Term Papers on Creative Writing |
Arrested In Winder, Georgia
Number of words: 1423 - Number of pages: 6.... a little strip mall, which is considered to be their downtown area. My uncle lives further out in the countryside but in order for us to get to his house, we had to go through town. We had just passed the city limit sign for Winder and got on to a two- way road. Joe and I were talking about who would be at the picnic and some other non-serious subjects on our minds. There was another car in front of us. It was going about 25 miles per hour at a 45 mile per hour zone. I was impatient that the car in front of us was going so slow. Joe asked me to honk the horn at the car so that it would .....
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Creative Writing: Trigatipede
Number of words: 1630 - Number of pages: 6.... be willing to create their zoo for them. At first I was
unclear of the meaning, but quick clarification had me realizing the
enormous biological disasters such a project would generate. They wanted
me to chemically produce hybrid's of different animal species.
My first thought was that such a thing was impossible, but they
showed me research and experiments done by the government that proved it
was possible. The investors sensed my unwillingness and placed a briefcase
in my lap. I opened it and found stacks of neatly wrapped bills. It had to
have been at least ten million dollars. .....
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The Time Of Christmas
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... house milling around or talking but I felt like an intruder if I joined in.
My parents called once a week and I talked to my boyfriend everyday for awhile. A feeling of distance seemed to come between my parents and I. After the initial 'how are you' and the weather conditions at each location there just wasn't much to say. Instead of independent I was beginning to feel detached.
When my parents asked what I wanted for Christmas I went blank. I felt blank. Christmas was all around me lit up in neon Santas, reindeer and palm trees covered in lights, but I had no emotional thoughts .....
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Studying Abroad And Its Effects On Me
Number of words: 708 - Number of pages: 3.... I have regret this action if I had did it. This added to me the experience of ability to coupe with life either good or bad. In the University I still haven’t made any trustable friends and there was no one who could listen to me.
I had no thoughts or imagination for my future however now I have a dream that I am trying to accomplish. I am now more responsible for myself and I am able to manage my needs more efficiently. My father used to arrange every thing to me for example arranging with private tutors but now I arrange every thing by myself. However responsibility to me is an extra bu .....
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Creative Story: The Dark House
Number of words: 1331 - Number of pages: 5.... nails. God knows why, there was
nothing to be scared of. Or was it? I took a step backwards, and then kicked the
door. It slowly slid open, and I went inside. «Wow! What a huge mansion we've
got here!» John took a peek into the house, but didn't dare go inside.
There was a huge hall in the middle of the house, with staircases to my left
and right. I went right ahead, towards a glass door in front of me. It wasn't
locked, so I carefully turned the knob, and the door opened. Suddenly I felt
someone touch my shoulder. I turned around immediately to see, but there was
nobody there. «Probabl .....
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Personal Writing: Taking Some Time Off To Watch Nature
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... the
A few feet in front of me were red ants clawing all over a dead log.
There were tons of them clawing all around carrying little pieces of food.
All the animals where getting ready for the cold winter that is ahead of us.
Across in the neighbor's backyard were birds eating from a bird feeder. I
heard birds chirping then over top the birds I heard geese for off in the
woods by the lake.
I was lucky didn't get bitten by any bugs or flies, I guess it was
because the wind was blowing. I could smell the brewery; the wind carried
it over. The smell was so strong; it smelled lik .....
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The Matchmaker
Number of words: 1628 - Number of pages: 6.... him up with. Steve and Homer have similar interests in women, so Steve can usually trusts Homer when it comes to being set up. Usually, every girl complains that Steve is too into his team to have time for a girlfriend, let alone a wife.
Homer is one of the “top dogs” at his work, and he has recently begun working with a lady by the name of Mary Larkins. It was kind of weird at first, for Homer, working with a female at a construction site. As soon as Homer began to get to know Mary, he realized that she was an enjoyment to be around, and had no trouble working with her. In fact, .....
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Personal Writing: My New Life In India
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3.... scoring board, and the surface is fluorescent blue astroturf."
This was an enormous motivation factor, due to the fact that soccer is my
favorite sport. "And the food is delectable," he went on, "They serve chicken
curry with juicy vegetables four out of the seven days of the week." I ate
chicken curry every chance I got, so this, added to the soccer field, made the
school sound fantastic.
"The weather is remarkable. The temperature year-round is seventy-five
to eighty degrees," he continued with emphasis, "just like California, Rishi."
My brother knew that I loved Califor .....
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Pliable Reality
Number of words: 994 - Number of pages: 4.... He said he couldn't possibly impose himself. He then turned back to the memory or him walking across that cold muddy field. He shuddered. Mrs. Jones broke into his thoughts and said he could walk to the neighbors the next morning, she said "They only live a few miles down the road and Bob can drive you." He accepted gracefully, and said he would be out of the house at the crack of dawn. They said that's fine they get up that early all the time. Mrs. Jones led Joe to the guest room which was upstairs. They entered a spacious room which seemed to have a very inviting atmosphere. .....
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The Year 2050
Number of words: 652 - Number of pages: 3.... first this was a good idea, but slowly, we noticed our atmosphere was
full of milk cartons and banana peels! To clean up this mess, the public
elected President Mick Jagger to deal with the environmental issues.
President Jagger became the leader of the country when he promised the
public that he would clean up the environment and help the economy. His
first action as president was to take care of the massive droughts in the
Central United States. President Jagger had his scientists invent a new way
of seeding clouds to force rain. So, this new process of seeding the clouds
began. Befo .....
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