Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Writing: Apocalypse At The Nuclear Plant
Number of words: 883 - Number of pages: 4.... testing area. "We discovered
this late last night. Seems one of the plutonium pieces is…," he paused
with a gulp, "changing."
"You better believe it because it took me an hour to comprehend
what is going on."
"What exactly IS going on?"
Jarvis explained in his own special slightly whiny voice that he
chose to break out only in large meetings but decided to give Pete the
thrill of hearing now. One of the experimental pieces of plutonium had
become so unstable that it had actually began changing form. It had
undergone it's daily blast of gamma radiation when something w .....
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Personal Writing: Game Over
Number of words: 1948 - Number of pages: 8.... and I was feeling as if I was on a roller coaster. The game had been
stopped and I was brought into the coaches room. My assistant coach led me into
the room and sat me down on a wooden chair. I began to feel very cold, and my
finger began to have a shooting pain. This pain was not present before and was
no making itself known that there was something wrong with.
My parents entered the room, my mother carrying a face that I never had seen
before. My father with a calm collective look to him. The assistant then began
to explain that there was to deal with this, either go to the hospital and .....
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Creative Writing: A Night Fishing
Number of words: 1108 - Number of pages: 5.... bodies that would lie lifeless all night under
tightly nitid sheets. The Abig yellow house@ is where we met. From there we
would do whatever sounded like the most fun. Sometimes it was hanging out and
eating ice cream all night. Other times we would go tick someone off by tee-
peeing their house. And yes, there were even times when we would go fishing at
this lake that was out in the middle of nowhere. We called this lake the back-
lake because it was the lake way in the back of the golf course. One night (a
friends name) and I had an experience there that would shake us up for a lon .....
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Creative Writing: Life In Sumitville
Number of words: 1078 - Number of pages: 4.... will be provided though numerous applications. The power will come from windmills in the countryside, a dam, and energy for the home will be produced through roofs made out of solar panels. The energy will also help produce hydrogen to provide energy when the sun is not out. In Sumitville there will no longer be any use of coal, oil, or gas.
Food will be very easy to produce. Farmers in the countryside will raise all food such as grains, vegetables, and livestock. These foods then will be ordered by the consumers and delivered to their homes. All synthetic products will be produced in factor .....
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Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... of the
future. Miscommunications and misunderstandings are unheard of. Every
individual is nice to each other and no one is ever upset. Work atmosphere
is quiet and peaceful. People respecting each one's own opinion. Every
day people are on time and punctual. Work is done on time with no excuses
for late work.
The future is full of coworkers' being angry and disgruntled.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings are a part of life. No individual
is ever nice to everyone all of the time. People upset with other people
is a natural process of life. Everyone has a bad day. It is no .....
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Personal Writing: The Cliff
Number of words: 486 - Number of pages: 2.... to the other side of
the river.
We've decided to lay our sleeping bags down on the edge of the cliff,
it seemed to be the most level surface and the best view. As we looked up
we could see the stars, thousands and thousands of them. The distinctive
Milky Way right over had looked like a highway of stars stuck in rush-hour
I shined my flashing over the edge down toward the river bed but my light
never made it that far.I Could see the stars jumping up and down in the
reflection of the running water and hear the tackling sound echo up the
cliff walls.
I laid back with my head resting .....
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Creative Story: If At First You Don't Succeed
Number of words: 1310 - Number of pages: 5.... see Mr. Monty now, sir," the secretary informed Sam.
He nervously eyed the door in front of him. The big, bold lettering
Doubts about his ability to make a good impression entered his mind,
but Sam immediatly gathered himself together, glanced back at the sheep
secretary, and entered the room. THe stately pig sat behind a magnificently
carved oak desk in the most luxurious office Sam had ever seen.
A plush oriental rug covered the floor from wall to wall, and paintin .....
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My Goals And Aspirations
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... I changed my mind in regard to being a doctor, I had the grades, the drive, and the willingness to make certain sacrifices, but somewhere I was missing something and I felt that I would not be satisfied in a medical career. So I started thinking about what I wanted to do; I went from teaching to law enforcement, computer programming to astronautics and numerous other professions. Now I come to a crossroad in my life where I must choose what to do with my future, choose what will make me happy.
I have always wanted the typical ‘American Dream’ to have a husband I am in love with, a stab .....
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Creative Writing: The Dream
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... better he
decided he would take the boat out by himself. He told his dad that he was
going to his friend Justin's house, but instead he took the boat keys and
went to their boat. His dad let him drive it all the time, so he figured
it would be a breeze.
He got on the boat and sat down to rest for a little while. He
shut his eyes and fell asleep. Within minutes he was driving the boat. He
drove for about 15 minutes and then stopped and started fishing. He pulled
up his line once the water began to get choppy in the area he was in. He
started to move again, and the water was getting e .....
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Chocolate Chip Cookies
Number of words: 412 - Number of pages: 2.... so popular the recipe was published in the Boston Newspaper.
The recipe was named the Toll House Cookie. One day Nestlé was going over their
reports and they found that sales for chocolate bars rose rapidly in the Boston
area. This was because the chocolate bars were the primary ingredient in the
Toll House Cookies. When Nestlé found out what was up they started making their
chocolate bars with score lines on them for easier breaking. This was ok but
still not easy enough. So to solve this problem they made morsels (miniature
chocolate kisses)and bought the Toll House name. With tha .....
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