Term Papers on Book Reports |
Perfectly Insane - Gulliver's Travels
Number of words: 1197 - Number of pages: 5.... abilities, as well as the fact that they are well dressed and articulate. However, his role as the town giant not only put into perspective the selfishness and unrelenting need for power of the human race, but also opened his eyes to the untrusting and ungrateful nature of those little critters. Another bad point is their pride and conceit, illustrated best by the Emperor, with his title, “Golbasto Molmaren Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue,” (Swift 30) which means, “most Mighty Emperor of Lilliput, Delight and Terror of the Universe, whose Dominions extend five Thousand Blu .....
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The Fortunate Pilgrim
Number of words: 1310 - Number of pages: 5.... had to raise her two young children alone and give birth to a fatherless child. After her husbands death many of the other women on the street offered Lucia Santa help, but soon after the pity and condolences they turned their backs on her, except for one, Zia Louche. As a pregnant widow Lucia Santa with her new wiser eyes got past her misfortunes and married her second husband Frank Corbo. Frank was an older man that had never been married; he had a good job and was willing to care for Lucia Santa and her children. Together they had three more children; Gino, Salvatore, and Aileen. Lucia .....
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A Separate Peace
Number of words: 377 - Number of pages: 2.... of his classmates
such as Leper was being isolated from the rest of group, Finny would take up for
him. Even though Gene made Finny break his leg, Finny still didn't hold
anything against him and refused to believe what happened. Finny has always
been friendly to others due to his outgoing personality.
Finny is a competitive sportsman like person. Whenever Finny sees a
challenge that has never been achieved he will try to do what the others could
not. During the summer when there was nothing else to do, Finny decides to make
a club. When the club meets, all the members have to jump out .....
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The Role Of The Wife Of Bath A
Number of words: 1994 - Number of pages: 8.... is removed, she becomes the outrageous woman she was first meant to be: every bit as aggressive as women today in the pursuit of their goals and fulfillment.
Yes, the Wife of Bath is a woman that we of this age can relate to, she speaks freely and openly, and displays none of the characteristics that would have defined a woman of that time, she is not subtle and demure, nor does she shy away from describing her sexual needs and desires. In her very descriptions of her life she depicts herself as something other than the norm, from the opening page where she is rebuked for having had so many .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 1083 - Number of pages: 4.... cared for, clothed, and educated. Unlike Adele whose life is fulfilled through loving and caring for her children, Edna is "fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way" (Chopin, p. 18). They are not enough to justify her life.
Adele could not understand how Edna could say that she "would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for anyone" (Chopin, p. 47). Edna's being is taking on a new importance in her life. She is starting to realize just how important it is to be true to herself. She has never done that before. She went along with the way things were supposed to be, hold .....
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A Comparison Of The Magic In "The Rocking-Horse Winner" And "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"
Number of words: 1742 - Number of pages: 7.... gift one
year. He does ride it often as Lawrence describes. The stories are bound
by the fact that the magical things they discover are unbelievable at best.
They often criticize Paul for his affection for a horse he should have
outgrown long ago. No one would believe that the rocking-horse essentially
talked to him. Although the characters in "A Very Old Man with Enormous
Wings" believe that an angel is in their presence, they have no idea what
to do with him. No one had ever dealt with a spirit on this level before.
As he rocked back and forth on his rocking horse, Paul had faith in
f .....
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Macbeth - Supernatural Theme
Number of words: 786 - Number of pages: 3.... he is elated. His vaulting ambition was driving him to extreme measures and he could do nothing to abate it. Macbeth had risked his life to attain the throne and he had no choice but to employ Machiavellian practices to retain it. The appearance of Banquo’s ghost at the royal banquet horrifies Macbeth. Shakespeare brilliantly uses irony to make Banquo’s emergence very dramatic:
Macbeth: Fail not our feast.
Banquo: My lord, I will not.
(III, i, ll 28-29)
Banquo’s appearance provides insight into the character of Macbeth. It shows the level that Macbeth’s mind has reces .....
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Huck Finn Is A Very Troubled Young Boy
Number of words: 1388 - Number of pages: 6.... away from some
angry villagers and their dogs. When they plead and beg for Huck to save
him and he finally accepts they are very gracious. When they arrive on the
raft and notice that Jim is a black slave they inquire about him. They ask
Huck if he's a runaway slave and they seem interested in selling him for a
good price. Huck being the great thinker he is argues, "why would a slave
be going south?". That really stumps the two men and they leave it at that.
It is instances like these where Huck is able to think quickly and lie his
way out of situations that makes him able to survive .....
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A Summary Of Martin Luther, Lectures On Galatians
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... delineates a series of dichotomies: morality/faith, works/grace, secular society/religion (p. 7), conscience/joy, works/faith, earthly/heavenly, Adam/Jesus, sin/righteousness, death/eternal life, flesh/spirit, Law/Christ (p. 9), Law/grace, Moses the lawgiver/Christ the savior (p. 10). These follow the dualism which Paul describes: "What the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other." (Galatians 5:1)
In explaining the doctrine of justification by faith, Luther takes Paul's statement that Christ "gav .....
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Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... after death are all of great significance - that all good deeds in life deserve the goodness of heaven, and all bad deeds deserve the pain and the punishment of hell. "Philgyas in extreme of misery cries loud through the gloom appeals warning to all mankind: Be warned, learn righteousness; and learn to scorn no god (pg. 165-66)." "All have dared a monstrous sin and achieved the sin they dared. Even had I a hundred tongues, a hundred mouths and a voice of iron, I yet could not include every shape of crime or list every punishment's name (pg. 166)." Aeneas finds his father Anchises in the und .....
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