Cystic Fibrosis
Number of words: 1879 - Number of pages: 7.... will be very important for you t frequently check with doctors for new medical advancements. More and More discoveries are made every day and one of them very well might be able to help you situation.
You cannot catch from someone who has it. It is not a contagious disease, cut a hereditary or inherited one. A child but be born with it to have the disease. The symptoms usually begin at an early age, but they last throughout an entire lifetime.
The problems in CF start with thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive systems. This mucus replaces healthy tissue with fibrous scars and .....
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New Research Indicates That Drug Therapy Is More
Number of words: 2188 - Number of pages: 8.... is very effective for many patients who do not respond to initial drug treatment programs and treats both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia (Advokat et al., 1999; Robinson et al., 1999). Moreover, a reduction in negative symptoms has also been noted to occur as individuals are treated with amisulpride and (Danion et al., 1999). The use of newer drugs to treat schizophrenia has produced fewer side effects in most patients. However, it has been found that although the use of risperidone to treat patients is very effective in treating the symptoms, there may be negative .....
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The Beginning Of The Universe
Number of words: 1285 - Number of pages: 5.... universe does not evolve or
change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be
change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological
principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on
the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of
matter forever.
There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang
model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts
of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which states that if a
galaxy is moving away, the spectral line of .....
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The Effects Of Processing Vegetables
Number of words: 1004 - Number of pages: 4.... the saying that carrots will make you see better is derived from. Carrots were the vegetables chosen to be tested in this experiment. This experiment was designed to test if the processing of a carrot produces gas. In turn discovering the health related differences of canned, frozen and fresh carrots. Canning is a process of hermetically sealing cooked food for future use (, 1999). This process is also called sterilization because it involves exposing the food to high temperatures for only minutes or seconds to protect against all the harmful microorganisms and other spoi .....
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Greenhousing The Wrong Way
Number of words: 495 - Number of pages: 2.... the melting
process of the polar ice caps (Popular Science).
Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of the
polar ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive
coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami.
If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the
consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top
estimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intense
heat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mention
the 60,000,000 migr .....
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The Downy Woodpecker
Number of words: 3725 - Number of pages: 14.... also six particular downies with six particular scientific names all from
different regions of the United States and southern Canada which I have listed
southern downy / Dryobates pubescens Gairdner's woodpecker / Gairdneri pubescens
Batchelder's woodpecker / Leucurus pubescens northern downy / Medianus pubescens
Nelson's downy / Nelsoni pubescens willow woodpecker / Turati pubescens
The downy woodpecker is sometimes reffered to as "little downy."
Behavior Towards Humans
The downy is unquestionably the friendliest woodpecker. A bird lover
in Wisconsin desc .....
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Newton's Laws Of Motion
Number of words: 484 - Number of pages: 2.... and eventually bring it to a stop. Friction exists between any two surfaces that touch, slide, or roll on one another.
Any change in an object’s speed is called acceleration. An increase in speed is called positive acceleration, while a decrease in speed is called negative acceleration, or deceleration. Acceleration can also mean a change in direction as well as in speed. A force is needed to change the direction of an object, so a change in force can also mean a change in direction as well as a change in speed. According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the change in directi .....
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Orion Nebula
Number of words: 979 - Number of pages: 4.... (e-). When the protons and electrons recombine, the electrons enter a higher energy level (n=3). Then, when the electron drops from the n=3 level to the n=2 level, an Hphoton is emitted. 2 This photon has a wavelength of 6563 Å, and therefore corresponds to the red portion of the visible spectrum. It is these H photons which give the nebula the distinctive red color which we see.
The extreme brightness of the O-type and B-type stars, coupled with the Earth’s atmosphere, has always made high-resolution imaging of the star-forming region difficult. But rec .....
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Urban Heat Islands
Number of words: 524 - Number of pages: 2.... to escape as readily as do the relative level surfaces of the
surrounding countryside. The slow release of heat tends to keep city
temperatures higher than those of the unpaved faster cooling areas.
On clear, still nights when the heat island is pronounced, a small thermal low-
pressure area forms over the city. Sometimes a light breeze, called a country
breeze which blows from the countryside into the city. If there are major
industrial areas along the city's outskirts, pollutants are carried into the
heart of town, where they tend to concentrate.
At night, the extra warmth of th .....
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Depression 7
Number of words: 489 - Number of pages: 2.... brain disfunction. In the major depression or the depressed phase of bipolar illness, a depressed mood predominates, even though the patient may not be aware of feeling sad. Typically, he or she loses all interest in activities. Symptoms include sleep disturbances, not able to concentrate or to make decisions, loss of appetite or greatly increased appetite, slowed thinking and decreased energy feelings of worthlessness, guilt, hopelessness, diminished sexual interest, and recurrent thoughts of suicide and death, sometimes leading a person to actually committing suicide. In the manic phase of .....
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