Number of words: 1437 - Number of pages: 6.... to be
the founder of experimental physiology. During the Renaissance Era, Andreas
Vesalius conducted experiments on monkeys, swine, and goats (1:3). By the late
eighteenth century, the methods of scientific discovery were changer to
experimentation of live animals by two French physiologists, Claude Bernard and
Francious Magnedie. They revolutionized methods of scientific discovery by
establishing live animal as common practice (1:4). Claude Bernard believed that
in order for medicine to progress, there must be experimental research, and
affirmed that "vivisection is indispensable for physic .....
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Alternative Fuel Source
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2.... has led people to believe it is the only biomass resource capable of making America energy independent.
There is only one catch: the federal government prohibited the growth of hemp in 1938. There were also theories that the major energy industries of the late 30s collaborated to ensure a petroleum-based energy market. Regardless of laws, let us consider hypotheticals. Farmers would be practically guaranteed profit if they could grow hemp for biomass. It also would not take long for a measly 6% of the American landmass to start cultivating hemp – enough to replace our economy’s depe .....
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The Cosmos: Creation
Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3.... rushing away from us and
the universe is expanding as a whole. Modern equipment has observed and
verified this so-called Hubble expansion exists throughout the observable
This shows three important things. First there is no significance to the
fact that earth seems to be the center of the universal expansion. In any
galaxy it would look as if you were standing still and all others were rushing
away from you. Second the movement of the universe is not like an explosion.
Galaxies are not moved through the universe but expand with the universe. Third
the galaxies themselves d .....
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The Effects Of UFO's On People
Number of words: 1089 - Number of pages: 4.... on these sightings was originally
classified as secret. (Craig, 917) When the report was later declassified it
showed that 90 percent of all UFO sightings could be easily explained. Most of
the sightings turned out to be celestial objects, such as stars or bright
planets like Venus, or atmospheric events such as auroras or meteors falling
through the atmosphere. Many other sightings turned out to be objects such as
weather balloons, satellites, aircraft lights, or formations of birds. Often
these sightings were accompanied by unusual weather conditions. Only 5.6
percent of these cases w .....
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The Giraffe
Number of words: 1144 - Number of pages: 5.... They can be fast
and can reach speeds of up to 35 mph.
Females spend over 12 hours a day looking, while males are less.
Night mostly spent lying down ruminating, especially hours after dark and
before dawn. A Giraffe has 2 ways of getting around which is walking and
galloping. The long legs and short trunk decree an ambling walk, with the
entire weight supported alternatively on the left and right legs, like
camels. The long neck moves in a synchrony to maintain balance. It can
gallop up to 37 mph. The forelegs and hind legs work in pairs like a
running rabbit. When they dri .....
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The Human Eye In Space
Number of words: 907 - Number of pages: 4.... I could
detect individual houses and streets in the low humidity and cloudless
areas such as the Himalaya mountain area.... I saw a steam locomotive by
seeing the smoke first..... I also saw the wake of a boat on a large river
in the Burma-India area... and a bright orange light from the British oil
refinery to the south of the city (Perth,Australia.)"
The above observation was made by Gordon Cooper in Faith 7 [1963] and
which generated much skepticism in the light of the thesis by Muckler and
Narvan "Visual Surveillance and Reconnaissance from space vehicles" in
which they determined th .....
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Number of words: 299 - Number of pages: 2.... the
highest amount of bioscience education possible.
Jobs can be acquired by asking your professors, but, they may not be
aware of any need for geneticists. Many times, reading advertisements may
of some good. You may even make an appointment with biology and genetic
firms yourself. Sometimes clinics or hospitals may even need a genetic
specialist. I, myself, could also see a geneticist opening up his own
clinic, such as radiologists do. In this way they could be able to make
more money considering the amount of highly specialized geneticists with a
Doctor of Medicine. The current .....
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Number of words: 1072 - Number of pages: 4.... is blocking the view of an orange behind it,
you can just move your head to one side. The apple seems to "move" out of
the way so you can see the orange or even the back of the apple. If that
seems a bit obvious, just try looking behind something in a regular
photograph! You can't, because the photograph can't reproduce the
infinitely complicated waves of light reflected by objects; the lens of a
camera can only focus those waves into a flat, 2-D image. But a hologram
can capture a 3-D image so lifelike that you can look around the image of
the apple to an orange in the background -an .....
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Computer Graphics
Number of words: 2871 - Number of pages: 11.... beginning, computer graphics were as cumbersome and as hard to control as dinosaurs must have been in their own time. Like dinosaurs, the hardware systems, or muscles, of early computer graphics were huge and ungainly. The machines often filled entire buildings. Also like dinosaurs, the software programs or brains of computer graphics were hopelessly underdeveloped. Fortunately for the visual arts, the evolution of both brains and brawn of computer graphics did not take eons to develop. It has, instead, taken only three decades to move from science fiction to current technological trend .....
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Agent Orange
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... extremely harmful herbicide. Unaware of the possible consequences, many soldiers built showers and hibachis out of these discarded drums (Doyle, 139). They also used the barren drums to store potatoes and watermelons (Doyle, 139). One man described to his wife how they would bathe and swim in water contaminated with because their superior said it was safe (Brooks, 2). “After the LZ was sprayed, we walked around the perimeter, strung barbed wire all around it, and this stuff [] was blowing all over the place. Most of us drank out of bomb craters, showered in bomb craters…and all tha .....
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