Geothermal Energy
Number of words: 4709 - Number of pages: 18.... system was young, the earth was still
forming, things were very different. A great mass of elements swirled around a
dense core in the middle. As time went on the accumulation elements with
similar physical properties into hot bodies caused a slow formation of a
crystalline barrier around the denser core. Hot bodies consisting of iron were
attracted to the core with greater force because they were more dense. These
hot bodies sunk into and became part of the constantly growing core. Less dense
elements were pushed towards the surface and began to form the crust. The early
crust or .....
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Cryogenics: Is It Worth Waiting For
Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4.... degrees Celsius--absolute zero. The word
"Cryogenics" comes from the Greek word “kryos” meaning cold (“Cryogenics”
Raintree 127, Kavaler 16). The science of cryobiology was first recognized in
the early nineteen sixties. Cryobiology is the study of the effects of
extremely low temperatures on living animals and plants. The chief concern in
cryobiology is to preserve living matter for future use. This method can also
be called cryopreservation. Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold in treatment.
The first trials of cryotherapy proved with great results (“Cryobiology”
Com .....
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Number of words: 896 - Number of pages: 4.... were sent away to institutions. Today, many of those with can attend school with other children. Methods are available to help improve their social, language, and academic skills. Even though more than 60 percent of adults with continue to need care throughout their lives, some programs are beginning to demonstrate that with appropriate support, they can be trained to do meaningful work and participate in the life of the community.
is found in every country and region of the world, and in families of all racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. affects about 1 or 2 people in .....
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Number of words: 1740 - Number of pages: 7.... psychokinesis or PK.
There are three accepted types of , clairvoyance, precognition,and telepathy. Clairvoyance is the extra sensory perception of events that are taking place at the exact time of the perception, but the sensor cannot know of these events through any of the five senses. Precognition is the extra sensory perception of events in the future. And finally, telepathy is the extra sensory perception of someone elses mental state.
For centuries, stories about ESP sounded suspicious to those who had scientifically trained minds. After all, they were usually tales told a .....
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Asthma 2
Number of words: 447 - Number of pages: 2.... become less frequent and less severe, but recovery between them is less complete. The bronchi in such patients become chronically narrowed, causing a progressive loss of capacity for physical exertion. The prevalence of asthma is only about 1 or 2 percent worldwide but varies greatly from country to country. In the United States, asthma affects about 6.9 percent of children. Typically, an asthma attack begins within minutes after exposure to a triggering agent. Symptoms include a sensation of tightness in the chest, coughing and wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. Persons having attacks .....
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How Science And Pseudo-science Differ
Number of words: 563 - Number of pages: 3.... these laws are mostly restatements of known facts. For example, in astrology, they make claims about what you are like based on what day you were born. The things they say, however, are things that are statistically common for those people. They are also very vague, making the chances of being wrong increasingly low. Also, they can be interpreted in many different ways, allowing for unbelievable flexibility in their predictions. A pseudo-scientific theory can always be proven right, which may sound good. However, in most cases, they can never truly be tested; they seem to just expl .....
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Digestive Disorders (liver)
Number of words: 395 - Number of pages: 2.... in places of
high temperatures and poor sanitation. Africa, Latin America,
Southeast Asia, and India have many health problems
associated with the disease. The most common way to get this
disease is from one person to another. The other most common
way is through unhealthy food and badly sanitized water. Not
eating properly and excessive drinking will only worsen the
There are many ways that you can help prevent getting this
disease. If you go to a foreign country, especially in the tropics,
always drink purified water, always peel fruit and vegetables, and
cook you .....
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Nuclear Energy
Number of words: 858 - Number of pages: 4.... on foreign oil suppliers and cutting our trade deficit.
The future looks even better. Advanced-design nuclear power plants are now being developed—quicker and less costly to build, better performing, and even safer than today's plants. These plants will supply our children's and grandchildren's electricity—while helping to protect their environment.
Cheers For Energy Efficiency
We Americans should be proud of ourselves. Since the 1973 oil embargo, we've learned to use energy far more efficiently.
Since 1973, our population has soared from 211 million to more .....
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Hypnosis 2
Number of words: 1809 - Number of pages: 7.... mind is responding, different commands, or suggestions, can be implemented into the mind. The subcon mind can then execute these imbedded commands without any intervening of the conscious mind and body (Hunter).
Hypnosis was first confirmed to be real by a Swedish therapist named Anton Mesmer around 1775. After publishing papers describing the Alpha Mind State, he named the entire process “Mesmerism”. When a person was hypnotized, they were considered “Mesmerized” (Hyde 84). He would mesmerize them by swinging a watch in front of them while implementing the suggestio .....
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Hot Zone
Number of words: 1605 - Number of pages: 6.... room and pools of black vomit, expelled during the epileptic convulsions that accompany the last stages of death. Their hearts have bled into themselves, heart muscles softened and hemorrhaging , the brain clogged with dead blood cells (sludging of the brain), the liver bulging and yellow with deep cracks and the spleen a single hard blood clot. Babies with bloody noses born with red eyes lay dead from spontaneous abortions of affected mothers. It is the human slate-wiper, the invisible ultimate death, the filovirus named Ebola.
The theme of Richard Preston's seems deal with man's .....
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