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Term Papers on Science

Number of words: 457 - Number of pages: 2

.... between the benefits and its health risks. Thallium bromide-iodide crystals are still used as infrared detectors. Thallium sulphate used to be widely used as a pesticide and an ant killer. It was odorless and tasteless and worked well, but it was found to be too toxic. Thallium slats which burn with a bright green flame are used in flares and rockets. Thallium is the 60th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. There are 3.6 parts of Thallium in every million parts of the Earth’s crust. Thallium compounds are extremely toxic. The negative effects are cumulative and can be taken i .....

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Drug Identification With Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometr
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3

.... of a very wide range of compounds, with the only restriction that the analyzed substance needs to have sufficient volatility. The theory behind the mass spectrometer is to use the difference in mass-to-charge ratio (m/e) of ionized atoms or molecules to separate them from each other. Mass spectrometry is therefore useful for quantitation of atoms or molecules and also for determining chemical and structural information about molecules. Molecules have distinctive fragmentation patterns that provide structural information to identify structural components. The combination of the gas chromat .....

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Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4

.... crude experiment, I believe that I did gain a lot from it. Introduction The drug that I chose, Ibuprofen, is an anti-inflammatory analgesic. It is propionic acid that is white and powdery, and soluble in water, and organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. (1) Its structural formula is: (CH3)2CHCH2 CH(CH3)COOH Its role of action as a drug is not completely clear to the sciences, but that with time will change. One thing we do know is that people who have allergies to Aspirin should not take this medicine. (2) As of now we know that it may pla .....

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The Laser
Number of words: 981 - Number of pages: 4

.... lined up, or in PHASE. The word Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. What does that mean? Basically a laser is a device which produces and then amplifies light waves and concentrates them into an intense penetrating beam. The principles of the laser (and it's cousin the maser) were established long before these devices were successfully developed. In 1916 Albert Einstein proposed stimulated emission, and other fundamental ideas were discussed by V.A. Fabrikant in 1940. These ideas, followed by decades of intensive development of microwave te .....

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Death Of A Planet
Number of words: 1460 - Number of pages: 6

.... pollutants released through car exhaust are carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide. The first reduces the flow of oxygen to the bloodstream, and could harm people with heart disease. Nitrogen oxide is formed when a car engine gets hot. It contains chemicals that aid in the formation of ground level ozone as well as acid rain (2 factsheet, OMS-5). Acid rain destroys the outsides of buildings, statues, etc. Acid rain can also contaminate drinking water, damage vegetation, and destroy sealife. These two pollutants are two of the most dangerous pollutants released through car exhaust. If th .....

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Depression 4
Number of words: 2636 - Number of pages: 10

.... major depression. Some people with dysthymia experience occasional episodes of major depression. Mental health professionals use the term clinical depression to refer to any of the above forms of depression. Surveys indicate that people commonly view depression as a sign of personal weakness, but psychiatrists and psychologists view it as a real illness. In the United States, the National Institute of Mental Health has estimated that depression costs society many billions of dollars each year, mostly in lost work time. II PREVALENCE Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. At .....

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Coral Reefs 3
Number of words: 3393 - Number of pages: 13

.... mechanical changes turn the reef into true rock. The body of a coral animal consists of a polyp, which is the living portion of the coral. A polyp is a hollow, cylindrical structure attached at one end to a surface, the other end is a mouth surrounded by tentacles which gather food and can sting prey to paralyse it. Polyps live in colonies, which grow from 1 to 7 inches, depending on the species. Coral polyps are classified as animals. Microscopic algae live within the animal tissues in a symbiotic relationship. The algae turn sunlight into carbon and sugars, which are then available to the .....

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Exploring The Mind
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4

.... will consistently react to situations in a similar way that can only be explained by an instinctive nature. Have young children changed their behavior since the 1700's? I suppose any child from any culture at any time in history would cry when it was upset, physically take whatever it wanted, need a certain amount of love and attention, and also be interested in exploring things outside of it's bounds. I feel that all of these instinctive behaviors seen in young children are emotions that I, as a young adult, have somehow came to deal wit as a part of society. Certainly other chil .....

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Ecology Assignment
Number of words: 1414 - Number of pages: 6

.... population densities without obtaining such data. Scientist barely ever count the amount of individuals in a certain area because it would take too much time. Instead of actually counting the number of individuals in an area they would compare it with other areas where they know the population of individuals. In this way they can roughly estimate the number of individuals in a certain area. 4. What might happen to a rabbit population in an area where there are no predators? If there were a few rabbits in an area with no predators they would over-populate and cause serious damage to t .....

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White Tigers
Number of words: 1585 - Number of pages: 6

.... are neither albinos nor a special species; they differ from the normally colored tigers by having blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with black stripes. Tiger’s stripes are just like a human fingerprint, meaning that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. are not usually born from other . They get their color from double recessive allele. A Bengal tiger with two normal alleles or one normal or white allele is colored orange. Only a double dose of the mutant allele results in , and you can only imagine how often that happens (www.cranes.org/whitetigers.c .....

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