formed in each dilution, the mathematical relationship between the ions in a saturated dilution may be determined. This relationship is known as the solubility product constant, or Ksp, .....
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Cardiac Pacemakers
Number of words: 2766 - Number of pages: 11.... of a single chamber of the heart to more sophisticated "implanted computers" that medical personnel can interrogate and reprogram from outside the patient's body. These refinements have allowed for more physiologic pacing with maintenance of atrioventricular synchrony and cardiac output. There are various types of available today that can be surgically implanted to treat specific arryhythmic disorders in the heart.
Abnormal rhythms in the heart are one of the most frequent causes of heart malfunction, and in most cases necessitate some type of cardiac pacing unit. Cardiac arrhythmias .....
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Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5.... The cells grow and divide, forming embryonic tissues that are
transferred to soil, where they produce complete plants. Grafting is
another method of cloning used in Horticulture. Matching cuts are made in
the stems of two plants, which are then fitted together so that their
transport systems are in contact. The wounded area heals, and the two stems
become a single physiological unit. All the McIntosh apple trees now in use
and many other fruit varieties have been derived by grafting from single
ancestral trees. "Nuclear transplantation," in which nuclei from cells of
one individual are .....
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The Tiger
Number of words: 1086 - Number of pages: 4.... live and hunt alone. When they hunt they can leap 5 to 6
or jump as far as 10 meters. Tigers do not usually prey on people, but some do
become man eaters. If a Tiger becomes a man eater it is because of a wound,
weakness, or just because it is to old. The young accompany their mother on the
hunt when they are 5 to 6 months of age. Tigers begin to hunt alone when they
are just eleven months old. Before the young can hunt alone, the mother will
demonstrate how it is done(Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia 1993).
Tigers usually prey on deer wild cattle called gore, and wild pigs.
Whenever .....
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Advanced Green Builder Demonstration House
Number of words: 1518 - Number of pages: 6.... of the occupants of the house. Large metallic cisterns, which store rainwater, are placed near the front of the house in such a way that it creates an entranceway into the house that lets visitors know the occupants concern for the environment. Along side the huge silver cisterns is the waste water cleaning system that was designed to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible through the use of indigenous plants. The plants gradually clean the wastewater as it passes under their roots. Along with cleaning the water and being aesthetically pleasing, the plants also create a pleasant atmos .....
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