Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: Changing Grades And The Consequences
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... that moment I began to think. I could not believe what I was hearing.
I could get paid for something very simple. "Alright. I'll do it. What were your
last names again?" I said.
The next day my algebra teacher got me to help him out with his rollbook
program. When he was not paying attention, I began to change their grades from
F's to A's. Later on that day one of studens approached me.
"Hey, did you do it?" he asked. "Yes, and I expect to be paid in full."
I replied. "Dope!!! alright, Here's my money. I'll get the others to pay you
next time they see you."
I began to become ve .....
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Personal Writing: The Holiday Trip
Number of words: 1132 - Number of pages: 5.... Arriving home 6.30, Mum was still yelling about the phone bill,
wearily entering the door waiting for the impact. "$170 dollars worth of
international calls" Mum bellowed at me. I will pay for them out of my trip
money I reapplied in a disappointed tone. "Trip, trip when is this stupid
TRIP going to be over with" Mum yelled at me, Soon very soon I reapplied
A week went past each day I eagerly checked the mailbox, only to
discover bills and letter from companies trying to sell us a continuous
stream of junk. At this moment the realisation of how much garbage
companies ac .....
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Portrait Of A Dancer
Number of words: 1064 - Number of pages: 4.... strong opinions. No one was willing to remain quiet, not even to keep the often fragile peace at these reunions. I was just as guilty as the others. At least our dinner table talk was never boring! It certainly would not be tonight. Because I was determined that this would be the night that I would tell my grandfather that I wanted to be a professional dancer.
A rude gull squawked near my ear, rousing me from my reverie and I turned and walked purposefully back to the house, determined to find the courage and the words to make him understand.
As I opened the door I encountered a wall of so .....
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Personal Writing: Fragment - Changes In Life
Number of words: 1149 - Number of pages: 5.... realize it at first or not. Changes in life
like these can change you both physically and mentally for the rest of your
life depending on the severity of the situation.
In early August of `96 my life at home became a living nightmare. I
don't really know what it was that started this thing between me and my
parents but I do remember that they were always doing anything they could
to just annoy me. I doubt this was intentional but at the time it seemed
that it was. They would find any excuse to yell or blame me for things
that didn't even involve me and they wouldn't listen to anything I .....
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Personal Writing: My Tutoring Job
Number of words: 492 - Number of pages: 2.... algebra was so easy for me, it did not mean that he understood the material, too. So I figured out a new way of tutoring, which became more efficient later. I went through every problem with him, step by step, and corrected the errors he made. I read the textbook before teaching him so that I was well prepared to tutor him. He started to ask questions, and I answered and explained how to do those problems with him. On the last day of tutoring, my brother handed me a delicate gift, a wonderful angel doll, and thanked me for spending my summer vacation teaching him.
From this tutorin .....
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Autobiography Of Debrina L. Frazier
Number of words: 852 - Number of pages: 4.... involved became a second supportive family to me. Throughout junior high I wasn’t liked much either because I continued to be active in school and community activities. Only when I began conforming was I accepted. This period of conformity lasted from ninth through eleventh grades. I wasn’t happy inside, but on the outside I was accepted by others. But now in my senior year I have given up conforming. I am myself and I have found my identity. I might not be cool but I have learned one has to love oneself before loving others.
Section III: Values
I have always been taught .....
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Creative Writing: No Coins Please
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3.... Rob and Denis then told us that we were supposed to name our van.
Denis came up with the name "Ambulance" and the rest of the group agreed.
On our way to our first stop, New York, we got a speeding ticket because
someone was tailgating our van.
The next morning, in Central Park, the director gave a speech telling what
they would be doing for the next few weeks.
By the end of the speech, I was already out of site, down in a subway station
changing into a tuxedo. Then I went to pick up my supplies, which consisted of
small boxes, wax paper, small empty jars, and 2 big jars of jelly.
T .....
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Creative Story: Lonely
Number of words: 1235 - Number of pages: 5.... on it. It simply read, "go look in your mail box". Keith gave out a
small chuckle and thought about his mailbox. Was someone joking around with
him? It was probably that pesky neighbor boy, James. He was always coming up
with something new and unusual to try out on his neighbors. "What the hell",
Keith said aloud. He then stood up and walked over to his mailbox and opened
it up. "Yep, another card", he said. The same small, black print on it too.
Except this card said something just a little different.
As Keith ran to his back yard where his dog house was, all he could .....
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Personal Writing: At The Hockey Game
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... Little Ceasars advertising grease puddled on top pepperoni pizza
and a frothy mug; emersed with crisp cold beer…this teased my temptation.
With only a few dollars left, and my arms filled with delectable treats, I
finally reached gate 201.
I pushed the heavy blue drapery to my side. Standing in awe, my
eyes scanned the gigantic arena. Everyone, including myself could feel the
anxiety dripping from the air. Music blared, colored television screens lit
up "Let's go Wings" and fans swung their red and white shimmery pom-poms.
Scrunched in my arena-side seat, I gazed in amazement a .....
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Creative Play: A Royal Life
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... only royalty such as ourselves
can afford such a luxury.
LAUREN: Say, do you know what's for dinner tonight?
JADIE: Silly girl! Its what we have every night in the castle Ingvey,
Everything! A feast of huge proportions. Bread, cheese, meat, fish, vegetables…
all made fresh by the peasants this morning. Yes, what a glorious time to live.
LAUREN: And you people (looking at the class) would you care to join us
in our feast?
BEEF: This is what most of the people in the renaissance lived like,
poor in spirit and in health. I am a day laborer, as is my frie .....
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