Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Creative Story: Kid In Closet
Number of words: 1163 - Number of pages: 5.... The night had fallen and the dealers came out just after dusk, so Wolfgang
moved his toys from the corner and walked up the apartment stairs. As his little
twelve year old legs climbed the steps, he had to pass the bums that lay cold on
the steps with their bottles of liquor. Once to the top of the staircase he
passed a late dealer, and headed toward his home.
As Wolfgang reached to the door it swung open nearly swiping off his arm.
"What the hell do you think your doing out this late?" It was his father, again
in a drunken state. "Get your ass in here!" he grabbed Wolfgang by the ea .....
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Creative Writing: Friends Till The Very End
Number of words: 1329 - Number of pages: 5.... by habit to gaze once more at the Arizona Memorial stretching white
and graceful, remembering painfully that this would be the last time that
he would ever walk along this beautiful beach.
As his eyes watched the waves, and how they caressed the muddy shoreline,
he began to think of the future. His thoughts were quickly disrupted.
“Hey bud, how's it going? What was so important that you had to talk to me
about?” Chris asked.
“It's to hard. I can't go on with it.”
“What? What can't you go on with?” Chris demanded urgently.
“It's just, that, that, this will be our .....
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Creative Writing: The Inferno
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... through my being like light through glass. The
carpet is a sea of scorn. It stabs my feet with its blades of contempt. The
walls of mockery laugh at me as I foolishly try to climb them to rid myself of
its presence. Yet there is no escape. I have inflicted more pain upon myself.
Nothing is soft in here; everything is jagged. My un-sanded wooden dresser
rests on the right side of the doorway. Figures of dancers with invisible
partners lie atop the uneven surface. They seem to move slowly across the
dresser, like seaweed drifting aimlessly across the sea. My unpleasant and
dis .....
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Personal Writing: Evil
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... one Saturday morning, my mother rudely awakened me to get out of bed and “clean all that *&^%$ up off the front lawn.” I immediately knew who had done it. I assumed that it was toilet paper for the third week in a row, but I was shocked to see this. He must have stole every newspaper in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Livonia and threw it on my lawn. Every inch of grass on my lawn was covered. It had been hours since it was done and much of it had blown down the street and all over the neighbors’ lawns. I cleaned it all up.
He hates old people, Hispanics, and blacks. If we driv .....
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“Noises In The Dark”
Number of words: 2468 - Number of pages: 9.... rimmed with tears.
"Besides, you've slept with us for the last three nights already. Don't you think it's time you stayed in your own bed?"
Timmy shook his head "No".
"There, there kiddo," his father soothed, sympathetically tousling the soft locks of blonde on Timmy's head. "Where's my tough little soldier, huh?" Timmy averted his eyes, attempting to avoid his father's smiling face.
"I don't wanna be a soldier." His lower lip puffed out in an expression which was meant to convey anger, but which mad his father's smile broaden, thus increasing Timmy's ire.
"Tell you what," his fat .....
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The Prison
Number of words: 1464 - Number of pages: 6.... just because they were a inmate. Then, I defiantly did not like to be addressed as Mrs. Tucker. As far as I was concerned, the day the divorce was final, that was the day I stopped being Mrs. Tucker. But, I was told that was what I had to do.
There were other rules I was told about, such as inmates were not allowed to handle money at all. so, I had gave money as a refund, I was to never give any to an inmate. I was, to keep my stockdoor locked at all times. Which was an unusual rule because there were times that I was within 2 feet of the door but, it had to be locked anyway. On my .....
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Hatchet: The Will To Survive
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5.... kit.
The action occurs after Brian gets all of the survival supplies out of the survival pack. While Brian is fixing himself food that came from the survival pack, he tries to figure out how the emergency transmitter works by flicking the switch. Brian thinks that the transmitter is broken because he does not understand its function. The climax of the story occurs when the plane flies over and lands on the L shaped lake.
The conclusion is when Brian is flipping the switch back and forth on the emergency transmitter and he inadvertently leaves it on. The pilot who rescues Brian p .....
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My Participation In The Prince Of Wales Robotics Team
Number of words: 553 - Number of pages: 3.... competition fees as well as for personal expenses required for
traveling outside the province for competitions. Fund-raising was both stressful
and difficult due to the fact that corporate sponsors had limited resources and
could not finance to the extent that had been previously predicted. As time
progressed, the situation worsened simply because the district school board
received financial cuts due to the reduced provincial budget. The problem of
convincing sponsors outside of the norm became a task in itself. With this type
of experience, I am sure that I can organize a better fund-raising .....
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Personal Writing: Trip Through The Soft Soft Sand
Number of words: 803 - Number of pages: 3.... spotted a dark hole in a rock formation along the side
of the road. Being true cavers and adventurous types we decided we had to
poke our heads in to take a look around. I veered off the road in started
heading in the direction of the rock formation. Unfortunately although
driving along what seemed to be tracks I was getting myself deeper and
deeper into very soft sand. This was my mistake, traveling along a path
that was untested and the whereabouts of the destination unknown.
"Are you sure you know what you are doing" said Jamie as the tires
began to spin more and more in the soft par .....
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Leon High School Coach Billy Bob Evans
Number of words: 508 - Number of pages: 2.... typical day in volleyball season is long, considering Evans coaches both high school and junior high. “We have hard practices each day, with a lot of running and fundamentals development. Mainly trying to improve as much as we can before our next game. Game days we do not run as much and we do a little skill work, nothing to hard”. During off season Evans works on conditioning, skills, and fundamentals. “ Each day is different, we work on whatever is needed on that particular day”.
To have so many wins under his belt Evans proudest memory is his forty and zero undefeated season. .....
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