Indicactor Lab
Number of words: 430 - Number of pages: 2.... a strong odor to it. These results led me to my conclusion that substance C is ammonia.
Test-tube D: Test-tube D contained lemonade. The substance reacted to blue litmus paper, and red litmus underwent no changes. It had no effect on Phenolphthalein, and its pH value was 3, a strong acid. Knowing that lemons are very acidic, and that the substance was yellow and sweet smelling, I concluded that substance D was lemonade.
Test-tube E: I could not come to a conclusion on what substance E was. It reacted weakly to blue litmus paper, and it did not change red litmus. It had no effect on Pheno .....
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Humpback Whales
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5.... They have small, round bumps on the front of the head edging the jaws.
Humpbacks have huge, mottled white flippers with rough edges that are up to one-third of its body length; these are the largest flippers of any whale. The humpback's genus, Megaptera, means "huge-wings," referring to its flippers. The flippers may have barnacles growing on them.
The deeply-notched flukes are up to 12 feet (3.7 m) wide. Humpbacks have a small dorsal fin toward the flukes.
Humpback whales (like all baleen whales) are seasonal feeders and carnivores that filter feed tiny cru .....
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Data Warehousing
Number of words: 3282 - Number of pages: 12.... business disciplines want enterprise wide information access, as well as the ability to manipulate and analyse information that the company has gathered for a single purpose, to make more intelligent business decisions. Whether to increase customer value, identify new markets or improve the management of the firm's assets, the data warehouse promises to deliver the information necessary to accomplish these tasks quickly and efficiently.
This report entails various aspects of Data Warehousing, ranging from a clear and concise definition of its working system through to its operational env .....
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Genetic Engineering And Its Future Impacts On Society
Number of words: 1731 - Number of pages: 7.... have a cure for cancer and can save hundreds of thousands of human lives. Of course if you value the life of a mouse over a human then you would see differently. Some fear that this science is too powerful, granted we shouldn't let just anyone be able to modify bacteria, or the human genome, but we shouldn't let our fears blind us to the possible benefits of wide-scale genetic engineering.
Medical uses for this technology are virtually endless. With genetics we can filter out any genetic defect, no more down-syndrome, mal-deformed limbs, hereditary cancer, or any other hereditary diseases. .....
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Caffeine 2
Number of words: 413 - Number of pages: 2.... will. Thus, cyclic AMP remains active, rather than being broken down. Second among the effects of caffeine is phosphodiesterase inhibition. The phosphodiesterase class of enzymes includes a number of enzymes responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP, thus depriving the body of an energy supply. Caffeine fools phosphodiesterase into attacking it instead, which inhibits the breakdown of cyclic AMP. However, the concentration of caffeine required for this effect to become significant is sufficiently high that the adenosine blocking remains the dominant factor. The other two laboratory eff .....
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Animal Research
Number of words: 1139 - Number of pages: 5.... that animal experiments can not only mislead researchers
but even contribute to illnesses or deaths by failing to predict any toxic effect on drugs. The majority
of animals in laboratories are used for genetic manipulation, surgical intervention or injection of
foreign substances. Researchers produce solutions from these animal "models" and are adapting
them to human conditions. Unfortunately, these animal "models" can't always be connected with the
human body thus creating problems. Many times, researchers induce strokes on animals in order to
test certain methods for curing. The down .....
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Evolution And Creation
Number of words: 601 - Number of pages: 3.... Alfred R. Wallace, came out with a theory
that was almost identical to Darwin’s theory. Darwin’s theory was
much more developed and better known. For example Darwin pointed
out that farmers would take certain qualities from two different plants
and mix them together and it would produce the desired plant. He
believed this happened in nature also and he called it “the survival of the
fittest” or “natural selection.”
There are a lot of different creation stories and they are the same
in that since but they are all different. The creatio .....
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Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3.... is in tablet form. Other ways to get barbiturates include ampoules, syrup, or capsules. For injection, which is rarely used because of its risk factor, capsules are opened and the powder is added to water. However, this can cause damage to the veins. Barbiturates come in different types such as Soneryl, Nembutal, Amytal, and Tuinal. Small doses relax the user, depressing the nervous system while the effects last up to 8 hours depending on the dosage. Large doses can cause loss of co-ordination, slurred speech, and give the appearance of being drunk. The lethal dose is especi .....
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Number of words: 1532 - Number of pages: 6.... National Cancer society as aggressive or fast multiplying or indolent, slow multiplying. ( Information Network)
The lymphatic system protects the body from agents that could cause disease like bacteria or viruses. Within this system, that consists of organs such as the spleen and tonsils, there are organs that destroy foreign agents, those organs are called lymph nodes. The lymphatic system works as follows; the bone marrow produces blood cells including white blood cells. White blood cells are the cells that find and destroy disease-causing agents. Both B and T cells change a great dea .....
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Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... aluminum is not very strong and
is highly reactivate with Oxygen, water, acids, and bases it is compounded
with other metals and elements to from alloys for common uses. In Society
Aluminum Alloys are used in many ways because of it's light weight and
versatility. As more and more ways are discovered to strengthened Aluminum
with other elements more uses have also been discovered Aluminum is used in
aircrafts, Electrical Engineering, Windows, doors, buildings, packaging and
many other things. When aluminum is compounded with other it gets stronger
for multiple uses. It is usually is com .....
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